The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Boss, everything is ready."

"Let's see if there are any loopholes. This time, we can only succeed, not fail."

"Don't worry, boss. I have found out. The Gu family's wine is made by that kid named Gu Liang. We just need to get him, and we will definitely get the secret recipe of Bawangzui."

"Well done. When the time comes, I will definitely say a few good words for you in front of that adult."

"Thank you, boss. I will definitely capture that kid..."

Recently, the boss of Guanjia Kiln Factory has been very unhappy. Originally, their family was the leader in Guanyao Town, and other kiln factories could not compare with them. Their family has been operating in Guanyao Town for more than a hundred years. Although many small kiln factories have appeared around them, they cannot shake their status at all. Local people recognize their products the most.

But in the past year, a factory called "Tianqing Kiln" in the surrounding area has a great momentum to surpass their family, and the large wine jars sold are almost catching up with theirs. Moreover, due to the popularity of Bawangzui recently, the small wine jars used to hold wine are all made by their family, and the quantity is very large, and the popularity of Tianqing Kiln Factory is also booming.

Especially the small sky-blue wine glasses made by their family are specially used for drinking white wine. Many people will buy a few pairs to entertain guests. Although the wine glasses are small in size, they are not cheap, because they are porcelain, and the profit is much higher than pottery.

He also sent people to the Gu family in Lanxi Village before, wanting to discuss cooperation. Originally, he thought that their family was well-known throughout Jiangzhou. With their family's reputation, as long as someone went there, cooperation would be a matter of course.

Who knew that when the Gu family heard that it was someone from their housekeeper's kiln factory, they didn't even let them in and directly refused. Later, after asking around, they found out that the youngest son of the Gu family had been an apprentice in their family and had stirred clay for three years in vain.

He also had someone explain that it was purely an accident, that the housekeeper Wang had been fired, and that their housekeeper had no idea about it before. However, no matter how they explained, the Gu family was still unwilling to cooperate with them, and only said that they had an agreement with the Tianqing kiln factory and it was not easy to break the contract.

For pottery like them, the most important thing is reputation. Things like pottery bowls and pottery jars are not easy to see, and only after using them can you know whether they are good or not. Pottery is also a valuable thing for ordinary people. When buying it, you have to ask where it is produced. If you haven't heard of it, you dare not buy it easily, so reputation is the most important. Now the reputation of the Tianqing kiln factory is not small in the county. If they don't curb it, their family will not be as comfortable as before.

He was optimistic about the prospect of liquor, thinking that it would be as popular as rice wine and yellow wine. He originally wanted to form a joint venture with the Gu family to expand production so that it could be sold to other places. At that time, not only could he get a share of the liquor in Shang, but his own wine jars would also be shipped to all parts of the country with the liquor.

But the Gu family was stubborn and all his ideas were rejected. The Gu family also said that they only wanted to do a small business and did not expect to sell liquor all over the country.

Although the Guanjia Kiln Factory had some background in the county, the county was not the only one watching them, so he could not force it. Especially the wealthy Xu from Lianhua Town, his son was an official appointed by the court, and he had a good relationship with the Gu family and had also arranged it behind the scenes.

Just when the head of the Guanjia Kiln Factory was about to give up this path, a man came to him. The man said that he was a subordinate of His Royal Highness the King of England and wanted to discuss a cooperation with him. The purpose of the cooperation was to get the secret recipe for brewing liquor.

The man said that His Royal Highness the King of England had just been reminded by the Emperor last year, so it was not easy for him to do it himself, and he could only find someone to help him.

When the owner of the Guanjia Kiln Factory heard that he was going to help His Royal Highness the King of England, he immediately agreed. He had long wanted to cling to the King of England. After he had the relationship, the things produced by his own kiln factory would be unique in Jiangzhou at least.

The Guanjia Master thought that since he had the support of His Royal Highness the King of England, he also had a backer. As long as he got the secret recipe, everything would be easy to say later. This Jiangzhou is the territory of the King of England. As long as he said a word, no one dared to trouble him.

With this idea in mind, the method that the Guanjia Master came up with was also very simple and crude, that is, to find a group of outsiders, and when Gu Liang was out, they would directly kidnap and send him over. At that time, he had the final say on coercion, inducement, or torture. Gu Liang was a child and would definitely reveal the secret recipe out of fear.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm driving the ox cart out!"


You drive the cart carefully, don't break the wine sent to the Xu family!"

"I know, I won't do that."

Gu Liang had just set up the ox cart and was about to set off, but Li's sister Li Donghua also got on the cart.

Gu Liang asked in confusion: "Aunt, why did you get on?"

Li Donghua said embarrassedly: "Your grandma was worried, so she asked me to come and hold the wine jar to prevent it from being broken by the bumps on the road."

Gu Liang said helplessly: "My grandma is also very careful. I have driven the cart so many times, and I have never seen the wine jar broken."

"Forget it, it happens that I have nothing to do at home today, and I can't go to the back mountain to help dry the wine. I'm idle anyway, so I might as well help you pay attention." Li Donghua explained, touching the wine jar and sighed: "My goodness, these more than 20 taels of ginseng are soaked in wine like this? I heard that this ginseng is a magic medicine that can bring people back to life. "

This jar of ginseng wine was brewed by Gu Liang to give to the Xu family. This rich man Xu has helped his family a lot. He often helps to take care of their business on the surface, and also supports them secretly, so that their business can continue normally.

Gifts should be given to the right person. If you always give gifts to the rich man Xu, it will seem a bit too flattering, so Gu Liang plans to give it to the father of the rich man Xu, the old man Xu. This ginseng was bought by Gu Liang after several months. Their place is small, and ginseng is rare. Even if you spend more than twenty taels, it is still I could only buy a small one, and I used it all to make wine.

Gu Liang felt bad for spending this money, but he had to spend it, otherwise he would be sorry for the help. When Gu Liang got the small ginseng the size of a mouse's tail, he even thought about whether he should study the artificial cultivation technology of ginseng, which is really profitable.

Gu Liang explained to Li Donghua that ginseng can bring people back to life: "Aunt, although this ginseng is magical, it can never bring people back to life, it can only make people energetic and consolidate their vitality. The Xu family has helped our family a lot, otherwise I wouldn't spend so much money. "

Li Donghua nodded, indicating that she understood.

Gu Liang continued to drive the ox cart, walking slowly on the road to Lianhua Town. This road was the most frequented by his family, and his family even spent some money to repair it, just to make it convenient for others to buy wine.

The ox cart had been going for more than half an hour, and Gu Liang noticed that several people had been following them. They walked as fast as the cart went.

Gu Liang became puzzled, so he stopped the car and used the excuse of going to the toilet on the side of the road. About a cup of tea had passed, and when Gu Liang came back to drive the car again, the people behind were still behind them.

In theory, in a cup of tea, normal people would have walked a long way and would not be behind them at all.

Gu Liang picked up the whip and swung it three times. The ox heard the sound and accelerated forward.

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