The persimmons in the house are so big that they are not enough for you to eat."

"Grandma, which family in our village has the most persimmons?"

"What's wrong? Aren't our own persimmons enough for you to eat?"

"No, there are too few persimmons to make persimmon cakes. I want to buy some more."

"Oh my god, this much is not enough! It's already a wall."

Of course, these are not enough for Gu Liang. If there are only these persimmons, why would he go to so much trouble to build a wall!

But Grandma Gu was not willing to do so. She had lived in the village for decades, and she had never heard of anyone buying persimmons to eat. Whoever wanted to eat them could just pick some from the tree, and the owner would not blame them. Besides, the persimmon cakes might not be successfully dried! It's okay to waste your own persimmons, but it's a big deal to waste something you bought with money. And from what Grandma Gu heard from her grandson, it seems that it will cost a lot of money.

As soon as Grandma Gu raised her objection, Chen and Li hurriedly persuaded her to buy it. Chen was afraid that Gu Liang would go to the mountains again, so she thought it was fine for Gu Liang to stay at home and do anything. Li was determined to hold his nephew's thighs. If the persimmon cakes were really made, he could sell them at that time.

However, Chen and Li's persuasion was not very convincing to Grandma Gu, after all, she had to pay for it herself.

But Gu Changping and Chang'an, who were splitting bamboo strips to make a fence, heard Gu Liang's idea and followed to persuade Grandma Gu. The reason why they persuaded Grandma Gu was that since Gu Liang collected herbs and invented ice powder, their family's life has obviously improved a lot, and they can eat meat from time to time. So they naturally supported Gu Liang, at least they could eat meat with Gu Liang.

So, under the persuasion of all the younger generations in the family, Mrs. Gu finally decided to spend money to buy persimmons.

In fact, Gu Liang didn't care whether Mrs. Gu paid or not. After all, he still had money. Although it was difficult to take it out, he could just find an excuse when he really took it out.

What was more important was the attitude of the Gu family towards him. After almost a year, Gu Liang went from being the eldest grandson of the Gu family to being favored by Mrs. Gu at most. Now Gu Liang's status has been greatly improved. Whatever he does now, the uncles and aunts of the Gu family have completely trusted him, or at least they agree with everything he does.

Gu Liang's persimmon harvesting business was officially launched. They had to hurry up. If it was too late, the persimmons would be too ripe to be dried and made into persimmon cakes.

The first family that Gu Liang harvested was Sun Xiaohua's. Since she and her grandmother separated from their uncle and aunt, their lives were poor, but much better than before. At least they didn't have to sleep on the ground and were not beaten and scolded when they worked.

Although the family was divided, they were still the female generation after all. The land they were divided into was not very good, and they were all barren places. However, it happened to be suitable for persimmons to grow, so many persimmon trees were planted in these lands a long time ago.

After Gu Liang explained his purpose, Sun Xiaohua and her grandmother were very excited. After all, there were too many persimmons and they couldn't eat them all. No one in the village bought them. Gu Liang's arrival was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

Gu Liang also felt sorry for their family, so he didn't bargain too much. He bought them at the price of one penny for five persimmons. Sun Xiaohua's family had more than 2,000 persimmons suitable for drying persimmon cakes, and paid more than 400 coins.

Don't underestimate this money. This money will undoubtedly allow the grandparents and granddaughters to wear warm clothes this winter and not go hungry.

After picking persimmons from the tree at noon, the Gu family didn't have time to eat. As soon as the persimmons arrived home, they began to peel them. Because persimmons must be peeled and dried immediately. If they don't see the sun, they will easily mold. Even if they are dried, the color is not good. They are pitch black and have no appearance.

The Gu family has been doing this for the past few days. Old Mrs. Gu is responsible for collecting persimmons in the village, and others are responsible for peeling. The reason why Old Mrs. Gu is responsible for purchasing is because she is sorry for her money. She will not accept any substandard or damaged persimmons. She would even dislike these inferior products, not to mention exchanging money from her. Therefore, Old Mrs. Gu is very suitable to be the purchasing director.

Gu Liang also went to the town in the middle and bought a few knives. The knives at home were not enough, and he had to borrow from others.

After the autumn harvest, the weather is dry and rainy, which is the most suitable for drying things. Other families are drying vegetables, and the Gu family is drying persimmons. Persimmons have been dehydrated and wilted after three or four days of drying. At this time, each persimmon must be pinched a few times.

You must grasp the right time to pinch persimmons. If you pinch them too early, the water content will be high, and they will easily turn black and leave marks after pinching. If you pinch them too late, the persimmons will not be dried evenly. And you can judge the maturity of the persimmons when pinching them, and you can also adjust the

shape, so that it is more beautiful.

This persimmon cake must be pinched every day. In the past few days, the Gu family has made almost 10,000 persimmon cakes, and the number is constantly increasing. It takes up a lot of space and time.

Fortunately, the wall of the back house of the Gu family has also been erected. In order to expand the area, the Gu family has extended a large area to the slope. Of course, all these have been arranged in advance. The Gu family purchased a large number of persimmons in the village, which increased their income. No one disagreed.

After drying for about ten days, the first batch of persimmon cakes has been dried. After removing some moldy or damaged ones with poor appearance, the yield rate is about 90%, which is a very good result for the first time.

At this time, the persimmon cakes can be eaten, but if you want the persimmon cakes to be kept longer and sweeter, you must go through the stage of covering with frost.

Covering with frost means putting the dried persimmon cakes in a cool, ventilated and breathable place. Over time, the moisture in the persimmon cakes gradually decreases, and the sugar in the persimmon cakes slowly precipitates, forming a white frost on the surface.

The persimmon peels that were dried together before were also put to use at this time. A layer of dried persimmon peels was laid, and then a layer of dried persimmon cakes was laid, and then dried persimmon peels were sprinkled, and they were repeatedly piled up for preservation. Using persimmon peels to preserve dried persimmon cakes is really "the original soup is the original food". Not only will there be no peculiar smell, but it can also be used as a desiccant, and it can also prevent adhesion.

Gu Liang originally planned to throw away those abandoned defective products, but at this time, Mrs. Gu was thrifty again and wanted to keep them for herself. There were moldy parts in those defective products. Gu Liang was worried that there would be problems if she ate them, and kept persuading her not to eat them, but Mrs. Gu didn't listen. She always secretly cut off the moldy parts and left some good corners.

However, the Gu family dried too many persimmons, and the number of persimmon corners obtained was also large, and Mrs. Gu couldn't eat them all by herself. In order not to waste, Mrs. Gu always wanted the people of the Gu family to eat together. But after Gu Liang's advice, no one in the Gu family dared to eat them, and even a few girls didn't eat the persimmon cake corners given by Mrs. Gu. Because if they wanted to eat, Gu Liang would also give them whole persimmons. Who would eat inferior products when they have good ones?

After being frustrated by Gu's family, Mrs. Gu began to go to the village to look for her old sisters. When she went to look for them, she always had some persimmons in her pocket and shared some with everyone she met. These persimmons were both glutinous and tough, with a dense and delicate sweetness, and were very sweet and delicious. However, the shape of the persimmons was destroyed, so for a while no one in the village could taste that they were dried persimmons. They all thought they were candied apricots pickled in honey.

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