The old man was very happy.

"It's time to eat. Eat as much as you want today. I steamed a pot of clean glutinous rice. Glutinous rice can help you stay full. Adults can work well after eating, and children can grow taller after eating and sleeping."

With the call of Mrs. Gu, the Gu family's dinner began. Today, because they were waiting for Gu Liang and Li, they had dinner a little later. But today, I specially lit an extra lamp, and the small house seemed less dim. Instead, there was a sense of warmth under the yellow light.

Recently, the Gu family's food has obviously made a qualitative leap. They no longer have porridge for breakfast and lunch, but eat dry rice every meal. In the words of Mr. Gu and his friends, this is the life of a landlord, and only landlords can eat dry rice every meal.

Since Gu Liang bought 20,000 kilograms of various grains at one time, dozens of sacks of different sizes were piled up in various places in the east and west courtyards. Their house was not big to begin with, and now it seems a bit cramped. In addition, the wine jars in the east courtyard took up a lot of space, and the food in their daily life area in the west courtyard also occupied more space, which once occupied the play space of Gu Liang's sisters, forcing them to play outside.

Their family had the opportunity to eat dry rice once a day, sometimes not even once a day, and it was brown rice. Now not only can they eat dry rice every meal, but also polished rice, not to mention how delicious it is.

Just like today's glutinous rice, Mrs. Gu specially cut some bacon slices and bamboo shoots into it before steaming. After high-temperature stewing, the sesame oil in the bacon was slowly forced out and soaked into the rice grains little by little.

The salty and fragrant lard soaked from top to bottom, grain by grain, until every grain of rice was stained with it as time went by. When this rich fat moisturizes every grain of rice and reaches the bottom of the pot, it is instantly evaporated with the high temperature at the bottom of the pot, producing a fascinating Maillard reaction. Then the taste is transmitted from bottom to top to every place in the pot, until the lid can no longer cover it, and the fragrance overflows into the air, making people's appetites whet, and at the same time announcing that this delicacy is ready.

There are many ways to steam traditional rice, and there are two mainstream ones. At first, both use a lot of water to cook the rice grains until there is no white core in the rice grains. At this time, you have to take it out and use a grate to separate the rice soup and rice grains. If you want to eat rice with distinct grains, you have to take it out immediately, while if you want to eat soft rice, you can wait a while before taking it out. If you don't take it out, you can wait for a quarter of an hour and then go out and turn left, take a bowl and prepare to drink porridge.

After the rice is taken out, control the water and steam it. One is to put it in the steamer and steam it directly in water, which makes the rice looser. The second method is generally used in Lanxi Village, and Mrs. Gu also used the second method today.

The second method is to pour the rice grains that have been drained of water into the pot without using a steamer, add a small amount of water, and then cover the pot and steam it. One of the advantages of this is that there is a layer of rice crust between the steamed rice and the iron pot, which is crispy and delicious. The second advantage is that you can also make some steamed dishes when steaming this rice, such as steamed egg custard, steamed eggplant, steamed cucumber, and steamed dried vegetables. When the rice is cooked, the dishes are also cooked and very delicious.

The rice crust obtained by the second method can not only be eaten alone, but also coated with some sauce or fermented bean curd, which tastes simply amazing. The key is that the rice crust is mixed with the drained rice soup, and a fragrant and hot rice crust porridge can be made, which is really the original soup.

Gu Liang didn't like to eat rice crust dry at first, thinking it was too hard and hard on the teeth. But today, the rice crust is stained with oil, which is more crispy and fragrant, as charming as the rice crust in the clay pot rice. In addition, the rice crust is made of glutinous rice, which has a different taste from the usual rice crust. So even Gu Liang couldn't help but salivate and ate it dry. Each member of the Gu family had a piece, and the rice crust was eaten up in an instant. Poor rice soup lost its best partner today.

Although Gu Liang was very happy to eat tonight, he still had something to say to Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu. It's just that he didn't know how to start. After all, Chinese people have always been reserved about this delicate family relationship, which always makes people wonder how to start.

Just like when you grow up and are alone with your parents, the atmosphere always feels wrong. You obviously think that in their eyes, you are still a child and need their discipline. But in their eyes, you have grown up and you should make most decisions. The transformation of relationships does not change in one day, but accumulates silently and gradually. Until one day, you suddenly discover this situation, and you will be surprised and think: "Huh? My...

It seems that my parents are following my advice and need my protection? "

Gu Liang is like this now. Although he is still young, he has been handling all the major family matters these days. Including buying food, buying jars, welcoming and seeing off guests, and negotiating prices with guests to collect deposits, all these things are decided by him. It seems that Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu are unable to make decisions, and even less involved. Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu are like this, not to mention Gu Liang's own parents and his second uncle and aunt.

Gu Liang kept trying to say something to Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu, but he didn't know what to say. Where to start? Even though he came from modern times, he still lacked communication education in this area. And he was afraid that once he said these great truths, his mind would not seem like that of an eleven-year-old child. He had a hard time pretending to be like this, and even a bunch of readers were fooled, and they gave one-star bad reviews saying that the protagonist had the low IQ of a ten-year-old child.

Gu Liang hesitated to speak for several times, but was finally discovered by Gu Liang's careful mother Chen. Even if the light is flickering and dim, people who care about you can still see that you are different.

Chen asked Gu Liang if If you have something to say to grandpa and grandma, just say it boldly. We are all family, there is nothing to hide.

After hearing what Chen said, the old lady Gu and others thought that Gu Liang had something to say that was embarrassing, and they all pulled themselves out of their immersive eating to care about him.

The most outrageous one was the old man Gu, who asked Gu Liang if he was tired from being busy these days and if he was embarrassed to tell his grandparents. He also said that it was all the negligence of the grandparents, and they let Gu Liang, a child, busy around, which was really wrong. If you are tired, just tell your family, don't hide it. If he doesn't want to work, there are still grandparents who can do it. If his old bones can't work anymore, he can ask his parents, uncles and aunts to do it.

Gu Liang felt a little embarrassed when he saw the concern of his family. After all, he just talked about it these days and didn't do any physical work. It was still his parents who did the hard work of carrying food home and cooking sorghum.

In the end, Gu Liang told his family about the gossip he heard this evening, saying that he shouldn't be so arrogant and didn't take care of the face of his family's adults, making them feel that they were cowardly in the eyes of the neighbors.

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