After buying the big wine jar, Gu Liang started brewing the second, third, fourth, and fourth batches of wine. Each batch of wine was brewed half a month apart until the first batch of wine was used up. The new wine was still fermenting, and the sorghum at home had been used up. He also borrowed 200 kilograms of sorghum from Dabao's family next door, saying that he would return it in two months. So the wine can only be brewed here first. After all, the first batch of wine has not been made yet. Before getting the profit, the people of the Gu family are not willing to spend money to buy sorghum for wine. Gu Liang also agreed with this. After all, he was a person who had never brewed white wine by himself, and he didn't know much about it. Besides, there was no white wine here, and it was still an unsolved mystery how much he could sell. It is not good to brew too much at one time. Although wine has no shelf life, it becomes more fragrant as it ages.

If you can't sell it by then, no matter how fragrant it is, it will only be fragrant.

So Gu Liang was not idle while waiting for the wine to be made. Spring has arrived, and all kinds of wild vegetables have begun to emerge. Gu Liang also started to pick wild vegetables.

Gu Liang picked bracken and smilax china one basket at a time in the newly opened dry land of the Gu family. Last year, there was a large area of ​​ferns here, which were burned clean by the Gu family. Now it is the second year, and the newly grown ferns give people a feeling of trypophobia, growing densely. This is a good deal for Gu Liang. He can pick a full basket in less than half an hour, and he can pick six or seven baskets in the morning.

When it is time to eat, Gu Liang will go home with a full basket of pig grass and a small bag of bracken.

Gu Liang's mother, Chen, saw that Gu Liang only picked a basket of pig grass every time he went out early and came back late, and she couldn't help but say something to him. She said that other children could pick a full basket in one hour, but Gu Liang took more than two hours to pick a full basket. Fortunately, the newly bought pigs were small, otherwise they would definitely be hungry and thin.

But before Gu Liang could find a reason to explain, his second aunt Li helped Gu Liang to refute. She said that other people's families could pick pig grass, but your son could make money. If it weren't for your son, you wouldn't even see a hair of the yellow cattle at home.

Gu Liang found that it was quite good to have a second aunt who supported him unconditionally at home. No matter what happened, he didn't have to do it himself, she would help him solve it first.

The two months of waiting passed in a flash in these ordinary days, and the temperature had reached the time when it was neither cold nor hot. The rape flowers in the field were blooming brilliantly, one piece after another of pure yellow, like one piece after another of brocade spread on the ground.

The fragrance of rape flowers is strong, and everyone who passes by can smell the fragrance of flowers, and the fragrance of flowers has drifted into everyone's home. In Gu's house, another fragrance covered up this strong fragrance of flowers.

The previous large iron pot was placed on the newly built simple stove, and the nine medium jars had been taken out. You can smell the strong aroma of wine emanating from any jar.

Gu Liang knew that the wine brewing this time was very successful after smelling it. It has not been distilled yet, and the smell of this wine is mellower than ordinary wine. If it is distilled, the smell will naturally spread ten miles.

The fire has been set up, and there is too much sorghum pulp in the jar, so it can only be cooked in two pots. The fermented sorghum liquid is poured into the pot, and the newly made cypress barrel is placed on it as an evaporating dish.

This large wooden barrel is also called a wooden steamer. It was specially made by Gu Liang. It has no bottom and looks like a wooden ring. Cypress has low oil content, high density, and good sealing, which is the most suitable for making an evaporating dish.

Gu Liang made a hole in this cypress barrel to place the cold flow pipe. This diversion pipe was specially made by Gu Liang in the past two months. The overall shape is like a spoon. The handle is made of bamboo. The hollow part is convenient for the distilled wine to flow out.

The mouth of the spoon is aimed at the middle position, and the second iron pot is covered on it. The function of this iron pot is to seal and condense after filling it with water.

Since there is a gap between the pot and the barrel, Gu Liang also blocked it with gauze to prevent steam leakage.

After the top pot is filled with cold water, distillation can begin. Boil over high heat, and soon liquid will flow out of the diversion pipe.

It started with one drop, two drops, and as the pot boiled, the transparent liquid flowed out like a trickle.

After filling a small jar of wine, Gu Liang changed to a medium-sized jar to receive it. This is because the wine received at the beginning is called the first wine. Not only is the taste not good, it is spicy and astringent, and the most important thing is that the first wine may be poisonous. Since it is pure grain fermentation, there are various chemical reactions that may form due to various reasons.

Methanol and other fusel alcohol substances.

As we all know, the main component of wine is alcohol, which is ethanol. Ethanol is drinkable, but methanol is poisonous and can make people dizzy, nauseated, and even blind. Therefore, fake wine is poisonous because it is blended with industrial alcohol, which is methanol. Methanol has a relatively low boiling point and will evaporate with ethanol first, so the first wine needs to be removed.

After removing the head wine, the cold water in the pot above has been heated at this time, and it is time to change the water. Quickly scoop out the water in the pot and add new cold water. In order to achieve good condensation effect, the water must be constantly changed. As long as the water in the pot feels higher than body temperature, a new batch of water must be replaced.

When the wine is evenly discharged, you should turn the high heat to a medium or small fire. Otherwise, if the fire is too high, it will easily boil the sorghum and make the distilled wine taste bitter.

Since it was Gu Liang's first time distilling wine himself, he was inevitably a little confused. While instructing Gu Changping and Gu Changan to change the water, he asked the second aunt to turn off the heat and check whether the pot was burnt. He was so busy that Gu Liang almost knocked over the wine jar with his foot.

"It smells so good!" Gu Liang's sisters had been attracted by the aroma of the wine for a long time, but they did not dare to interfere. They could only stay quietly under the eaves and watch silently.

"Oh my god, this wine is really fragrant. It will definitely fetch a good price." It was Mrs. Gu who said this. Since there were enough people to make the wine, she took care of the few children at home and stared at them. Are there any malicious people peeking outside the wall?

After smelling the aroma of wine for a long time, the youngest Chunni said in a sweet voice: "Hey, my head is a little dizzy and I want to sleep."

After listening to Chuni's words, everyone laughed. Unexpectedly, Chuni didn't even drink, but became drunk after just two smells. On the one hand, Chunni has never drunk alcohol before, and her alcohol capacity is extremely poor. On the other hand, it also reflects the richness of the wine. Just smelling it makes people drunk.

Just when Mrs. Gu was holding Chuni in her arms and preparing to take her back to the house to sleep. Mrs. Gu suddenly noticed someone on the wall, peering inside.

Since the work of steaming wine was in the backyard, Mrs. Wu’s original home is now called the right courtyard by the Gu family, and the original home is now the left courtyard. Mrs. Gu was walking from the right courtyard to the left courtyard, and the place where she found the head was in the front yard, so the person did not see what Gu Liang and the others were doing.

But it also made Mrs. Gu alert. After putting Chuni back, Mrs. Gu brought the big bear. Since there were more dog thefts during the Chinese New Year period and the fence had not been completed, I kept it chained until now. Only then did Mrs. Gu think of the big bear, and she felt a little embarrassed. After the wall was built, it should be set free. It could still run inside the wall.

But you can't blame Mrs. Gu. There are really too many people eating dog meat in winter. Some people in the village don't have enough dog meat to eat, so they steal other people's.

When Mrs. Gu loosened the rope for Big Bear, Big Bear was covering his nose and sneezing non-stop. It seems that not only Chunni can't stand the smell of wine, but even Big Bear can't stand the smell of wine.

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