The persimmons were picked and soaked a few days ago, and the persimmons were picked and sold.

Gu Liang led several girls to the persimmon tree at home.

Since Aunt Li had picked a lot of persimmons and soaked them to sell a few days ago, there were not many persimmons on the branches now. One tree could only pick a little more than one basket, and three trees could only pick four large bamboo baskets in total.

After transporting them back, Gu Liang was ready to start making persimmon cakes. Persimmon cakes are dried in the sun. If you want to successfully dry persimmon cakes without mold, there are two tricks: one is to choose hard persimmons, and the other is to peel the persimmons.

These two tricks are simple to say, but the hard part is to figure them out. If you are interested, you will know the key after seeing them once. In order to prevent the last ice powder incident from happening again, Gu Liang felt that he had to keep it secret.

Because the persimmons needed to be dried, Gu Liang decided to fence the yard. In this way, there was a place to dry them, and he would not be afraid of being seen by others when peeling them.

However, building a fence was a big deal, and Gu Liang certainly did not have the decision-making power, so Gu Liang told Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu about it during lunch.

When Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu heard it, they immediately said that it was not possible, and the neighbors would gossip about it. They were in the south, and there were not many flat lands, so few people fenced their yards.

But Gu Liang had a lot of ways, and immediately said that he did this to make money. If Old Man Gu and others did not agree, he would have to go to the mountains to collect herbs again.

When Gu Liang's father and mother heard their son say this, they hurriedly persuaded Old Man Gu and others, saying that the mountains were dangerous and they must not go up the mountains again.

When Second Aunt Li heard that Gu Liang was doing it to make money, she guessed that Gu Liang probably had come up with some good recipes and methods, and she could not let outsiders know. So she also asked her husband to persuade Gu Lao Han and his family to build a wall, so that Gu Liang could make money with her.

Under the open persuasion of the whole table and the actual coercion, Gu Lao Han and Gu Lao Ma finally gave in and decided to build a wall. Gu Lao Ma actually agreed to build a wall, after all, it was her eldest grandson who proposed it. Her only concern was that she was afraid that the grandmother of Dabao next door would have an opinion, and she was afraid that she would think that they were all relatives and building a wall was like disdaining her family.

However, the matter had been decided, so Gu Lao Ma decided to take two eggs in the afternoon and talk to Dabao grandmother in advance, so as to avoid the two families who were so close to each other from having a rift.

Due to the tight time, it was definitely impossible to build a wall made of earth bricks. We could only weave bamboo branches together to make a simple wall, but fortunately the bamboo wall was airtight and the height was also suitable.

However, to build a wall, we must first solve a problem, that is, there is a tree between the Gu family and the old lady Wu next door. This tree was planted by the old lady Wu next door, but this tree is a crooked tree, and it has grown all the way to the boundary of the Gu family. With this crooked tree, it is inconvenient to build a fence.

The relationship between the two families is not good, and it is definitely not possible for the Gu family to cut down the tree directly, after all, it was planted by others. If they ask others to cut it down, they will definitely not agree. This is something that disgusts the Gu family, and old lady Wu is eager to do more!

Gu Liang thought of a way to let his mother and second aunt Li bury a bowl of rice under the tree while the old lady Wu next door was working at the door. Then Chen explained loudly to Li: "Sister, let's invite the 'Tree Lord' to dinner today. The Taoist priest in the temple said that my son Gu Liang was blessed by this tree and was able to turn the bad luck into good luck this time. In a few days, we will hold a ritual and let Gu Liang recognize this tree as his 'godfather'."

After Chen and Li finished talking, they went back to the house. Before they left, they took a special look at Old Lady Wu and found that she had stopped her work and was listening sideways.

After completing the task, the two asked Gu Liang if this method would really work? Gu Liang nodded affirmatively, saying that they would wait and see. The tree between the two families would definitely be gone tomorrow. After all, people who hate you would rather suffer losses than let you suffer. How could the other party let go of such a good opportunity now?

As expected by Gu Liang, the tree was chopped down completely the next day, and even the roots were dug up. It was really cruel.

Gu Liang didn't understand these people. They were neighbors, but they had to cut off all contact for such trivial matters. Why? Originally, it was just a matter of one tree. The two families would have just talked about it. If your tree was cut down, they would definitely give you some compensation. But now, not only did they not get anything, but they also had to cut it down themselves.

To make a complete show, Gu Liang also pulled out the old lady Gu and asked her to scold the bastards and grandsons of the family at the door, saying that they did not do good things all day and cut down the trees in front of other people's doors.

Although they all knew

It was done by the neighbor next door, but when Old Lady Gu scolded, she didn't mention the name, just said it was done by the young man in the village. In this way, Old Lady Gu can openly blame the neighbor, and the neighbor can only bear it, and it's not easy to go forward to pick up the scolding.

After Old Lady Gu scolded, the Gu family started to build a fence, and they did it openly. When they met passers-by, they said that some people in the village were too shameless and had to be fenced. Yesterday, the whole family went out and cut the bamboo, waiting to fence.

There are two forms of bamboo fences, one is made of bamboo strips, and the other is made of its branches. In order to make the best use of it, first use bamboo strips to tightly surround a circle, and then add a layer of bamboo branches on it, which not only increases the height but also reduces the weight.

The whole family went out together, and the efficiency was fast. It took one day to finish the fence of the front yard, and the backyard will wait two days. Although this bamboo fence is not very strong, it has a good view and can be used for two or three years. But this is only temporary. Gu Liang still plans to build a wall with bricks and stones when he has time. When the famine comes, they can hide at home and live a simple life.

As soon as the front yard wall was built, Gu Liang started peeling persimmons early the next morning. There were four bamboo baskets of persimmons in total. Old Mrs. Gu, Gu Liang, Chen, Li and several sisters peeled the persimmons in half an hour.

Tie the peeled persimmons one by one with hemp ropes and hang them in the sun. The rest needs to be left to time. The persimmon peels must also be kept. Old Mrs. Gu was afraid of wasting and wanted to feed the chickens and ducks with the persimmon peels, but was stopped by Gu Liang. The persimmon peels must also be kept for drying. The bamboo strips left over from drying medicinal materials before came in handy again, just for drying persimmon peels.

Bunches of persimmons hung in the air, looking like yellow lanterns alone, and like door curtains together, very festive in the courtyard.

Mrs. Gu looked at so many persimmons and wondered what they could be dried for. If they all rotted, she would be heartbroken. But after all, it was her grandson's idea, so Mrs. Gu was willing to invest in these persimmons. They were all grown by her and she didn't have to spend money.

These four baskets of persimmons were not too many, but not too few either. However, if she wanted to do business with them, they were still too few.

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