The old man was buried in the cave.

With the previous experience, when the Gu family built the wall again, they didn't need Gu Liang to say anything more, they had already built it high and thick.

The wall was nearly half a meter wide and thick, with gravel inside and a layer of mud outside. Anyway, there were a lot of raw materials, so it was a waste not to use them. The mud also came from the side of the mountain. Not only was the soil used for the wall, but also for digging soil to make bricks and fill the stone caves, so that four caves were dug out.

The height of the wall was almost three meters, which was already a height that ordinary people could not reach. The most important thing was that there was a downward slope in front of the wall, which was relatively higher. Ordinary people really couldn't get in without some skills. For this reason, Gu Liang also set up a row of broken pottery pieces and bamboo nails on the top of the wall, leaving no place for others to climb.

Time flies, and it is the beginning of July in a blink of an eye. Finally, the first batch of wine brewed in the stone cave is distilled.

For this reason, Gu Liang has been looking forward to it for a long time. After all, his family's expenses are quite high during this period. Buying mountains, digging holes, building houses, and building walls all cost money, not to mention that they have to buy grain in ten times the amount to make wine, which puts more financial pressure.

Although the family's money has not been used up, in order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the Gu family's food has fallen again. There is naturally enough food. Now there is food everywhere in the house. You can have whatever you want to eat. Excessive intake of carbohydrates has caused Gu Liang to feel dizzy after eating. However, there are no eggs in the dishes, let alone meat. There is enough food at home, and the chickens are willing to lay eggs. Even the eggs laid by Gu are collected by Gu Laotai and sold at the market.

They prepared this batch of wine very well. They had prepared enough firewood, most of which they cut around the stone cave. The area around the stone cave needed to be cleaned up. In order to prevent snakes and rats from appearing, they naturally had to cut down the surrounding trees and shrubs.

For convenience, two large stoves were specially built in the newly built house, just to distill the wine nearby. Distilling in this place, they don’t have to worry about anyone peeking, and they can rest assured.

The newly built stove has worshiped the Kitchen God, burned paper money, and "fed" the first bowl of rice made by the Kitchen God, hoping that the Kitchen God will bless their Gu family to prosper in the future.

The stove burned for several days and nights, and finally distilled the first batch of white wine brewed in the stone cave. A few days after brewing the white wine, they had to start boiling new sorghum to brew wine. It can be said that they were busy all the time. Now they don’t have to worry about the season for brewing wine, and the site is large enough, so they can let go and brew as much as they want.

These days, people have been coming to Lanxi Village to buy Bawangzui. These people were all arranged by Gu Liang in advance. They all came to the door in the past few months, but the Gu family had no wine at that time. Gu Liang agreed with those people to pick up the wine at this time and promised that the price would definitely be cheaper than the original price.

Even so, with a two-month appointment, the number of people who came was far less than the original scene. After all, these wealthy families would be fresh at that time. Now they have waited for two or three months and their interest is no longer as good as before.

In this way, half a month passed, the second batch of wine in the stone cave was brewed, and the first batch of wine had not been sold out. This situation would have been impossible a few months ago.

However, it was just right that the wine was not sold out. Since the last thief incident, the Gu family has not thanked these relatives for their support. It is just the right opportunity to take out the unsold wine to entertain them.

This ancient rural banquet is actually not really sumptuous, especially this kind of banquet that is not held for a big event. Bringing some meat, scrambled eggs, and stewed vegetable soup is the best. Especially here, cabbage can be used as a dish for banquets, so it doesn't cost much to prepare it. You just need to buy some fat meat, and the rest are all grown in your own fields.

Although the dishes are ordinary, the Gu family's rice is enough to fill you up. For farmers who can't eat a few meals a year, no one can find fault with the white rice from the Gu family when it is put on the table.

The most important thing is that the Gu family also took out their own brewed Bawangzui to entertain. This Bawangzui has long been famous in Lanxi Village, and it is said to be magical. It can make those "rich officials" in their eyes come to buy it personally, either nectar or jade liquid. Moreover, they only smelled the fragrance of Bawangzui, but never tasted its taste. One catty of wine costs them one month's food ration money. Who can afford it? No one has ever drunk it. Naturally, it is more and more magical.

As soon as the wine jar was taken out, the people at the table were very excited, especially the men. Old Man Gu said before they came that today

Tianhui took out Bawangzui for them to drink. Before pouring the wine, Gu Liang first gave each of them a small wine glass, which was specially made by Gu Liang from the kiln factory a few days ago.

They usually use bowls to drink here, but this is only suitable for drinking rice wine and yellow wine. If this white wine is really poured down in a bowl, few people can drink it.

These people from the same family did not feel looked down upon when they got such a "delicate" wine glass, because poor people drink with bowls, and only rich people with literary talents drink with wine glasses the size of a child's fist. Today, they can use wine glasses smaller than them, and instantly feel that they are as high as their status, not to mention that Bawangzui is so precious, naturally they can't drink it as boldly as before, what a waste.

A pot was distributed to each table, and those who wanted to drink were asked to pour it themselves. Those who came to participate were all from the Gu family, regardless of gender, age or young. Those women who didn't drink on weekdays also raised their wine glasses and wanted to drink a sip. It's hard to say whether they can drink it, but they can't waste this opportunity. It's like taking the CET-4 exam. You don't know whether you can pass it, but you have to report your name first.

Perhaps it was because of the preciousness of Bawangzui or the elegance of the wine glasses, but today this group of country folks seemed unusually elegant when they drank wine.

One person held the pot and poured wine for everyone at the table one by one. There was no pushing or scrambling, and even the vulgar words of Tu Luzui were shut up halfway through. It seemed that they were not people who had known each other for decades, but a gathering of literati, and they had the demeanor of literati exchanging cups and glasses at the wine table.

However, this demeanor only lasted for a while. Some people were spicy with the liquor, and some people started to get drunk after drinking a few cups. One by one, they began to show their true colors, and they played drinking games and drinking games one by one, and some even sang.

The meal hosted by the Gu family today was a success, and everyone was happy. After attending the Gu family's banquet, these people seemed to be a head taller than others when they met other people in the village again.

When he saw other people in the village who didn't go to the banquet, the first thing he said was: "Hey, have you tried Bawangzui? I tried it two days ago and vomited. I tell you, Bawangzui is worthy of its name, the fragrance, the strength..."

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