However, although Gu Liang's level is poor, he does not treat illnesses and save lives, so he only needs to know medicinal materials to make money, and does not expect to become a doctor or a doctor.

In contrast, Gu Boxi is much more enthusiastic about these things. In just a few months, he not only knows all the medicinal materials, but also memorizes pharmacology by heart, and has a tendency to surpass Gu Liang. Although Gu Boxi's level is not high, he is illiterate, has never read books, and does not have the environment that Gu Liang was influenced by when he was a child. Under Gu Liang's oral narration, he has reached this level in such a short time, which also shows that he is very talented.

Although he has talent, this is not the future. You can't study medicine just because you want to. There is no school or this major here. Most of the ancient doctors were passed down from family, and some were passed down from master to apprentice. However, the master-apprentice relationship often started in elementary school. Gu Boxi was already an adult at normal age, and he had children if he tried hard, so naturally no master would accept him.

Moreover, learning medicine requires a lot of time and energy, and the ancient people's idea was always to teach the apprentice and starve the master to death. Medicine is such a rigorous subject, not only is there no systematic teaching, but it is always hidden. There are countless examples of masters deliberately not imparting the essence of skills to apprentices. Therefore, sometimes in the inheritance of medicine, not only will there be no continuous progress, but sometimes there will be regression.

Sometimes Gu Liang saw that Gu Boxi was so talented, so he asked his uncle if he wanted to learn medicine. Gu Boxi always hesitated and shook his head, saying forget it.

But forgetting it does not mean not wanting to, it is more of a compromise, thinking it is impossible. At this age, Gu Liang can go to the town's medicine shop to become a disciple. After all, he has a foundation, and he can teach Gu Boxi while learning.

But now the famine has not lasted for less than two and a half years, and Gu Liang has no time to do these things. It can only be said that things don't go as planned.

Although there are many things to consider, autumn is not a season for harvesters to think deeply, because there are too many things on the mountain in autumn.

Not only are there the medicinal herbs that Gu Liang and Gu Boxi are looking for, but there are also a series of edible wild fruits.

Various small wild fruits such as twisted berries, roxburgh, golden cherry, pyracantha, August bomb, crabapple, wild thorn plum, jujube, and pear grow on the roadside, cliffside, and streamside, and can be encountered from time to time. Gu Liang naturally couldn't miss all kinds of wild fruits. After all, in this barren ancient times, these were also considered good fruits. So every time the medicinal herbs were not picked much, the wild fruits were eaten first. Gu Liang and his people had to put the medicinal herbs first in their backpacks, and there was no place to take these wild fruits home.

There was no space in their backpacks, but Gu Liang had space. It was not a small matter for him to put these wild fruits in his space. So when Gu Liang encountered these wild fruits in the mountains, he stopped to pick them. However, Gu Liang didn't want Gu Boxi to wait for him all the time, so he saved time by picking off their branches and holding a handful in his hands.

So they had this conversation:

"Gu Liang, didn't you just pick a bunch of Pyracantha? How come you finished it so quickly?"

"Yes, I was hungry walking on the mountain road."

"Gu Liang, why did the bunch of crabapples you just picked disappear?"

"Oh, I thought it was too heavy and tired to carry, so I threw it away and picked some more to take home when I go home."

"What about the black rice seeds you picked? Throw them away too?"

"Oh, Uncle San, don't ask so many questions. These wild fruits are not valuable. Let's dig up a Dendrobium officinale plant and these wild fruits can buy a whole house. Besides, there are wild fruits everywhere in the mountains in autumn!"

Hearing this, Gu Boxi simply stopped asking questions. He felt that Gu Liang was a child. It was good that he didn't have a childish temper after walking so much in the mountains all day. As for picking some wild fruits curiously on the roadside and throwing them away, what's the problem with wasting some time? They are all harmless little things.

Gu Liang finally relaxed a lot because his uncle stopped asking questions. The missing wild fruits were lying quietly in his space!

As for the black rice seeds that Gu Boxi asked about just now, they were his most profound memory of autumn wild fruits when he was a child. The reason why black rice seeds are called black rice seeds is because its leaves, also called southern candle leaves, can be mashed and the juice can be used to soak glutinous rice to make the special southern delicacy "black rice".

The fruit it bears is called black rice seeds, which grow on the branches one by one, and their appearance and color are very similar to small blueberries. As for why it is so impressive, it is because when he was a child, he didn't like to eat, and his family would let him eat more black rice seeds, because

Legend has it that it can make children fall in love with eating.

Gu Liang just remembered that the black rice seed was his favorite wild fruit when he was a child, but the newly discovered wild fruit slapped him in the face.

In front of him is a kiwi vine wrapped around a tree, with very thick branches, stretching for a large area. It is autumn now, and the vines are full of fruits, which are very tempting.

Kiwi is called Chang Chu in the ancient Book of Songs, kiwi in modern times, and kiwi abroad. Gu Liang prefers its local names - Yangli and Yangtao. It is a rare wild fruit that grows in the mountains without being domesticated but meets people's definition of fruit. It is sweet and sour, and it is "big" with a thin skin.

The fruit of this plant in front of Gu Liang is very lovable, and it is so dense that people feel sour water in their mouths at a glance.

Although the kiwis in the mountains grow in the air, the kiwis hanging on the vines in this season are still hard, and it takes a few days to become sweet and sour and soft. So they were very violent when they picked them, letting them fall directly to the ground, and then picked them up one by one.

After picking up half of the basket, Gu Boxi suggested not to pick up any more, after all, this thing is very heavy, and they have to save their energy to find medicinal materials. But Gu Liangliang took out the few kiwis in his basket and said that he would also pick up half a basket. So while Gu Boxi was waiting on the side, Gu Liang picked for a long time, but his basket seemed to be a bottomless pit. He had picked up so many, but the basket was still so small.

In the end, Gu Liang was too embarrassed to be too obvious, so he stopped sending it into the space, filled half of the basket and left, leaving behind an empty kiwi vine.

Shortly after they left, they found another patch of Polygonum multiflorum vine. Although it was already autumn, the leaves of many trees had begun to turn yellow and red, but the leaves of Polygonum multiflorum were still as lush and green as usual.

They usually take the rhizomes of Polygonum multiflorum. Gu Boxi, an adult, usually does the work of digging the roots of medicinal materials. Gu Liang usually does not participate.

Gu Liang took this opportunity to stare at several wild chestnut trees next to him. This chestnut is not like a chestnut. Its shell is very small, and the outer shell is not even as big as a large chestnut. The outer shell is so small, so the chestnut inside is naturally not much bigger. A chestnut is only the size of a corn kernel, and the flesh inside is even smaller.

So people also call this kind of chestnut chestnut chestnut. It is not yet late autumn, and the chestnut shell has not yet melted naturally. The chestnut skin inside is still white, and the skin is also very thin, unlike the red and hard old chestnut.

Gu Liang likes chestnuts at this time very much, because the chestnuts at this time are fresh and juicy, and the taste is even a bit like pears.

The fruits of chestnuts are also different from those of chestnuts. The fruits of chestnuts grow on both sides of the branches like a string of firecrackers. Gu Liang didn't bring scissors, so he couldn't peel it, so he just cut down all the chestnut trees and put them in the space to deal with them later. In this way, he can eat fresh chestnut meat at any time.

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