The second aunt Li was very clear at this time. Although she was also greedy for the money to buy land, she changed her mind and thought that if the winemaking was successful, their family would make money all year round. Although the land was good, no matter how good the land was, it could only make people worry-free and well-clothed. And who in the world became rich and noble because of farming? If farming could really make you rich, the old emperor would probably have to use a golden hoe to farm.

The rest of the Gu family was wavering. On the one hand, they felt that it was very safe to buy land with money. On the other hand, they felt that it was not bad to buy a mountain with money. When it succeeded, their family would be able to move up a level.

As for Gu Liang, when he heard that Old Man Gu was going to buy land, he immediately disagreed with a million things in his heart. There was only one and a half years left before the disaster year. Buying land at this time was like entering the palace as a eunuch in 1911, becoming a landlord in 1948, joining the National Army in 1949, and studying civil engineering in 2022. You didn't enjoy the good things, but you got involved in the bad things.

So at this time, Gu Liang also hardened himself. He directly said that even if the money was lost, and there was no money left, he couldn't buy the land.

Gu Liang was very excited and said decisively, which made the people at the table confused. Chen hurriedly asked Gu Liang to pat his mouth and not say such unlucky words. What is all lost, you can't say that if you want to buy the stone cave to make wine, you can't say it like this.

Seeing Gu Liang like this, Li immediately whispered to Old Lady Gu: "Mom, since your nephew wants to buy the cave so much, just agree to it. Besides, our family's money is earned by our eldest nephew, so we can't completely ignore his faults!"

"Old man, you see......" After listening to Li's words, Old Lady Gu felt that it made sense, so she turned to persuade Old Man Gu.

Old Man Gu thought about it, sighed and said: "Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, you can do whatever you want. You can't live too conventionally, lest you blame me for being too pedantic at the time after a hundred years, so that you live in the countryside all your life."

After this, everyone hurriedly comforted Old Man Gu not to sigh like this, and Gu Liang was also thinking about the family. But Old Man Gu waved his hand to say that he was fine, but he felt that he was old and a bit of a drag on the young people, and he was not forced to do so.

After Old Man Gu gave in, there was no more obstacle for Gu Liang to buy the cave. It is May now, and we have to hurry up and build it early, and seize the last heat of the King Drunk, and we can't let it be a flash in the pan.

When Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu went to the head of the village to buy the mountain, the head of the village was brewing tea in the house. When he learned that the Gu family wanted to buy the mountain behind, he almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

Most people buy mountains because the flat mountains can be used to reclaim land, which is more cost-effective than buying wasteland directly. Or there are many mature trees such as fir trees on the mountain, which can be cut down and sold for money.

But the mountain that the Gu family wants to buy is behind their village. First, although the mountain is not steep, it has many stones, and they are all huge stones, which cannot be used for large-scale reclamation. Second, the mountain is close to the village, let alone mature trees, even large trees are rare. The only few large trees are crooked trees that the villagers are too lazy to cut down, and they are crooked and difficult to move back home. In addition, there were only some bushes and thorns left on the mountain, which could only be cut down for burning. But what their village lacked the least was these bushes. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, who would lack this?

So the village head was also very curious. Why did the Gu family buy this mountain? Could it be that the Gu family found something on this mountain?

And the old man Gu said calmly: "My son Gu Boxi worshipped Lingxu Taoist Master of Lingbao Temple as his teacher a few years ago. In order to persuade him to go home, we now want to find a remote and quiet place in the village to use as a place for home practice. This back mountain is not far from my home, and it is very quiet. There are also stone caves and clear springs, which are most suitable for practice."

Gu Boxi was sold by his parents like this, and became a person who clamored to become a Taoist priest. After listening to this, the village head did not think there was anything wrong. Instead, he comforted the two elders of the Gu family and felt sorry for them for doing this for their son.

However, the village head said he felt sorry, but he did not show mercy. The Gu family originally only wanted to buy two acres of land around the cave, but the village head said that their mountain land was not valuable and it would be troublesome to go to the county to handle the documents, so he insisted that they round up and buy ten acres of mountain land.

In the end, the Gu family bought the ten acres of mountain land around the cave with five taels of silver, plus the purchase of documents and arrangements cost a total of six taels.

The construction of the cave had already begun before the documents were issued.

The first thing to do was to remove the stone at the entrance of the cave.

The Gu family specially invited the village stonemasons to chisel the stones, because they were afraid that they would damage the structure of the cave if they did it by themselves. The stonemasons were experienced and could be used as supervisors.

Chiseling stones, carrying stones, and filling the rugged ground are not easy jobs. If the Gu family did it alone, they didn't know what they would accomplish. So in order to speed up the progress, they also went to the village to find ten laborers to do these jobs.

It was very dark inside the stone cave, and it was not convenient to work. For this reason, Gu Liang specially climbed to the top of the stone cave and cleaned the entrance covered by vines. Although it was still a little dim in the cave and it was not convenient to work, it was almost enough to light two torches or two oil lamps.

Although there were more than a dozen people working, because they were all stones, it was not easy to carry and clean, so it took two consecutive days to clean the stones at the entrance of the cave. At this rate, it is unknown when the work will be completed.

Gu Liang couldn't sit still at this time, so he just asked these people to smash the stones directly, and there was no need to move them, because his family would take care of it. And every time when these people got off work, Gu Liang would light a torch and go into the cave, put the broken stones inside into the space, and then take them outside and pile them together.

It's not that Gu Liang didn't use the space to transfer directly at the beginning, but at least half of these stones were buried in the soil, and his space couldn't transfer them in. If he could really transfer them, if this stone was a corner of the mountain, wouldn't he have taken the whole mountain?

With the help of Gu Liang's space, the progress was more than doubled. Within ten days, the big stones in the stone cave had basically been dealt with. The big stones were smashed flat, and the small stones were moved out or used to fill the gaps between the stones. However, if you want to put the wine jar, you must move some sand and soil, otherwise the ground is full of potholes and stones, which can easily damage the bottom of the jar.

It's easy to move sand and soil. There is a hillside outside the cave, so you can just dig it directly. A dozen people on the scene dug directly on the hillside more than ten meters away from the cave entrance. In just two days, not only was the stone cave filled, but a soil cave was also dug directly on the hillside where they dug. This soil cave was dug in this way at Gu Liang's request. When the wine is brewed, it can be used as a warehouse. At that time, it will not only not occupy the stone cave, but also can be used as a cellar.

After the stone cave was filled, the work on the Gu family side was not completed. According to the previous reasons of Gu Laohan and others, this place is for Gu Boxi to use as a place for home practice, so it is not enough to have a cave, and a house must be built.

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