The persimmons are so popular in the village, and the persimmons are so popular that Li thought that she would sell them at a good price. However, this idea was rejected. Gu Liang believed that it was still the time when fresh persimmons were on the market, and his persimmons were not competitive in the market compared with fresh persimmons at this time. The core competitiveness of his persimmons is that they have a long shelf life and can be sold when there are no fresh persimmons. If they are sold at this time, the price will be higher than fresh ones, and customers have never heard of them. Without word of mouth and fame, sales will definitely be bleak. Li was confused by Gu Liang's words. What market competitiveness and shelf life, why didn't she say anything. But she still has a certain talent for doing business, and she still concluded from it that things are best sold when others don't have them. So in the next month, in addition to continuing to dry dried persimmons, the Gu family also experienced things like paying grain and paying taxes. This year, the Gu family's grain harvest was okay, and they had always had money from selling medicine to subsidize the family, so the remaining grain this year was not sold at all, and all was left.

In the middle, Gu Liang also took Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu to Lingbao Temple. After all, Gu Boxi had already worshipped Taoist Lingxu as his teacher there, and Old Man Gu and his parents had to visit him.

Since it was the first meeting, things and etiquette must be prepared carefully. Gu Liang also specifically reminded Old Lady Gu that Taoist Lingxu did not love money or material things.

However, Gu Liang regretted it immediately after he said this. When Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu heard that Taoist Lingxu did not love money, they immediately arranged to take some of their own things to the mountain.

Rice, millet, buckwheat, sorghum, sesame and dried vegetables, dried beans, dried eggplants and dried bamboo shoots. Put a little bit of stuff into the sack, and if one sack is not enough, put another one. After putting these in, there are coarse cloth and cloth shoes, and finally add the newly dried persimmons.

Three people, each carrying a sack of things, set off. Dahei Mountain cannot be walked. If Gu Liang walks, he can't remember the way to Lingbao Temple. Gu Liang took the way he left Lingbao Temple, which passed through the next county.

Originally, Mrs. Gu was unwilling to take the ox cart for the sake of saving money. It was not until Gu Liang said that walking was slow and they would have to stay in a hotel in the next county at night, spending more money, that Mrs. Gu was willing to take the car.

However, after passing the next county, arriving in the town, and then going to Taohuachong Village at the foot of the mountain, it was almost dark. Gu Liang and the other two stayed in the same house for another night. This time, because there were so many people, Mrs. Gu wanted to give money, but the family said they would not accept anything. Mrs. Gu had no choice but to give some persimmons to express her gratitude.

The next day, when the three of them arrived at the entrance of Lingbao Temple, Gu Boxi was sweeping fallen leaves on the steps at the entrance. In this quiet and elegant place, Gu Boxi looked like a hermit. With his tall stature, it seemed as if he would say in the next second, "If the donor does not believe in Taoism, then I can also do some boxing and kicking."

Gu Boxi saw his parents coming from afar, and he ran towards them excitedly. How could he not be excited to see his parents again after walking through the gates of hell?

After more than half a month of treatment by Taoist Lingxu, Gu Boxi's wounds have almost healed, but his body is still a little weak and cannot do heavy work.

Taoist Lingxu has not been seen for more than half a month, and his face feels a little plump and fleshy compared to the last time. It seems that the reason why he was so immortal before was entirely because of his poor cooking skills and starving himself all day. In the past half month, Gu Boxi cooked, and Taoist Lingxu immediately gained weight.

When Gu Liang and his friends came, Taoist Lingxu was still studying the prescription in the room. Old Lady Gu was also very tactful not to disturb him and sat outside waiting for him to finish.

After sitting down, he asked Gu Boxi about his recent situation, and Gu Boxi told him everything. Taoist Lingxu is currently letting him learn to read and practice calligraphy. After all, it is impossible to study medicine without knowing how to read, and you have to prescribe medicine to treat diseases. In addition to this, he also taught him to recognize the properties of medicines. Before, Gu Liang only taught him to recognize some general ones, which was relatively rough. Taoist Lingxu was more strict. He asked Gu Boxi to write down what each medicinal material was used for, how much it could be used, which medicines counteracted which medicines, and which medicines complemented each other.

Gu Liang was relieved when he heard this. The most feared thing about studying Chinese medicine is that the master hides things. Taoist Lingxu's strict requirements mean that he is teaching seriously, not fooling around.

After they finished chatting, Taoist Lingxu was also busy. The rest was the mutual greetings between the adults. Taoist Lingxu usually looked like a person who didn't like the secular world and hated rules. Today and Gu

The old man and old lady Gu greeted each other in a proper manner. After several exchanges, they seemed like the parents of the two married couples meeting, harmonious and friendly.

They stayed in the temple for one night. Old lady Gu and her friends put the gifts they brought into the kitchen and cleaned the temple inside and out again. They were just ordinary people, and this was all they could do for their children.

After returning home for a while, the weather became cooler, and the air in the morning and evening began to become cold. Most of the persimmons on the branches had turned red and were picked, leaving only a few persimmons on the tree like red lanterns, which were food left for birds. At the same time, leaving a few red persimmons represented the farmers' simple wish for a prosperous life and surplus every year.

This day ushered in the first frost of the year, and it was also the day for the market.

It was hard to find fresh persimmons in this season, and it was a good time to sell persimmon cakes.

Early in the morning, Li prepared a backpack and prepared to take the persimmon cakes to the market to sell. But as soon as she lifted the dried persimmon skin, she was shocked.

"Gu Liang, come and see, how come this good persimmon cake is moldy!"

Gu Liang was getting up slowly, so he didn't arrive at the scene for a while. The first one to arrive was Old Lady Gu. When she heard that the persimmon cake was moldy, she couldn't bear it. She spent all her money on the persimmon cake.

"Mom, look, not only this basket, but also this basket, this pile is also moldy."

Li said while turning it over to Old Lady Gu. The more Old Lady Gu looked, the colder her heart became. How could it be moldy for no reason? Isn't this going to kill her!

Seeing that Old Lady Gu was about to cry, fortunately Gu Liang arrived at the scene in time and explained to Old Lady Gu and Li. The two realized that this was the icing from the persimmon cake, not mold.

They got up early, and the sky was dim, which made people's eyesight poor, so they thought the persimmon cake was moldy at first glance. However, the white frost does look like mold. Even after Gu Liang explained it, Mrs. Gu still had doubts.

So Gu Liang ate it directly for her to see, and stuffed another one for the two to eat. It was not until their taste told them that they believed that the persimmon cake had not deteriorated. On the contrary, the persimmon cake with white frost was sweeter and more resilient.

After the explanation, Gu Liang and the other two went out to the market with a basket of persimmon cakes on their backs. In order to take into account the taste, Gu Liang also brought some persimmon cakes that had not been covered with white frost, which were softer and more glutinous.

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