The weather was very dry, and the weather was very dry.

Recently, because it was autumn, there was still a pile of unprocessed crops outside the house at night, so someone had to be sent to watch.

Because there are some people in every village who are idle and steal chickens and dogs all day long, instead of farming well, they just want to take advantage of other people's sleep at night in autumn and steal the food they put at the door. The year before last, half of the sorghum that Gu's family dried at the door was stolen by Li Laitou's father. Since he was not caught in the act, you couldn't deal with him. So you have to prevent this situation, so Daxiong was left at home to look after the food.

And since Gu Liang and Gu Boxi went up the mountain these days, they didn't encounter any wild beasts, at most they encountered a few deer and a few wild sheep. In addition, it is autumn now, when there are abundant resources in the mountains. It is estimated that the wild animals are well fed and will not attack people actively, so Gu Liang and his team also relaxed their vigilance.

It is precisely because of the relaxation of vigilance that Gu Liang and his team came to an area they had never been to before. The trees in this area are thicker than those in the previous place, and they are all giant trees that cannot be hugged by arms.

As soon as Gu Liang and his team came in, they found a piece of angelica, which is a very famous tonic and blood tonic.

Although angelica is very famous, it looks very ordinary, just like a bunch of weeds growing on the roadside, because it is an Umbelliferae plant, and it even looks a bit like carrots.

When they were digging angelica, they also found a few Chuanxiong and white peony mixed in it, all of which are rhizome medicinal materials. This is also good, the plants growing on the top can be discarded, leaving only the rhizomes below, which do not take up much space.

After they finished digging this piece of medicinal materials, the backpack was half full. They just came in. If they go further inside, they can't imagine how many herbs they can collect.

But they only entered here in the afternoon today, so they didn't go too deep, otherwise it would be troublesome to go back to the stone house.

"Hey, Uncle San, there seems to be a figure under the tree over there?"

"Don't talk nonsense. In addition to the two of us, some hunters will come into Dahei Mountain. It's autumn harvest now, and the hunters are also harvesting at home. Where did the figure come from?"

"Really, Uncle San, look."

Gu Liang pointed to the direction where he saw the figure and pulled Gu Boxi over to see. Gu Boxi was digging a Polygonatum sibiricum and didn't want to look. He thought that Gu Liang was either joking or seeing a ghost.

But it's not surprising that Gu Boxi thought so. After all, they stayed in Dahei Mountain for so long, and they only met a hunter at the foot of the mountain once, who was the former owner of the dog Daxiong.

There was no one else. The only lively spot in Dahei Mountain was estimated to be next month. After the autumn harvest next month, the villagers will go to the mountain to pick tea seeds and press tea oil. Some people who have little land and not enough food will come to the mountains to pick up some wild chestnuts, acorns and hazelnuts. These fruits are rich in starch. Although they taste a bit bitter, they can fill their stomachs. Some people go to the mountains to cut firewood to burn charcoal for winter heating. This kind of charcoal is hard and burns for a long time. However, they have to choose special trees, so they also go to the deep mountains to find them and cut them down to bring them home.

Only at that time, the villagers will invite several groups to go deep into the Dahei Mountain, and naturally there will be no one at this time.

Gu Liang rubbed it several times, but he could still see the figure standing in the shade of the tree, and he seemed to have discovered Gu Liang and the others, and even waved to them.

With Gu Liang's insistence, Gu Boxi finally looked in the direction Gu Liang pointed.

"Why is there someone in this wilderness? And waved to us, do you know us?" Gu Boxi asked Gu Liang suspiciously after seeing that look.

"Uncle, let's go over and take a look. He waved to us. What if he wants to help us?"

So the two of them walked towards the figure at Gu Liang's suggestion.

The forest here is darker than other places, and the vision is much weaker in broad daylight. And there seems to be a mountain road on the ground that has been trampled by people, but why there is a mountain road in this uninhabited place makes Gu Liang feel incredible.

Suddenly Gu Liang seemed to remember that in the documentary he watched before, some places where large animals appeared often walked out a road, which was called the animal road.

"Gu Liang, that's not a person! You see, it's not its arms that are waving, but its claws."

Gu Boxi's exclamation made Gu Liang's sight shift back to the 'figure'. At this time, the distance was less than 200 meters, and the figure was indeed not a person. The upper body is long, and the lower body is thin.

The figure was short, and I thought it was because of the distance that the figure looked gray, but it was clearly pitch black, and it had nothing to do with blurred vision.

He looked again, this shape, these erect ears, this face, this is clearly a black bear.

Gu Liang instantly felt a surge of hot blood rushing to his head, his heart seemed to skip a few beats, and goose bumps all over his body.

Just as Gu Liang was at a loss because of being frightened and stood there stupidly, Gu Boxi next to him had reacted, grabbed Gu Liang's arm and ran back.

When the black bear saw the two people turning back, it stopped standing and returned to its bear form, running towards Gu Liang and the others.

Gu Liang was grabbed by Gu Boxi and ran down the mountain. Hearing the rustling of the woods behind him, he couldn't help but glance back. It was this glance that Gu Liang would never forget for the rest of his life, a huge black bear was rushing towards them. The black bear was very huge, but it ran very nimbly. It closed the distance between them by dozens of meters in an instant. The surrounding weeds and branches were broken by it, making constant noises.

Gu Liang had never experienced this feeling before. When he saw bears in the zoo before, he only thought they were naive and cute. Today, being chased by it, Gu Liang remembered their original appearance. They were real beasts. The thick arms and sharp teeth undoubtedly showed that it could send him to the west with a casual blow.

The sound behind him was getting louder and louder. It seemed that the black bear was getting closer and closer to the two of them, but the mountain road was not flat, and they could not run fast. For a moment, Gu Liang felt that his heart was about to burst out, as if he was running fast now and was already on the road to the underworld.

Gu Boxi had more experience than Gu Liang. In a panic, Gu Boxi reminded Gu Liang to throw away the backpack so that he could run faster.

At this point, there was only this way. Gu Liang threw away the backpack without hesitation. The few seconds after the basket was thrown down, the noise behind seemed to stop for several seconds. The bear must have been frightened, or maybe it looked at the contents of the basket.

But after just a few seconds, the noise behind started again, and it was getting closer and closer, as if it was behind them.

"Goodbye, this world. My novel is over."

Just as Gu Liang was about to express his final sigh, Gu Boxi let go of his hand and shouted to him, "Run separately, this guy can't catch up with two people at the same time."

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