The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

Originally, according to the local rules of Lanxi Village, every household should come to help build a house. However, the Gu family already has two houses in the village. If they ask the villagers for help at this time, it would be a bit rogue.

So the Gu family planned to pay someone to build it directly. Anyway, the house to be built does not need to be too big, and it does not take much time to build. After learning that the Gu family was going to build a house, the ten people who had worked in the stone cave before also expressed their desire to continue working. In order to let the Gu family continue to hire themselves, they even specifically said that they could pay less every day, after all, building a house is not as tiring as breaking stones.

It is summer now, and making earth bricks is much faster than in winter. The earth bricks are generally made of either silt soil from rice fields or yellow-white mountain soil.

The soil in the rice fields is plowed every year and soaked in water, so it is fine and sticky, which is a good material for making bricks. However, if you want to use the soil in the rice fields, you will be rejected by the old man Gu without even thinking about it. If you really take all the soil in the rice fields, the rice fields will be useless. Except for the rich people who don't do farm work, who among these farmers is willing to give it up!

As for the yellow and white hard mountain soil, the mountain they bought just happened to have this kind of soil, which is both strong and tough when used to make mud.

The excavated mountain soil is sieved, chopped straw is added, and water is added to stir, and brick mud is made. The purpose of adding straw is to enhance the resistance and strength of the brick, similar to the role of steel bars in cement. In fact, if you want the bricks to be harder, stronger and more durable, you have to add lime and glutinous rice water. But these undoubtedly increase a lot of costs. The Gu family will save money, so they will naturally not do this.

The most important step for the mixed brick mud is to pull the embryo to shape, that is, the mixed mud must be stepped on by cows and people, otherwise the sun-dried earth bricks will easily break at the drop.

While drying mud bricks, the Gu family also started to make wine. The stone cave was leveled and the wine jars could be put in for fermentation.

Cart after car of grain was transported into Lanxi Village, making everyone in Lanxi Village know that the Gu family had started making wine again.

The Gu family's big pot was boiling sorghum all day, and even the cooking time was saved. Just boil a pot of porridge every morning, paired with the previously made pot cakes and pickles, and three meals a day were solved.

Although this can fill the stomach, it is not a good thing to eat the same thing three times a day. After eating it for two days, I got tired of seeing porridge and pot cakes. It made Gu Liang doubt his life. People say that making money is to eat delicious food, but he obviously made money, but he still eats this kind of thing every day.

And the one who is more miserable than the Gu family is the Gu family's cow. These days, it keeps stepping on the mud. It is not enough to step on the mud. It has to pull the wine jars to the foot of the mountain, and then people move them to the cave. It was not enough to move the wine jars, it had to continue to move the boiled sorghum to the cave. After the boiled sorghum was moved, it had to move the dried mud bricks.

In summary, since the cow came to the Gu family, it found that the work of this family was more than that of China Construction Third Bureau, and it did not stop all day. Sometimes Gu Liang couldn't stand it and felt that the cows at home were also suffering. He thought that it would be much faster if he could move these things in his own space. But this space is not easy to expose. Unlike smashed stones, no one cares about worthless things. And the wine jars and sorghum moved by the cow are counted things, and they have been watched all the time!

Mud bricks are still being made, and the house will not be built for some time. During these days, the Gu family has not been idle and started to build the wall around the stone cave.

Of course, they can't enclose all the ten acres of mountain land they bought. That would be too much work, and it is unknown when it will be done.

The area they enclosed is a circle around the stone cave, and the exit of the stone cave is a platform in the shape of a crescent. The cave entrance is at the corner of the crescent, and the widest part in the middle is where they plan to build a house, and the wall surrounds the crescent-shaped platform.

Because there is a slope below the platform, the wall is built on a high ground that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which can effectively prevent others from sneaking in or peeking.

The broken stones that were smashed out of the cave before also came in handy at this time, and they could be used to build the wall. Not only did they deal with the piled stones, but they could also increase the firmness of the wall. Building a wall is not like building a house. It does not require any technical content. Just add mud and broken stones and pile them up straight. In the end, there were not enough broken stones, so they had to go find them specially.

With the concerted efforts of the Gu family, the wall was growing up visibly every day.

On this day, all the people in the Gu family

While filling the cracks of the wall with mud to stabilize it, they heard the sound of dogs barking in the village.

At first, they didn't care. In the countryside, it's normal for dogs to bark twice when they see strangers passing by the door. But the dog barked for a long time, until Erni said that the dog's barking sounded exactly like that of the big bear. The people of the Gu family realized that something was wrong and ran home quickly.

When they got home, they first found that the tied big bear had some blood on his legs, and there was a goose egg-sized stone next to it, which was stained with some blood. It looked like the blood of the big bear. In this way, someone must have broken into their house, and the big bear must have been hit by the thief with a stone because he found the thief.

It's not that their family has been tying up the big bear, but because their family members have been busy in the stone cave recently, and there is basically no one at home during the day, so they tie up the big bear during the day. Generally speaking, if others hear a dog barking in the house, they will not come in most of the time.

Seeing this, the Gu family went into the house to check if anything was missing.

However, after some inquiries, they did not find any property stolen from their home. After looking at the West Courtyard, they came to the West Courtyard where wine was made. Their things were generally in the West Courtyard. In the East Courtyard, there were no valuables except some wine jars and grain. The harvest has been good in recent years, and there are fewer beggars on the road. No one should go to the trouble of climbing over the wall to steal grain. Even if they stole grain, it would be difficult to carry such a large thing. The village is full of people during the day.

"Everyone come and see, a jar of wine here has been opened." Gu Changping shouted, and everyone immediately gathered around.

After hearing what his father said, Gu Liang was very confused. Except for the two jars left in his room, the whole family should not have any extra wine left!

"Damn, that's the first wine placed in the East Courtyard. It's poisonous and can't be drunk!" Gu Liang reacted instantly and shouted unconsciously.

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