The wine was so delicious that it was sold out.

Gu Liang did not expect that his wine would become so popular.

For many days, people drove horse-drawn carriages to buy wine in Lanxi Village where Gu Liang lived. However, as soon as the second batch of Gu's wine, more than 100 kilograms, came out, it was sold out by the four people in Xu's house that day. Now if you want to buy Gu's wine, you can only make a reservation.

However, Gu Liang only brewed a few batches, which were almost more than 1,000 kilograms of sorghum, so they were also booked out. If you want to buy it again, you can only wait two months later. This certainly discouraged a considerable number of people, after all, many people came because of General Zhang. But there are still some people who are willing to wait. These people love to drink on weekdays. After knowing that there is a kind of wine in their local area that can make people who drink wine all over the country still praise it, they all want to try the legendary Bawangzui.

Unlike other wines, Gu Liang's Bawangzui has no reputation among ordinary people. Those who come to him to buy wine are all wealthy people in their local area.

This overwhelming wealth finally came to Gu Liang, and he received a lot of deposits alone.

In order to keep this overwhelming wealth, Gu Liang did a lot of things.

The first thing to bear the brunt is that some people came to Gu Liang to ask for the secret recipe of Bawangzui after seeing that Gu Liang's wine production was too low. Gu Liang is not stupid. How can he sell the old hen that lays golden eggs at the price of a few golden eggs? So he said that his secret recipe had been bought by General Zhang, and he could no longer sell the secret recipe except for making it himself. Anyway, General Zhang has left Jiangzhou, and there is no evidence now. They are all from small places. Their weight is not enough in front of General Zhang, and no one dares to offend him.

Gu Liang thought very clearly that he would make money for two years first, and then he would not be able to bear it. At worst, he would sell the secret recipe to powerful people, and he would be able to get out of it.

Secondly, in order to prevent others from secretly finding out the method of making white wine, Gu Liang also came up with many tricks.

The first point is that Gu Liang claimed that the water for brewing wine is not ordinary water, but must be bamboo water. For this reason, Gu Liang asked his family to go to the bamboo forest in the back mountain every night, drill a hole in the bamboo, and connect it with a small bamboo tube. One hole can receive a bottle of water at most in one night.

The second point is to confuse the raw materials of brewing wine. In Gu Liang's propaganda, the wine brewed by his own family is the essence of wine, commonly known as alcohol. It takes more than ten kilograms of grain to brew such a strong wine, so this wine is sold at such a high price, but in fact, I don’t make much money.

By the way, Gu Liang’s wine is not sold at 20 wen per kilogram now. The starting price of a kilogram of wine here is dozens of wen per kilogram, and the final transaction of a kilogram of wine often exceeds 100 wen. The price is close to those well-known wines, which are luxury goods in the mouths of ordinary people. After all, his wine is "real materials", and the cost of grain alone is close to 30 wen per kilogram.

The third and most important point is that Gu Liang not only promotes it in this way, but also does it in this way. Due to limited production, Gu Liang only accepts reservations for 2,000 kilograms of wine, and there is no more.

For these 2,000 kilograms of wine, Gu Liang really bought more than 20,000 kilograms of grain to take home. Among them, the most common raw material for brewing is 5,000 kilograms of glutinous rice, followed by 4,000 kilograms of millet and 3,000 kilograms of buckwheat, and he just bought more than 2,000 kilograms of the real raw material for brewing sorghum. Gu Liang bought other grains, such as soybeans, broad beans, millet, etc. for the remaining 6,000 kilograms.

Carts of grain were pulled into Lanxi Village, and ox carts and mule carts were lined up from Gu Liang's doorstep to the entrance of Lanxi Village. The people of Lanxi Village had never seen so many carts in their lives, and they were almost shocked.

Those who wanted to secretly investigate the practice of Ba Wang Zui were also stunned by the grain pulled into the Gu family's door. First, they didn't expect that it was really as Gu Liang said, that Ba Wang Zui really needed more than ten kilograms of grain to brew one kilogram of wine. It seems that this wine doesn't make as much money as imagined. Second, they are shallow-minded and really can't figure out how so many kinds of grains are used to make wine. There are also soybeans in the raw materials. Isn't this the raw material for making soybean paste and soy sauce? How can it make wine?

In these real and fake things, Gu Liang actually kept the secret recipe for making white wine. From the initial door-to-door inquiries to the secret investigations, everyone finally conceded that the brewing of Ba Wang Zui was complicated and expensive. Gradually, no one wanted to know the secret of brewing, and everyone was waiting for Gu's Ba Wang Zui to be brewed.

Due to the huge amount of brewing this time, Gu Liang also

The two of them went to the Tianqingyao store in Guanyao Town again. This time they bought a lot of wine jars on the spot at one time, and also made a verbal agreement with the store. The content of the agreement is undoubtedly about wine jars. In summary, the Gu family ordered wine jars for a long time, and the store must sell them to them at a preferential price.

After Gu Liang and Li bought the wine jars, they crossed the river and rushed back to the carriage to Lanxi Village, but accidentally heard gossip about him.

The reason was that Gu Liang bought some snacks from Guanyao Town. Because Guanyao Town is prosperous in commerce, there are many things that are not available in Lianhua Town. Gu Liang now has a deposit in his hand and spends more generously. He thought about buying some snacks to share with the children in the same village. After all, they helped him a lot in the past.

So he got off the ox cart after entering the village and went to the place where children in their village often played to share snacks. After distributing the snacks, Gu Liang walked home. At this time, it was getting dark, and Gu Liang vaguely found that a group of people were chatting about something.

With the idea of ​​listening to gossip, he hid in the rapeseed field after it had bloomed and eavesdropped.

Gu Liang originally thought that these people were talking about the widow of that family and the widower of that family, but when he listened, he didn't expect that these people were actually talking about himself.

Gu Liang listened for a long time and finally knew what these people were talking about. It's nothing more than that the Gu family has become the focus in Lanxi Village these days, and Gu Liang is the focus of the focus. Some people in the village are jealous or uncomfortable and make up stories everywhere.

The main content is that the adults in the Gu family are useless. The Gu family is actually led by a child in his early teens. He arranges the adults in the Gu family to do this and that all day long, and does not respect the elders at all. It is said that the Gu family has become prosperous, and they look down on their fellow villagers. These carts of grain bought from outside have not considered taking care of the old neighbors for so many years. They would rather go to the town to buy them than buy them from them. In addition, they sold so much wine and made so much money, but not only did they not tell the villagers to taste it, they refused to sell it to outsiders even when the villagers came to buy it.

Gu Liang listened for a long time and felt that it was meaningless. He walked away silently without arguing with them. After all, these people were just jealous of their family. The relationship between ordinary people has always been that they dislike you for being poor and fear you for being rich.

Now their family has surpassed most of the families in the village, so they gossip about it. If their business really takes off and they become a wealthy family, there will be no gossip, and people who flatter and praise them will have to line up, so why bother with these now!

However, there is one thing they said that makes sense, that is, I seem to be a little "domineering" these days, and I don't pay attention to the feelings of the adults in the family. After all, in this social atmosphere, the dignity and face of the elders are still very important. It is not good to command them to do things all day long.

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