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Gu Liang walked into the main street of Lianhua Town. It was much deserted compared to the people coming and going outside. People on the street were in twos and threes, minding their own business. Only a three-story small restaurant was more lively.

Although Gu Liang had never learned traditional Chinese characters, he could still recognize the characters on the signboard based on the shape and look of the characters, and he quickly found a shop with the word "medicine" hanging on it.

Gu Liang looked at this drug store. The facade was not luxurious and could be said to be ordinary even on this street. The large gilt characters on the store also became mottled with the passage of time. It read "Tongjitang". A big character. From the entrance, you can see rows of medicine cabinets, which look simple and solemn. If you smell it carefully at the door, you can smell the faint smell of Chinese herbal medicine in the air.

Gu Liang flashed into an alley, took out the two Ganoderma lucidum from the space, and walked straight towards the store.

There was only one middle-aged man distributing medicine in the store, and there was no one else. However, you could hear the sound of someone pounding medicine in the backyard.

When the clerk saw someone coming in, he opened the cabinet door and greeted him. Seeing that there was no other adult behind Gu Liang, he asked Gu Liang, "Is this customer seeing a doctor or taking medicine?"

"I'm neither taking medicine nor seeing a doctor," Gu Liang replied.

Gu Liang saw that the middle-aged man showed a trace of impatience after hearing this, and then suppressed it again, saying: "Son, we are a medicine hall. Are you going the wrong way? If you are not here to see a doctor, Those who want to take medicine, please go out, the medicine hall is not a place to play.”

Gu Liang saw that the middle-aged man was already a little impatient, but he restrained himself in a measured manner. So Gu Liang raised the Ganoderma lucidum in his hand and said to the middle-aged man: "Do you collect medicine here? I have two Ganoderma lucidum trees here."

After Gu Liang raised the Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, the middle-aged man's expression improved. He picked up the Ganoderma lucidum in Gu Liang's hand and looked at it. After looking at it for a minute or two, he looked back at Liang and asked Gu Liang to wait a moment.

So Gu Liang held Ganoderma lucidum and sat on a small stool and waited quietly. In fact, Gu Liang couldn't grasp the price of Ganoderma lucidum. After all, in the 21st century, Ganoderma lucidum can be grown in batches. The yield is so large that one plant is as big as a pot lid. Ganoderma lucidum only costs a few hundred yuan.

Although the legend of Ganoderma lucidum in ancient times is amazing, Ganoderma lucidum is actually not too rare. When I was young, I would often bring back one when I visited Grandpa Gu Liang in the mountains. Therefore, it is definitely impossible for a Ganoderma lucidum to be worth a fortune.

After a while, Gu Liang saw a middle-aged man walking out with an old man with gray hair but full of energy, leading him towards Gu Liang.

"Master, this Xiao Ke is reselling Ganoderma lucidum. This Ganoderma lucidum is not a commonly used medicinal material, so I would like to ask you to take a look." The middle-aged man said to the old man respectfully.

"Sir, please pass the Ganoderma lucidum to me for a look."

Gu Liang handed the Ganoderma lucidum to the doctor. Although Gu Liang felt that the doctor was older, he was energetic and bright-eyed. His speech was neither hasty nor impatient, his voice was clear and not hoarse, his clothes were clean and tidy, and his whole body revealed a certain charm. There is a kind atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable, and it also makes people feel that he has good medical skills.

The crisp voice of "Guest" sounded again, "Your Ganoderma is really good. It's red Ganoderma. It would be even more precious if there was Ganoderma powder on it (called Ganoderma spore powder in modern times). It's a pity that it's rare to find."

"Excuse me, doctor, how much are these two Ganoderma lucidum plants worth?" Gu Liang replied.

"I'm not going to lie to Xiao Ke either. If this Ganoderma is in the capital or a prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River, one plant can cost dozens of taels. But in our poor and remote places, the best ones only cost a few taels of silver. One is the Ganoderma lucidum produced here, and the other is There are very few of them, so they need to be sold elsewhere.”

Gu Liang fell into thinking when he heard the old man's words. First, he wondered whether what the old man said was true. Second, he couldn't really go to the state capital or the capital. There was only one drugstore here, so he wanted to sell it.

When the old man saw that the child Gu Liang was silent, he felt that this child was not stupid. He opened his own store with integrity, so he continued: "If Xiao Ke doesn't believe it, I will ask my apprentice clerk to go to the account book and show it to you. "

"Forestry, go get the ledger from last July."

"Okay, master." Lin Ye was thinking at this time that this little kid can't read, so why bother. Besides, there are no other pharmacies in Lianhua Town except this one. This kid can’t sell anything here.

Gu Liang looked at the account book that had been turned to that page and read that on July 11th, he purchased ten pounds of Pinellia ternata and spent 350 Wen.

One top-grade pink-red Ganoderma lucidum, five taels and two cents of expenditure...

The account book was in traditional Chinese characters, and Gu Liang didn't recognize some of the characters, so he could only rely on his intuition to recognize them, and then read them out.

Lin Ye was surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that this child could actually read. He originally thought that there were not many people who could read in Lianhua Town. This child might be the child of a wealthy family. The child's clothes didn't look like it.

"I underestimated Xiaoke. I didn't expect that Xiaoke could already learn to read at such a young age."

"Doctor, you are too kind. I haven't learned to read. I can only read but not write."

"I see, but it's rare for a young age to be able to read. How about our Tongjitang paying four taels of silver to buy the two Ganoderma lucidums in your hand?" the old man asked as he stood up.

Gu Liang considered the value of four taels of silver and whether to raise the price a little, but it was true that this small place could not afford a high price, so he said: "Four taels of silver is fine, but the doctor has to give me a medicine book."

"Do you know how much a medicine book is worth? Besides, medical skills are all secret, how can I give it to you?" Lin Ye suddenly said loudly.

"You misunderstood. I don't want a pharmacopoeia or medical secrets. I just want some ordinary books with local medicines so that I can find medicinal materials to sell in the future."

After listening to what Gu Liang said, the middle-aged man's face eased, and the old man's face did not change. He waved his hand to let the middle-aged man retreat. The middle-aged man also realized that his words were fierce, so he consciously retreated to the counter.

"My grandson has some enlightenment herbal collections, which are no longer used. I'll give you one, which records some basic medicinal materials. That's all."

Gu Liang nodded as an agreement.

After a few minutes, the old man took out a booklet and a pile of loose silver, then walked to the counter, weighed four taels of silver, wrapped it up, and handed it to Gu Liang. After Gu Liang took the silver and the booklet, he handed the Ganoderma to the doctor.

Gu Liang shook the silver. This was his first income since he came to this world. It was quite heavy for him now.

The first income was of course spent. Otherwise, where would the motivation come from to make money? Gu Liang walked on the street with a swagger, like a nouveau riche.

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