After seeing the reaction of the old man Gu, everyone put down their faces and stopped talking big, saying that they would let Gu Liang pour a little and just taste it. This time, they were mentally prepared. The other people in the Gu family did not drink it directly like they did in the past, but took small sips. When the wine first entered the mouth, the first thing I felt was that my tongue was numb instantly, and then the strong and overbearing aroma of the white wine rushed straight into my nose and forehead, accompanied by a burning sensation in my entire mouth. After swallowing it, I could clearly feel the position of the esophagus, all the way to the stomach. After swallowing it, my whole body began to heat up, and my neck and ears began to turn red and hot. On this slightly cold day, it actually gave me an inexplicable warmth. Until the end, there was still a hint of wine aroma in the breath. The Gu family was impressed by this white wine that seemed to be bland on the surface but actually had an undercurrent. No one would have thought that this wine like clear water could be so domineering and mellow. After drinking it, the fragrance would linger in the mouth. Anyone who came would have to say that it was a good wine.

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of a narrow alley. The next day, whenever the Gu family met people from the same village in the village, that person would say, "Why is your wine so fragrant? The two families can smell it even though they are so far away."

However, the Gu family was not happy about this. Although these people from the same village praised the fragrance of the Gu family's wine when they met, their words revealed that they wanted to taste it. But when the Gu family said that the wine was for sale, they all kept silent, and their mouths that had been praising it just now immediately closed tightly.

The Gu family also saw that these people from the same village just wanted to drink it for free, and had no intention of paying for the wine at all.

Since the first brewed wine was less than 100 kilograms, the Gu family did not let the villagers get it for free. Except for three or four families with good relations or relatives, all the others were packed in small wine pots by Gu Liang.

Since the wine has been made, finding a seller is the top priority. Gu Liang brought Li and Old Man Gu to Lianhua Town. With the ox cart, it was more convenient for their family to travel to Lianhua Town.

Gu Liang first found the only tavern in the town. The shopkeeper was very enthusiastic to entertain them, but when he heard that they wanted to sell wine in his own store, his face changed immediately and he drove them out. He was still muttering: "What the hell, selling wine in the tavern, isn't this destroying my family's signboard? My own wine is the best in the whole Lianhua Town."

Gu Liang was driven away but was not discouraged. After all, it was indeed inappropriate to go to the tavern to sell his own wine. If it doesn't work here, then change to another place.

The place Gu Liang came to this time was the only and most luxurious "Yue Lai Restaurant" in the town. The last time Gu Liang came to this restaurant, it was still selling bamboo shoots. At that time, it was not called this name. Unexpectedly, it changed its name in a short time. You know, in their small place, the shops on the street may remain the same for more than ten years.

Since it is a restaurant, it must sell wine, and there are usually more than one kind or one family of wine in the restaurant. Gu Liang thinks that he should be able to sell the wine here.

So Gu Liang, like last time, found the guy who was helping in the kitchen at the back door of the restaurant and asked him to inform the shopkeeper that they were looking for a few people.

Since Yue Lai Restaurant received the bamboo shoots of a strange child and was given the name by the King of England, they have an unwritten rule here. Anyone who comes to sell wild goods can report it to the shopkeeper no matter what it is.

So this guy is also very keen to help report. First, if there is something good after reporting, he can make a familiar face in front of the shopkeeper. Second, he can charge a little errand fee. This time was no exception. Under his hint, he successfully got five coins from Gu Liang.

Driven by the five coins, Gu Liang soon met the third shopkeeper who bought his bamboo shoots last time.

Gu Liang saw that it was the same person last time, and he felt relieved instantly. He thought that he must have a good eye to buy his bamboo shoots at a high price last time, and their liquor should be the same this time.

So when Gu Liang met the three shopkeepers, he immediately started to brag about himself. And Li also worked hard on the side, acting as a supporting role beside Gu Liang, introducing how mellow and rich this wine is, and how drinking it can make people's bodies become hot, not afraid of the late spring cold. Under the pursuit of Gu Liang and the others, the wine they brewed was as high-end as nectar, as if one sip could make people satisfied.

The three shopkeepers had long forgotten that they had met Gu Liang. Seeing the child and the woman in front of them praising their wine to the sky, they were originally

The old man Gu, who was waiting on the side, saw that the shopkeeper was interested in their wine, and immediately took a pot from the carriage and handed it to him. The third shopkeeper of the restaurant saw that the wine jar handed over was just an ordinary pottery pot, and his expectations for the wine dropped by more than half instantly. The third shopkeeper muttered in his heart: "Can these few old, young, and a woman really have good things? Could it be that they have never seen anything good and regard their local wine as fine wine?" Gu Liang still promised that the wine could be consigned in the restaurant first, and it would not be too late to settle the accounts after the two families sold it. The third shopkeeper directly pulled out the stopper of the pot and started drinking directly from the mouth of the pot. When Gu Liang saw this heroic drinking method, he immediately thought it was not good. People who are in contact with white wine for the first time must not drink like this! Sure enough, the three shopkeepers immediately blushed and started coughing non-stop, spitting out the wine in their mouths. However, his throat had been irritated by the liquor, and it seemed as if someone was pinching his throat.

When the three shopkeepers recovered, Gu Liang found that the three shopkeepers seemed to be crying because of the spiciness, and there were already traces of tears on their faces.

The three shopkeepers who recovered were furious and yelled at Gu Liang and the other two: "You three country dogs, what kind of ghost wine do you make? It's spicy and choking, and it's not for people to drink at all. Get out of here quickly, or I'll report you to the police and say that you sell fake wine for money and murder."

Seeing that the shopkeeper was so angry, Gu Liang and the other two immediately wanted to explain that the wine was not like this. However, the three shopkeepers smashed the wine pot in their hands and went into the restaurant without looking back.

Gu Liang wanted to chase him to explain, but was stopped by someone. The person who stopped him was the shop assistant who had just been notified. He saw that the third shopkeeper was so angry, and if he let Gu Liang in at this time, his job would be in jeopardy.

Gu Liang and the other two never thought that the smooth sales promotion was about to succeed, but in the end it ended in a mess because he drank too much and choked someone.

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