The bear was gone, and the bear was gone.

Just when Gu Liang was at a loss, his uncle woke up. Gu Liang asked him about his condition and whether he could move. If he could, he would help his uncle down the mountain.

Gu Boxi said he could still move, but he felt pain and a little cold. Gu Boxi looked around and didn't see the shadow of the bear. He asked Gu Liang why the bear disappeared. Gu Liang made up a lie and said that maybe the bear left because human meat was not tasty.

But there was no time to say anything more. Gu Liang told his uncle not to think about it anymore. He had to go down the mountain at this time. So Gu Liang helped Gu Boxi stand up tremblingly and let him walk down the mountain by himself. However, because Gu Boxi was seriously injured, every step he took was painful, and he was sweating coldly not long after walking.

Gu Liang looked at this situation and wanted to ask his uncle to stop and lie down, and not to hold on any longer. However, Gu Boxi also realized that it would not be good for them to stay on the mountain, so he insisted on walking down the mountain.

They felt more and more wrong, and they felt very unfamiliar all the way. Because the place they came to today was a new place, and they were panicked when they escaped just now, and the trees in the forest were tall and they couldn’t observe the surrounding situation, so they didn’t know where they came to. Now they could only walk down the mountain.

They walked down the mountain for a long time, and finally came down, but found that there was a valley at the bottom of the mountain, surrounded by mountains. And the valley bottom looked exactly the same everywhere, making it difficult to tell the east, south, west, and north, and not knowing where to go. In other words, the two of them had lost their way and got lost in the Big Black Mountain.

At this time, Gu Boxi's condition also became worse. Just on the way down the mountain, Gu Boxi was a little confused and had been holding on. But after going down to this valley, Gu Boxi was already in a semi-comatose state. The most important thing is that Gu Liang could feel that his body temperature was rising while supporting him, and he was already hot at this time.

The sky gradually darkened, the sun began to dissipate, the night began to slowly cover the earth, and the night insects in the grass began to revel and chirped hurriedly.

Gu Liang was also very anxious at this moment, because after the third uncle fell into a semi-comatose state, his body became heavier and heavier, and he could no longer support him.

Once again, the feeling of despair began to invade Gu Liang's body, making him feel that today was a bad day.

Looking at the third uncle with his head drooping, Gu Liang was very worried and felt that he should do something.

So, Gu Liang simply stopped walking and put the third uncle in the middle of a boulder. There was a concave place in the middle of the boulder, which was just right for leaning on and resisting some dangers.

The night was getting darker and darker, and Gu Liang had to seize the last visible time to find enough dry firewood. The night was long and the forest was dangerous, so there must be enough fire to protect the two of them. More importantly, Gu Boxi's body temperature was abnormal due to excessive blood loss, and he must be prevented from hypothermia. At this time, a fire was lit and some food was cooked for Gu Boxi.

Gu Liang had flint and a pottery pot in his space, which he had always kept in his space, just to have a hot meal in case of any accidents in the deep mountains.

Since a lot of firewood was needed in one night, Gu Liang had to collect dry firewood from a large area. He saw a few dead trees on a small hill, so he thought of picking some dry branches down.

Taking three steps at a time, Gu Liang quickly climbed up here, picked up the hatchet and chopped at the dead tree. Swish, swish, swish, countless branches fell down in a moment, and Gu Liang began to collect these fallen branches in one place.

Just as Gu Liang collected an armful of dry firewood and returned, he stood up and glanced unconsciously, and found that there seemed to be a light in the northwest corner in front of him, looming.

Gu Liang's first reaction was the fireflies in the forest. After all, in this era, fireflies fly everywhere. But when Gu Liang moved his position and looked again, he found that the position of the light was motionless, and it did not flicker like fireflies.

At this time, Gu Liang was about to cry. His mood was undoubtedly the feeling of being in a desperate situation. In this desperate situation, he could find the existence of others, which undoubtedly gave him a hope of life, because he was a little afraid that his third uncle would not survive tonight.

Gu Liang threw down the firewood and hurried to Gu Boxi's position. Gu Boxi was in a coma, and Gu Liang couldn't wake him up no matter how he called. Gu Liang made up his mind, and he didn't know where a strong force broke out, and he pulled his third uncle up.

The rest was to go in that direction.

Entered. It's not that Gu Liang didn't want to knock on the door in advance, and then bring someone to carry him. But he really didn't feel at ease leaving his uncle alone in this place. If his uncle was attacked by a wild beast after returning, then everything would be over.

It took Gu Liang half an hour to walk to the door for just a few hundred meters.

Gu Liang looked at the gate and the wall, but found that this place didn't seem to be an ordinary family. And the door was bigger than that of an ordinary family, and there was a plaque on it. But because it was dark, Gu Liang couldn't see the words on it clearly.

Gu Liang took his uncle off, leaned his body against the threshold, and then knocked on the door hard.

But after knocking for a while, no one responded inside. Gu Liang couldn't help it, so he shouted loudly: "Is there anyone? Please save us!"

Gu Liang shouted several times, and there was finally movement inside, and it seemed that an old man inside responded. It was probably thought that it was the noise made by the wild beast at first, so there was no response.

So Gu Liang waited anxiously at the door. After a few minutes, a light appeared inside the door and the sound of the door bolt was heard.

Because the oil lamp was dim, Gu Liang could only vaguely see that the person who opened the door was an old man at first glance. He was wearing a long robe, which made him look elegant and graceful. Most of the people in Gu Liang's hometown were poor. Most of them wore coarse clothes and shorts, and few wore long gowns. When he met someone wearing a long gown, Gu Liang felt that he was either rich or noble.

And now, the appearance of this old man gave Gu Liang a feeling of being a hermit. So he immediately asked, "Elder, we went up the mountain to collect herbs today and were attacked by a black bear. It's late at night and we can't find a place to stay. Please let us stay for one night. I'll give you money."

The old man was amazed when he saw Gu Boxi lying on the ground. According to his understanding, it is basically difficult for ordinary people to escape from a bear attack. He didn't expect that this big and small could leave alive, especially the small one without any injury.

The old man looked at the two of them again, and felt that they were not people with ulterior motives, so he quickly asked them to come in.

But at this time, Gu Liang had no strength left. The uncle he had just unloaded weighed thousands of pounds like a pool of mud. He tried several times but couldn't lift up his uncle.

Seeing this situation, the old man handed the oil lamp in his hand to Gu Liang and asked him to hold it. Then he pulled Gu Boxi, who was lying on the ground, and carried him on his shoulders neatly and walked inside.

"Wow, I didn't expect this man to be so strong." Before Gu Liang could react, the old man had already got his uncle in with a set of silky little combos. What surprised Gu Liang the most was that the old man's hair and beard were all gray, and he was estimated to be in his sixties or seventies. Unexpectedly, he was still so strong, and his movements were clean and neat like a middle-aged man.

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