The weather was cold, but the weather was very cold.

When the Gu family found Li's eldest sister Donghua, she was helping people wash clothes in the river in the cold winter.

At this time, a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface of the lake in the distance. There was no warmth in the cold water. Not only was the water cold enough to penetrate people's spines, but the biting north wind was like a bone scraper, scraping every inch of skin. In this weather, let alone washing clothes, most people were unwilling to even wash vegetables. They tried to wash them with warm water, and at least used well water. Although the well water was cold, the water just drawn from the well was at least a little hot.

However, not everyone can use well water. There was a group of women in the county who specialized in washing clothes for others. They made a living by washing clothes for people on weekdays. As a newcomer, Li's eldest sister had no man to rely on, so she didn't even have a share of the well water.

Originally, she would be paid more for washing clothes for those richer families, but as a newcomer, she could only take clothes from ordinary people's families. She could only earn one or two cents for a bucket of clothes. The fabrics of clothes from poor families were hard and brittle, and clothes that had been worn for many years would be easily torn if they were not careful. She could only wash carefully, and often could only wash clothes for two or three families in the morning.

As soon as Li saw that the person who came to her was her sister, she quickly picked up the washing basin and left, trying to avoid it. As the saying goes, don't visit relatives when you are down and out, and don't visit your mother's family when you are poor. She really didn't dare to see her sister in her decadent state.

However, since the Gu family came, they would not let Li's eldest sister continue to abuse her. In the past, when they were poor, the Gu family could not take care of themselves. Now that they are rich, they can build houses with enough food, and it is just a matter of talking to feed a few more people. How can they bear to see others pitiful?

After a lot of persuasion from the Gu family, Li's eldest sister was willing to agree to go back with the Gu family. After Li's eldest sister returned the washed clothes, the Gu family came to the place where she and her two daughters stayed.

A broken house with air leaking on all sides, a group of people lived in it, and a bunk bed made of earth bricks was crowded with bedding for seven or eight people. The two daughters of Li's eldest sister were hiding on the straw bed to keep each other warm.

This place was the best place Li could find. Although it was cold inside the house, at least it could avoid the wind and rain. The most important thing was that there were women and children living here, and there were no adult men, so at least there was no need to worry about reputation. The reason why the Gu family was able to persuade Li's eldest sister to go home with them was because of her two daughters.

On the way home, Li kept rubbing her sister's hands. Her hands were covered with chilblains and purple due to constant washing of clothes in this winter. Although her hands were covered with chilblains, the dry hands did not become red and swollen due to chilblains, but looked like half-rotten dead branches in the ground. Li's eldest sister's name is Donghua. She is like a flower in winter, and she is destroyed by the cold winter.

As for Li's eldest sister's two daughters, I don't know whether it is because of the recent changes or because the weather is too cold and there are no warm clothes. Both of them have numb faces, as if they have lost their light.

Looking at the three pitiful people, Mrs. Gu is full of heartache. The two daughters are about the same age as Gu Liang, which is the most distressing time. Now they are destroyed beyond human form.

After arriving home, the people of the Gu family are busy cooking. Li's sister said that they have not had a full meal for many days and have been living on porridge all day long; they are busy boiling water for them to take a bath. The place where they live is so dirty that people can see fleas jumping everywhere with their naked eyes; they are busy preparing new clothes for them. They were driven out and had nothing. When they were taken back to Gu's house, they only had a pottery pot for cooking porridge.

After Li Donghua came to the Gu family, she rushed to do all the work. She was better than anyone else at cooking, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, and feeding chickens and cows. In her words, people cannot eat white rice. However, the Gu family did not want her to do this. They did not hire a servant, so there was no need to let her work herself to death. Besides, with the current grain reserves of the Gu family, it was not a problem to feed more than a dozen people for free.

Moreover, Li Donghua's hands were all frostbite, and she could not do such rough work, so Mrs. Gu was determined not to let her do these wet jobs. Li Donghua, who could not rest, turned around and made shoe soles again. Before the New Year, she made a pair of thousand-layer soles for everyone in the Gu family.

Gu Liang looked at Li Donghua, who worked so skillfully, and couldn't understand why such a good woman was despised by her in-laws and not accepted by her parents. Later, Gu Liang secretly asked his second aunt Li, and Li told him the reason.

It turned out that Li Donghua's mother-in-law saw that she had given birth to two daughters in a row and was too old.

As the child grew older, he was afraid that his eldest son would have no descendants. So he found a young widow who had given birth to two sons in a row from a neighboring village and brought her home as his daughter-in-law, hoping that she could carry on the family line for his eldest son.

After hearing this explosive plot, Gu Liang also felt that Li Donghua's in-laws were good enough. They left their good daughter-in-law and biological daughter behind and raised two children from other families. You should know that in history, Longkodo couldn't even take care of a child, let alone two children.

Originally, Gu Liang thought about whether to take revenge, but they did not belong to Li Donghua's natal family. Her natal family didn't care, and it was even more difficult for their family to get involved in such things. So Gu Liang had to give up and thought about it when the time was right.

The arrival of Li Donghua, mother and daughter did not bring trouble to the Gu family, but instead reduced the burden on the Gu family. The Gu family now has a small number of people and a large territory, with a lot of things to do and little labor. With their help in the usual chores at home, it is more convenient for the Gu family to focus on brewing.

However, there was only one bad thing, that is, Li Donghua often urged her sister Li to take advantage of the close relationship with her brother-in-law and give birth to a son as soon as possible, so as not to end up like her.

Li didn't care much at first, after all, Mrs. Gu never said that she must give birth to a son, and her husband also sympathized with her body damaged by childbirth in the past few years, and did not urge her, only saying that she was still young and could have a child in the future.

Li knew that her sister was doing it for her own good, but she started to get a little anxious after saying it so many times. Because a few days ago, a relative saw that his family was doing well, and asked Mrs. Gu tactfully that he and Gu Changan had no sons, and whether they wanted to adopt one.

Although the final result was definitely rejected by Mrs. Gu, it undoubtedly sounded a warning bell in her heart. The Gu family was getting richer and richer, and there were more and more people who were jealous. The Gu family had more girls and fewer boys, and Li's family was the most likely to be targeted because they had no sons. If she were adopted by her elder brother and sister-in-law, it would be fine, as the family business was earned together and no one was separated. However, her elder brother and sister-in-law only had one son now, so it was impossible for her to adopt him. She did not want to be devoured by those people with ulterior motives outside.

Winter has passed and spring has come. It is another good season, which also means that this year is the last year before the famine.

Gu Liang seized the last year and kept expanding the production of liquor, wanting to make more money so that he could live better in the next few years of famine.

A row of houses at the foot of the mountain had been built and the walls had been erected. The weather was still suitable for brewing wine, so Gu Liang filled all the houses with wine jars, striving to make a lot of money this time.

Carts of grain were transported into Lanxi Village, and batches of wine jars were moved into the Gu family, which made every villager in Lanxi Village sigh: "The Gu family is really prosperous."

Since the wine brewed by the Gu family is already well-known in their county, many people only recognize their wine, so there is no need to worry about sales. And because of the effect of the aphrodisiac wine, Xu Lingjun will soon have a younger brother or sister. Mr. Xu was very happy and realized the value of the medicinal wine. He promised that if it could not be sold in the future, he could give it to him and he could resell it.

In this good situation, some people finally couldn't hold back, and envied the upcoming wealth of the Gu family, and began to plan secretly.

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