The old lady Gu was furious when she heard this and started to curse the gossipers in the village: "These people who have no mother and father are so ugly that they started to gossip about my grandson. My elders haven't said anything yet, and here comes a bunch of gossipers who don't know what they are talking about. I think he is not happy with it, but he is really jealous of my family's money. My grandson earns his own money, so he can buy food from whoever he wants, and it's his turn. Even if we use our money to feed the Pixiu, and the money goes in but not out, we cannot let these unscrupulous people who talk nonsense everywhere make money from our family.

First daughter-in-law, second daughter-in-law, you will follow me to the village entrance tomorrow. I want to see who dares to gossip about my family. When I was making up gossip about other people's families, she was still peeing and playing in the mud! "

Old lady Gu was so excited when she said this, as if she had become Zhuge Liang at this moment, debating with a group of scholars!

But then a voice sounded from the side: "Mother, I... this..."

Grandma Gu glanced at the hesitant eldest daughter-in-law, and instantly calmed down and said: "Eldest daughter-in-law, just stay at home and cook sorghum. You don't know how to scold people, so I won't make it difficult for you." After saying this, Grandma Gu said to Li: "Second daughter-in-law, you must accompany me tomorrow, and hold me by the hand when the time comes. We can scold people, but it's not good to fight. After all, we are from the same village, and we will have to meet and talk about the widows in the village in the future!"

Compared to the excited expression of Grandma Gu, Old Man Gu was much calmer. He sighed and said: "Grandson, do what you should do. Your grandfather doesn't know how to make wine and sell wine. If you can help, just help. Down, there is no distinction between elders and juniors. We are all working for the family, so why should we care about who listens to whom?

Our family is just a small commoner, there are not so many rules, your grandfather is not the emperor, and there is no throne to inherit. A broken tile house, leaking wind today and leaking rain tomorrow, do I still worry that you will usurp the throne?

So you should do whatever you should do, I'm saying this today, our East Courtyard and yellow cattle are all earned by you, we will follow you to do whatever you want!

Look at the food in the hall, your grandfather never dreamed that one day the food in the house would be squeezed out. "

After hearing the words of Mrs. Gu and Mr. Gu, Gu Liang was very moved and thought he was very lucky to be in such a family.

At this time, the youngest Gu Chunni also echoed: "Brother, I will follow you too, whatever you want me to do, I will do it. I never thought that one day our family can eat as much white rice as they want."

Gu Chunni's words successfully made everyone at the table of the Gu family laugh, and everyone was laughing. Li smiled and said to Chunni: "Remember, it's Brother Gu Liang who can have enough food. You should go out less, and remember not to talk to anyone you don't know when you go out, and don't tell them all the news about the wine brewing at home."

The words of Chunni, the youngest in the family, are actually what every member of the Gu family is thinking at this moment. Because they all understand that it is Gu Liang who can let them eat as much as they want today, so they must be united and not let anyone break them down from the outside.

After dinner, the men of the Gu family went to bed early. They still have to continue to plow the fields tomorrow. Although the family now has oxen, the work is much easier, but plowing the fields has never been an easy job.

More importantly, in addition to plowing the fields, they now have a new task, which is to go to the mountains to chop firewood every day. These pots in their own family are burning day and night to cook sorghum, and they need a lot of firewood. They have to chop enough firewood every day, which is also very hard.

The reason why they didn't buy firewood was that they were surrounded by mountains on three sides. Living in a pile of firewood and buying firewood would make people laugh at the fact that no one in the family was diligent. The second reason was that their family was not a wealthy family, so they saved a little bit. Although the profit of Bawangzui was considerable, it had not been brewed yet. The initial fixed cost was too high, and now was not the time to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The women of the Gu family would cook sorghum until midnight. These sorghums were from the same batch of goods and had to be processed as soon as possible so that they could be shipped together.

After half a month of busy and dull days, it was already late spring, with grass growing and birds flying. The temperature was getting warmer day by day, and the warm wind was intoxicating.

On this day, Mrs. Gu happily organized the Gu family and said that she wanted them to go out with her.

It was the time of the farming season.

During the busy season, although the initial work of brewing wine has been completed, there are still many farm works to be done in the fields. Rural people generally do not go out at this time.

So when Mrs. Gu asked everyone to go out together, the Gu family members were unwilling to go out. They were all busy and had no time to go out.

Later, Gu Liang asked in confusion, and the Gu family knew why Mrs. Gu went out.

It turned out that the Iron Buddha Temple in the neighboring Iron Buddha Temple town had reopened, and Mrs. Gu wanted to go and burn incense and worship Buddha.

In Gu Liang's memory, the Iron Buddha in the Iron Buddha Temple was pried away by the King of England, and the monks inside were all hanged. Now that the Iron Buddha Temple has no Iron Buddha and no monks, how can it be opened?

Mrs. Gu smiled and explained that it was God who had eyes. After the monks of the Iron Buddha Temple hanged themselves, some of their fellow monks were extremely shocked when they got the news. These monks, together with monks from several surrounding prefectures, jointly submitted a petition to the emperor to complain.

It is said that more than a thousand monks signed the petition, involving several famous temples, and collectively complained that the King of England was incompetent, disregarded human lives, and robbed temple property. And it is said that not only these monks, but also some officials in the court accused the King of England of being indulging in luxury since he took office, causing the people under his rule to be angry and resentful. There were also officials passing by Jiangzhou who wrote a memorial to report their personal experiences.

In order to calm the public anger, the old emperor specially ordered a new iron Buddha to be placed in the temple and allocated silver to rebuild the Iron Buddha Temple. He also specially issued an order to warn the King of England not to plunder the people's wealth and strictly prohibit large-scale construction.

After listening to all that Old Lady Gu said, Gu Liang was a little stunned and asked, "Grandma, where do you know so much? You know so much about the emperor, but we don't know. We all live in Lanxi Village, how can you be so showy?"

After hearing Gu Liang's question, Old Lady Gu proudly said that these were all said by the old women in the village, and they went to Tiefu Temple Town a few days ago to learn about it. And the reason why they learned these details was all thanks to the new host of Tiefu Temple. When the host was rebuilding Tiefu Temple, he told everyone how wise the emperor was and how they asked the emperor to punish His Royal Highness the King of England.

"Grandma, didn't you just quarrel with the mothers-in-law in the village with your second aunt a few days ago? How come you can sit together and gossip again after just a few days!" To be honest, Gu Liang was not surprised that Old Lady Gu found these things, after all, she had her own channels for obtaining information. But a few days ago, Old Lady Gu pointed at some people at the entrance of the village and scolded them. The scene was simply amazing. Zhuge Liang scolded Wang Lang, but it was not so exciting.

After all, when a scholar insults someone, he has to think about what the other person is implying. In a village insult war, one should be straightforward and not beat around the bush. All words can be used. If this were on TV, it would get two hours of telegram sound.

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