After unloading the herbs, Gu Liang learned from Old Man Gu that he would treat the whole village to a drink in the evening, and he readily agreed. He said that they were all neighbors in the same village, and they had worked hard all year round. It was normal for them to share some of their own wine. Gu Liang was so generous that Old Man Gu felt embarrassed, and he promised that he would never talk about such things easily again. Because the whole village came together, each person drank a cup, and drank three jars of wine from their family. If it was converted into wine money, it would be enough for their family to eat food for half a year, and he felt distressed. The busy farming season passed quickly. Just after the grain in the field was harvested, an autumn rain fell quietly, and the temperature dropped sharply. It was necessary to put on an extra coat sooner or later. Although the Gu family is no longer engaged in farming, they did not expect that the grain harvest this year would be the largest in history, with an increase of 10% or 20%. The two elders of the Gu family were so happy that they could not stop smiling. Mrs. Gu sighed and said, "If we had known about the composting method earlier, we would not have to live so tight in the past."

Because the Gu family did not put too much thought into the fields this year, the grain output increased. In addition to the good weather and good harvest, the only difference was that they used the composting method that Gu Liang taught them last winter.

Although the Gu family is not engaged in farming now, the composting method is excellent and cannot be buried. Therefore, Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu promoted their composting method in the village.

A discerning person can see from the field that the millet of Mr. Gu's family is growing well this year. They all use the same farming method, and the Gu family grows well. They originally thought that the Gu family's fortune had come, and not only the people but also the land were doing well. After the explanation of Old Lady Gu and others, they realized that it was not luck, but this seemingly ordinary method. Since there was a model, many villagers believed in it and began to pile up fertilizer in the fields. Some families were even greedy and piled up fertilizer as high as graves.

After the autumn harvest, Gu Boxi had to leave home and return to Lingbao Temple. Although reluctant, there was no way. Life is like this. The more you want to be together, the less you will be together.

On the day Gu Boxi left home, the whole family was seeing him off. The newly harvested grain filled a full car. The two elders of the Gu family were afraid that Gu Boxi and Taoist Lingxu would be hungry. After all, they couldn't farm in that place. Chen and Li were busy making a thick quilt these two days. The new cotton this year is the warmest. The two brothers Gu Changping took out the fish and meat they bought in the town yesterday, and they were all pickled and smoked in advance, so they wouldn't go bad.

The family had prepared everything, and Gu Liang had nothing to give, so he packed a bag of silver coins. Gu Boxi originally refused to accept anything, thinking that he would not need it in the mountains. But Gu Liang insisted on giving it to his uncle, saying that he could not go out without money, and it was better to bring money with him since his family could not take care of him in the deep mountains. More importantly, learning medicine cannot be memorized by rote, so it is just right to use the money to buy some medicinal materials that cannot be dug and various silver needles.

Hearing what Gu Liang said, Gu Boxi accepted it. He felt that his nephew was right. Learning medicine cannot be memorized by rote, but must be practiced, otherwise it will not be able to cure diseases and save lives.

Before leaving, Gu Liang also took out a set of Taoist uniforms, which were used as an excuse when buying the mountain. However, after they bought the mountain, they made wine in the cave and were not criticized by the villagers. Later, it was left unresolved. It was just right to bring it to Taoist Lingxu, which was also a kind of thought.

After the autumn harvest, the Gu family did not have much work in the fields. At this time, the men had to go up the mountain to chop firewood for winter needs. Since the Gu family had to cook sorghum and distill liquor, the amount of firewood needed was very large, so they had to go up the mountain to chop firewood frequently.

In the past, the women would sew and mend at home at this time, and make winter clothes. But now the Gu family is not as tight as before, and many time-consuming things can be bought in town, so there is not much to do.

People who are used to being busy will feel uncomfortable when they stop. They want to sit when they lie in bed, stand when they sit, and walk around when they stand.

Especially Li, she didn't like doing these housework in the first place, and now she has earned a year's money with her nephew and despises these jobs. But she couldn't sit still, and after a while, she actually persuaded Mrs. Gu and her eldest sister-in-law Chen to pick up last year's livelihood - drying persimmon cakes.

Persimmons are divided into good and bad years. Last year, the persimmon trees of the Gu family produced a lot, but this year they produced less. If they want to sell enough, they must buy from other families.

But when she went there happily with the money, she came back furious, "Damn it, a

They are both obsessed with money, right? Last year, five persimmons cost one penny, but this year, they cost two persimmons. It depends on their mood to sell them. "

Li's words happened to reach Gu Liang, who was processing medicinal materials. Gu Liang asked in confusion: "Second Aunt, don't we have several persimmon trees at home? We don't lack persimmons to eat, so why do we buy persimmons?"

"Well, isn't it because it's the season? We are going to dry some persimmons and sell them like last year," Li replied while fanning herself.

Gu Liang shook his head and said helplessly: "Aunt, just save some energy. This thing can only make money last year. This year, we will just dry some for ourselves to eat."

"What do you mean? Such delicious persimmons sold for so much money last year, why can't they sell them this year? Besides, the method of drying persimmons is like wine, and it has not been passed on to others. They can't make it! "

Seeing Li's puzzled expression, Gu Liang walked around the village with her.

In previous years, persimmons were still hanging on the branches waiting to mature at this time of year. This year, many persimmon branches were already empty. It's not that they were not picked, but that they were all picked.

"Hello, Auntie Wang, these persimmons are not ripe yet, why are you picking so many?" The two met Auntie Wang who had just returned from the field on the road. Seeing that she was carrying a large basket of yellow persimmons, they greeted her.

Auntie Wang also said happily: "Isn't it because I saw that your family made some money from selling persimmon cakes last year! My family can't eat all the persimmons every year, and it's a waste to leave them there. It's better to dry some and sell them. We can't make your wine, but you Gu family won't stop us from selling persimmon cakes, right?"

"How can that be possible, Auntie Wang, just dry them with confidence. "Li replied with a smile.

Auntie Wang was even happier after hearing this, and said quickly: "Everyone in the village says that your family has always been warm-hearted, and this is indeed the case. Come to my house for advice when you have time. This persimmon cake is my first time to dry, and I'm afraid it won't dry well."

After saying goodbye to Auntie Wang, Gu Liang said to Li: "Auntie, you see, every family is drying persimmon cakes, who are you going to sell your dried persimmon cakes to?"

Li continued to say: "They don't know that you have to peel the persimmon cakes when drying them, and you have to choose half-ripe persimmons. If you dry them directly like this, they will get moldy and darken!"

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