After releasing the bear, the old lady waited in the house for a while, and saw another head appear behind the wall.

After letting the bear go, the old lady Gu decisively let the bear go from behind, and the bear ran out quickly. After a few breaths, the barking of the bear and the shouting of the frightened person were heard.

The old lady Gu quickly opened the door, and the man had been chased by the bear to the rapeseed field below. Before, there was a wall blocking the view, and the old lady Gu didn't see who it was. Now that she saw the whole figure, she knew at a glance that the man was Li Laitou from the village.

Speaking of Li Laitou, his family is also a peculiar thing. The oldest man in the family is called Li Laitou by the villagers. Li Laitou's son is also called Li Laitou, Li Laitou's grandson is also called Li Laitou, and the whole family is called Li Laitou by the villagers. But it's no wonder that the villagers call all the men in their family Li Laitou. In fact, they have never done a good thing in the village. They only do some sneaky things. The old ones take the young ones to do it together. When the young ones grow up, they take the new ones to do it together. When the old ones can't do it anymore and lie in bed, the young ones take their place again, and they are better than the old ones.

In the past, the old ones were at most dirty, stealing some vegetables and fruits from other people's fields. This little Li Laitou is more powerful than the old ones. He steals things from other people's fields. There are few families in the village who have not had eggs, bacon, etc. stolen by him. It's okay if you catch them on the spot, just take them back. If you don't catch them and go to his house to ask for them, sorry, his family is cleaner than theirs, and the main one has nothing.

The family of three is full of men, not a single woman. The old wife had starved to death, and the youngest one ran away after being beaten every now and then. The youngest, Li Laitou, is about the same age as Gu Liang, and has become a real old bald man who does everything except good things.

The people of Lanxi Village beat and scolded him, but everything remained the same. He didn't kill or set fire, and the government wouldn't care. Unless you give him money to stay in jail for a few months, but wouldn't you still lose yourself in that case? So the people of Lanxi Village can only guard against him, helpless.

After driving Li Laitou away, Old Lady Gu was also ready to close the door and go back. At this time, several nearby villagers stopped Old Lady Gu and asked her what kind of wine her family brewed, which they could smell from a long distance.

Old Lady Gu looked at these people, who were all famous "drunkards" in the village. It was obvious that they wanted to go in and have a few drinks when they smelled that Gu's family had wine.

But Gu Liang was still distilling wine inside, and her grandson had specifically instructed that no one should see them before they finished. So Mrs. Gu could only smile and say, "My elder brothers have a keen sense of smell. My family does brew good wine, but it's not ready yet. I will definitely treat everyone to a drink someday."

After that, Mrs. Gu closed the door, fearing that she would let something slip or let a few people in. After all, they were all from the same village, and they would see each other every day. It would be bad to not let them in after talking too much, so she simply closed the door without waiting for their reply.

Mrs. Gu closed the door, but the few "drunkards" outside started to chatter.

One said, "You have such good wine, but you still hide it. I have lived in the same village for so many years in vain."

One said with a sour tone, "Brother, you don't know that the Gu family is rich now. They even bought cows. I saw them buy several carts of jars last month!"

One said with resentment, "You are so arrogant. When old man Gu got married, his family was in financial difficulty and I borrowed a bag of rice. Nowadays, the world is so fickle."

One said, "This is a matter of decades ago. Logically, I am still the cousin of old man Gu's uncle's wife. He didn't even give me a sip. How can you have a share?"

Several people chattered and discussed outside for a long time. Gu Liang's first round of distillation was ready. A pot of sorghum pulp had been boiled dry and just filled a medium jar, about fifty pounds. Gu Liang tried this jar and found that it could hold about fifty pounds of water, which means that the first pot produced about fifty pounds of wine.

The second pot was started right after the first one, but the second pot did not produce as much wine as the first one, and the jar was only eight-tenths full.

Since it was his first time making wine and he had no experience, Gu Liang only used 100 kilograms of sorghum for the first time, which means that one kilogram of sorghum produced one kilogram of wine. Gu Liang was very satisfied with the result. If the labor cost is not included, one kilogram of wine only costs three cents.

Gu Liang tried the new wine and felt that it was not as good as the one he had drunk before.

For him, who drinks white wine, it is fragrant and smooth, and does not irritate the throat. According to the classification of white wine in later generations, his wine has a short liquid fermentation time, belongs to the fragrant type, and the alcohol content is more than 40 degrees.

Although 40 degrees is not too high for white wine, it is already considered a very strong wine in this era when the highest degree of yellow wine is only more than 10 degrees. So Gu Liang did not plan to distill and purify it again. If it really reached more than 60 degrees, few people would be able to drink it.

When the adults of the Gu family saw Gu Liang's satisfied expression after taking a sip, they knew that the wine had been brewed, and they all said that they had to drink some to reward themselves after being busy for so long.

So Gu Liang asked his family to get something to hold it, because he wanted to sell this wine for money, and he couldn't drink it directly with a wine ladle.

After hearing this, everyone hurried to the kitchen to get something to hold the wine, and they came back in less than a while.

"Grandpa, what you are holding is too big, how can you use a soup bowl to hold it!" Gu Liang was frightened by the utensils brought back by the crowd, and the things in his hands were bigger and bigger. His mother Chen was fine, she took a normal wine glass. But his biological father and second uncle took the bowls they usually used for eating, and what was even more exaggerated was that Old Man Gu held a soup bowl bigger than his face.

However, Old Man Gu said without any embarrassment: "On weekdays, your grandma always doesn't let me drink, saying that wine is expensive. Today I have homemade wine, so I have to drink it to my heart's content. Don't worry, your grandpa can drink a lot, but this bowl is no problem."

Gu Liang didn't dislike Old Man Gu and his friends for being able to drink, but mainly because the wine was strong, and no one could drink so much at one time.

However, Gu Liang's explanation was useless. Old Man Gu and his friends still thought that the wine was as transparent as water, and it was fragrant, but how strong could it be.

Gu Liang had no choice but to scoop a full bucket and pour it into Old Man Gu's basin, just covering the bottom of the basin.

Old Man Gu still felt that his grandson looked down on him. To prove himself, he lifted the basin, tilted his head back, and drank it all in one gulp.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Old Man Gu's face changed from earthy yellow to liver red, from his neck to his ears, and then to his forehead.

Old Man Gu drank for a long time without making any sound or speaking. At this time, Old Lady Gu couldn't wait any longer, and slapped Old Man Gu on the back, saying viciously: "You old man, whether this wine tastes good or bad, you should make a sound!"

However, as Old Lady Gu slapped him, Old Man Gu burst into a huge cough, and coughed more than a dozen times in a row. Everyone then knew why Old Man Gu didn't say anything just now. It turned out that the wine was too strong and he choked, and he was embarrassed, so he was just like a turtle that had taken off its shell to support the corner of the table - just holding it up.

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