The two sides were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

The man surnamed Gu, who was originally shouting for war and killing, was stunned when he saw this situation. He hadn't started yet, but the other side was already in a life-and-death struggle. The key point is that they are not afraid if the two groups of people fight. Now there is only old Li, a bald man, lying on the ground alone. It is not easy for them to fight an old man like this.

At this time, more and more people in the village were watching. They only dared to watch from a distance before. Now that they saw the one-sided situation here, they immediately came closer to watch the excitement. This is much more interesting than singing southern songs. After all, they can't understand the southern songs, unlike this, they can discuss it afterwards.

The onlookers pointed and talked, the Gu family members cursed, and old Li the bald man cried bitterly. The noise was more lively than the market in the town.

"Enough, be quiet and stop talking." Gu Liang shouted to the crowd to stop. He really couldn't stand this scene and had to stop them: "Your son is not dead yet. Why don't you find a doctor to save your son first? Why do you come to my house to cause trouble and waste time!"

After Gu Liang shouted to stop, the crowd first calmed down, but after Gu Liang said that old Li the bald man's son was not dead, the conversation in the crowd became more intense. This discerning person knew at a glance that old Li the bald man was not here to ask for an explanation at all, but was here to blackmail people. How could he not find a doctor when his son got into trouble and blamed the thief instead.

The accusations of the crowd became louder and louder. When the Li family helped to make trouble, they ran away as soon as they saw that the situation was not right, leaving only old Li the bald man. This old Lai Tou Li had a bad reputation to begin with. When he was in trouble this time, no one was merciful and cursed him as badly as they could.

Seeing this situation, Lai Tou Li also explained aggrievedly that his son was in such a state, how could he survive. But I don't know if he was really aggrieved or just pretending.

Gu Liang pulled out a wooden barrel from the house and said to Old Man Gu: "Grandpa, let's go to Lai Tou Li's house to take a look. After all, it's a life. If you can save it, save it. If it really dies, it won't sound good to tell others."

After hearing this, Old Man Gu also agreed with this statement. After all, he just stole the wine to eat. If he died because of this, others would not care about his fault because the dead are the most important, but would say what was the intention of his family to keep poisoned wine at home.

Old Man Gu dismissed the relatives who came to help and promised to hold a banquet to thank them the next day. Seeing that the excitement was over, many neighbors who came to watch the fun also dispersed. However, some people followed Gu Lao's team to Li Laitou's house to see what was going on.

When they arrived at Li Laitou's house, they were first unable to open their eyes because of the sour smell inside, and they complained in a low voice that it was not good to have no woman at home.

Then when they entered the room, Li Laitou was on the bed, holding his stomach and twitching constantly, and there was even white foam at the corners of his mouth. The things on the bed had already been swept down by him. His son, who was standing aside, was already trembling with fear at this time, and he couldn't stop crying.

Old Li Laitou also followed everyone back to his home and found that his son was in a worse condition than before he left, so he couldn't help but go forward to comfort him. When Li Laitou heard his father's voice, he cried and said that he had a headache and stomachache, and there were many black shadows in front of him and he felt that he was going blind. Li Laitou hugged his father tightly and couldn't help begging his father to save him. He didn't want to die yet.

The villagers who came to check the situation couldn't help but sigh when they saw such a scene. Although their family has always had a bad reputation, it is inevitable that they still feel a little emotional in this situation.

Seeing Li Laitou like this, Old Man Gu was at a loss. He was not a doctor, and it was the first time he saw someone poisoned by drinking the first wine. Naturally, he didn't know how to deal with it. He could only cast a hopeful look at his grandson Gu Liang.

Gu Liang was also confused when he saw the situation. He wondered how much Li Laitou drank to have such an effect. It seemed that he should intercept a little more of his first wine in the future. Maybe some jar of wine was not fermented well, and the methanol concentration exceeded the standard.

Now Gu Liang can only treat a dead horse as a living horse. He is not a doctor, and he has only read some treatment methods in books. Even the doctors here probably saw this situation for the first time and were powerless.

Gu Liang threw the wooden barrel in front of Li Laitou's bed and told him to drink the soy milk inside, and then used his fingers to pinch his throat to make him spit it out.

Li Laitou was a little skeptical about this operation, after all, he had never seen such a treatment method. But Gu Liang didn't indulge him and said directly: "I don't want your son to die.

If you think soy milk is strange, you can also use golden juice to drink. "

Golden juice is fermented feces, which also has a vomiting effect. However, Gu Liang was completely fooling Old Lai Tou Li. The purpose of using soy milk is to use the protein in it to protect the stomach and intestines and neutralize methanol, which is the same as the vomiting principle of milk. This is why Gu Liang asked Old Lady Gu to eat tofu rice. Moreover, their first wine is not pure methanol, and the possibility of death after drinking it is small, but the consequences are hard to say, so he is sure to take a gamble.

After vomiting until midnight, Li Lai Tou's condition finally improved, and the doctor he invited also came , and the subsequent content was also handled by him.

Half a month passed like this, and half a month later, Li Laitou's symptoms were finally almost cured, but he lost a lot of weight. It is said that he has been lying in bed for half a month and can't eat anything. People who occasionally pass by their house can still hear Li Laitou's ouch wei in bed.

Although he is better, there are rumors that Li Laitou has lost his sight in one eye. However, it is said that he is not completely blind, but that there is always a shadow when he looks at things with that eye. However, in the mouths of the villagers, this eye The eyes are no different from being blind.

After this incident, the atmosphere in Li Lai Tou's family became even worse. People avoided him wherever they went, fearing that he would blackmail them. Even if they passed by the door of a village house normally, they would close the doors and windows in advance to prevent him from stealing things. Stealing is a small matter, but blaming others is a big deal.

The reason why Li Lai Tou's grandfather and grandson have such a bad reputation is actually more from their family. After the incident, in order to distance themselves from the matter, their family members threw the responsibility on Old Li Lai Tou and exaggerated the story of Old Li Lai Tou. They were fooled by how Li Lai Tou deceived them. Their picking was clean and perfectly invisible, while Li Lai Tou's family was stained with stench, and many things that were not done by them were also attributed to them. The key is that after that, everyone avoided their family and did not give them a chance to explain.

On the other hand, the Gu family had many happy events. The wall had been built, and the house was getting taller day by day. It would be capped soon. The better news was that the wine brewed in the cave was in good condition, and there was no mold or stench as they had worried about beforehand.

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