The wine was so delicious that it was hard to make.

There are two jars of first wine hidden in the East Courtyard, which are all left over from the distillation of wine these days. Each time, the first wine is only one or two bowls, and it has been accumulated to make so much.

This first wine is fragrant and spicy, but it has a strong smell, which means it contains some methanol. The tail wine is turbid and tastes a bit bitter, but it is still relatively safe. So the first wine was left, and the tail wine was drunk by the frugal old man Gu. As the saying goes, the cloth seller wears rags, and the wine seller drinks mixed wine.

The reason why this first wine was stored separately and not discarded was that Gu Liang originally planned to keep it in the cellar and wait for one or two years until the methanol in it is converted into harmless substances before distilling it again. After all, the first wine contains the most aromatic substances. But the amount is too small now, so they just put it in the East Courtyard Hall and didn't care about it.

According to the scene, both jars of wine were opened, and a lot of them disappeared. According to the two small empty wine bottles that disappeared, it means that this person came for their wine.

At this time, Chen spoke up: "Dad, this man probably came for our wine. And there are usually few strangers in our village. If a stranger comes to someone's house, the whole village will know it in a short time, so the person who stole the wine must be from our village."

Old Man Gu stroked his beard and agreed, saying: "You are right, who is this person? Recently, your uncle Liu from the village has come to me to buy wine many times, but our wine has been booked long ago, and the price is also high. Could it be him?"

"Although the man of the Liu family is a drunkard, he never does such sneaky things. It can't be him. I think it might be that Li Laitou. There are several things in the village that can break into other people's homes that he didn't do." Old Lady Gu retorted at this time: "When our family was brewing wine before, I saw him sneaking behind the wall and peeking! But we didn't catch him ready, so it's not easy to trouble him. We can only be careful, Next time, we can't all go out to work. This time it was wine, next time it might be money!"

"Grandpa, grandma, now is not the time to discuss how to guard against thieves in the future. This wine may really be poisonous. If that person really drinks too much, his life may be in danger!" Gu Liang said anxiously. It's not that he is too kind-hearted, but he thinks that the thief lost his life just because of stealing wine. It's really unlucky. And it may not be just him who is unlucky. If the thief really died from drinking, this matter of life and death will really be blamed on their family.

Seeing Gu Liang so anxious, the other people in the Gu family asked Gu Liang puzzledly, saying that this wine can really kill people?

In fact, it's not their fault. Gu Liang had said before that this wine was spicy and strong, and it might be poisonous. But they always thought that Gu Liang was deceiving them. After all, they are all distilled wines. Why can't this wine be drunk, but other wines can be drunk? In this situation beyond their cognition, they naturally thought that the wine was at most not tasty and made people dizzy, but it was not poisonous.

After getting Gu Liang's affirmative answer, the people of the Gu family also panicked. If someone really died, they, as fellow villagers, could not sit idly by, not to mention that the man did not steal property but was just greedy.

Gu Liang thought more at this time. If the thief really lost his life in vain and said it was the problem of Gu's wine, that would be bad. After all, compared with stealing wine, it seems so insignificant in such a matter as losing a life.

By then, people outside will say that someone was poisoned to death because of stealing Gu's wine. It will be too late to explain it. After all, good news does not go out, but bad news spreads a thousand miles. It takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them.

In this case, Gu Liang decided to take the initiative to choose his own family to avoid rumors about wine at that time.

Gu Liang first sent the adults in the family to every household in the village to spread the word, and make sure to inform everyone that the wine in the house was stolen. Secondly, when spreading the word, you must not say that this is wine for sale, but that this is poisonous wine used by the family to kill insects, rats, snakes and ants. Unexpectedly, it was stolen before it was used.

Not saying it was the first wine was to keep the formula of the liquor secret. Saying it was poisonous wine was to prevent it from being used by someone with ulterior motives. Spreading that the Gu family's wine was poisonous and could kill people, then explaining it would be a waste of time. And saying it was poisonous wine at the beginning made it clear that what you stole and drank was poisonous wine, and you can't blame us.

Soon, the Gu family went door to door to spread the word according to Gu Liang's method.

The first house they came to was

They went to the home of Li Lai Tou, whom they suspected the most. Because they were the key suspects, Li Lai Tou's home was visited by Gu Liang and Gu Lao Tai.

Gu Lao Tai knocked on the door of Li Lai Tou's home for a long time before she heard some noise inside. She waited for a while before someone opened the door. The one who opened the door was the oldest Li Lai Tou. In recent years, he has been in poor health and has been lying in bed most of the time. He rarely appears in the village, let alone climbing over the wall of Gu's house.

As the old wooden door creaked open, the skinny old Li Lai Tou appeared in Gu Liang's field of vision. He was very thin, his clothes were very dirty, and there were still traces of mold on them. His hair and beard looked very seldom taken care of. If he met him on the street, Gu Liang might have thought he was a beggar! However, the eyes of this old Li Lai Tou were very energetic, which did not match his appearance at all. It was that his cheeks were fleshless, his eyes were raised at the corners, and his eyes were erratic, which always gave people a cunning feeling.

It was not known whether it was the smell on him or in the house, but Gu Liang smelled a sour odor before he even entered the house. So Gu Liang and Old Lady Gu did not enter the house, but started talking to him at the door.

Gu Liang and Old Lady Gu naturally talked about what the family had agreed on, and the first thing they talked about was the theft in his house.

When Old Lai Tou heard this, he hurriedly said angrily: "Gu family, don't go too far, I am such a person. Not to mention your courtyard wall, even the threshold of my own house is difficult to cross, how could it be that I stole it! Go away, go away, we don't welcome you."

After Old Lai Tou Li finished speaking, he picked up a branch and wanted to drive Gu Liang and Old Lady Gu away. Old Lady Gu shouted: "Li Laitou, why are you so angry? Which ear did you hear me say that you stole it!

I came here to tell you that the thief stole something bad. It was the poisonous wine that my family used to kill snakes, insects, rats and ants. Drinking it will kill people. If you know who it was, remember to remind him not to drink it. Next time my family brews wine, I will send some to each family to try."

Old Laitou Li was obviously stunned after hearing what Old Lady Gu said. After knowing that Old Lady Gu was not doubting him, his anger dissipated instantly, but he still said stubbornly: "Anyway, it wasn't me who stole it. What are you telling me? You should go find the person who stole the wine quickly and don't waste time here."

After Old Laitou Li finished speaking, he immediately closed the door and ignored the two of them.

Old Lady Gu said to herself: "This Laitou Li spoke so hard this time. Could it be that they really didn't steal it?"

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