The two of them ran in two different directions.

So, Gu Liang followed Gu Boxi's command, and the two of them ran in two different directions. As a modern man, although Gu Liang knew more knowledge than Gu Boxi, his experience in the wilderness was still weaker than Gu Boxi. At this time, his head was already a mess because of fear.

Gu Liang only thought about the medicinal materials in the forest, but he always ignored the dangers in the forest and always felt that there was no big risk. But modern forests are not the same as ancient forests. The main concern in modern forests is to identify directions and prevent getting lost. In ancient times, not only should we pay attention to these, but we should also beware of various wild beasts. Jackals, tigers, leopards, black bears and wild boars are all dangerous beasts.

There is a proverb called "one pig, two bears and three tigers", which describes the degree of danger of encountering animals in the forest. Pigs are more likely to be seen because of their large population and large number. Bears are ranked higher because of their real strength, surpassing tigers.

And I heard that there is a kind of bear in Tibet called Tibetan horse bear, which has white hair on its chest and is smaller than ordinary bears. But the most terrifying thing is that it is very smart. It will stand on the top of the mountain when the sun is about to set. Because when the sun sets, the sunlight is facing down and people can't see the mountain clearly, the bear will carry feces on its head, imitating people wearing hats, and then walk down the mountain while waving. If you go up at this time, it will be difficult for you to escape when you are within the distance that the bear can chase you. The most important thing is that bears really eat people, and they will really eat them alive.

Speaking of this, after Gu Liang and the other ran separately, he found that the bear seemed to follow him and was getting closer and closer.

Climb a tree? No, bears can climb trees. Play dead? No, Gu Liang has seen the video and bears eat carrion.

What to do, Gu Liang already felt powerless at this time.

Gu Boxi, who ran to the side, felt that the bear was not following him, and he panicked even more. He just thought that he was big and had a lot of meat, so the bear should chase him. Could it be that this bear likes young and handsome men?

Although Gu Boxi was also afraid of death, it was not Gu Boxi's style to let his nephew die and sneak away secretly, and he could never do it. So he turned back and ran in the direction of the bear.

Just as the black bear was about to pounce on Gu Liang, a fist-sized stone hit the black bear's back. The black bear was startled and hurriedly turned back to attack from behind.

Gu Boxi had thrown away the hoe and backpack during the chase just now, and now he only had a hatchet to clear the way. Judging from the current situation, Gu Boxi's chances of defeating the black bear alone are slim.

Gu Liang had already prepared to die, but found that he had not been attacked for a long time. So he looked back to see what happened.

At this time, Gu Boxi had already fought with the bear for several rounds. Gu Boxi successfully injured the black bear by dodging flexibly and using the sharpness of the hatchet, although he was also scratched by the black bear's claws.

But injuring the black bear undoubtedly angered it and made it even more angry. However, supported by his belief, Gu Boxi could not choose to escape. He had to leave his life to Gu Liang, because he was his elder and Gu Liang called him Uncle San.

But after all, there was a huge disparity in strength between the man and the bear, and the black bear was already angry. After a few rounds, Gu Boxi was knocked unconscious by the black bear and the knife flew out of his hand.

Gu Liang watched all this helplessly, watching Uncle San faint on the ground just to protect him, watching Uncle San's washed blue clothes stained with blood.

Gu Liang was heartbroken. If it weren't for him, Uncle San wouldn't have come to the mountain to collect herbs. If it weren't for him avoiding the autumn harvest, they wouldn't have come to the mountain so early. If it weren't for me, Uncle San wouldn't have seen the black shadow in the distance, and the two of them might have escaped this disaster.

Uncle San could have escaped, but it was because of me that he went and came back. And when Uncle San was knocked down by the bear, Uncle San didn't forget to shout to me: "Run."

These two words are undoubtedly Uncle San Gu Boxi's greatest concern for me, and he didn't forget them even at the last moment.

But Gu Liang couldn't do anything. Not to mention that he is ten years old now, even if he is twenty or thirty, he is not the opponent of this black bear.

Gu Liang looked at his hands desperately, which seemed so powerless.

However, it seems that his hands are not as weak as Gu Liang thought.

Gu Liang, he still has his own golden fingers, and his hands can connect to his own space.

Gu Liang stood up urgently and firmly, using the most

He ran towards the black bear at a fast speed. He couldn't delay for another second. If he delayed any longer, the black bear would really eat his uncle.

At the moment when Gu Liang touched the black bear with one hand, the sky was still the sky, the earth was still the earth, and everything was still so colorful. But the black bear disappeared between heaven and earth as if it had never appeared, and was not in everything. Only Gu Boxi, who was lying on the ground and unconscious, could prove that it had been here.

Everything was like a dream, and when he woke up from the dream, he paid a painful price.

Gu Liang checked his uncle's body and found that his heartbeat was fine and his breathing was normal. There should be no problem of death. However, Gu Boxi is still in a coma, with large areas of abrasions on his body and multiple bleeding wounds. He doesn't know if he has internal injuries or bones.

Gu Liang took off his clothes, tore off some strips of cloth, and tied them on his uncle's legs. His left leg was still bleeding and a piece of meat had been bitten open. The most important thing at the moment is to stop the bleeding. Gu Liang felt that the cloth strip was not too tight, so he used a short stick to wrap it around the cloth strip, and then tightened it hard, so that there was no need to worry about it loosening.

As for the bleeding wound, Gu Liang picked some great thistle and crane grass, crushed them and applied them to the wound to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. However, these can only temporarily treat the wound. Gu Boxi's wound is so serious that it must be properly treated.

In fact, under the premise of not knowing whether the third uncle has a broken bone or dislocated, he should lie still and not move. But now they are in this deep mountain, and a bear has appeared at this moment. I don't know what will appear later. Besides, now that they are bleeding, it is easier to attract other wild animals. At this point, this place really can't stay for long.

Gu Liang took back the backpack they threw away and put it in the space. I don't know what happened to the bear in the space. Gu Liang didn't dare to let it out to see, so he could only wait until later.

After doing all this, Gu Liang prepared to take the third uncle down the mountain. But he underestimated the weight of the third uncle and overestimated his physical strength. He could only force Gu Boxi to sit up, but it was impossible to take him away. Unfortunately, living things could not stay in his space. He had tried to put insects, small fish and shrimps into the space, but when he took them out, they were dead. This meant that everything he took out of his space was dead, otherwise he could use the space to take Uncle San back.

The sunlight was starting to weaken. If it dragged on like this, it would be night. At night, they couldn't see anything and had no ability to protect themselves. Wouldn't they be the prey of wild beasts?

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