After sending the aphrodisiac wine, Gu Liang went back to the room with Xu Lingjun. He could see that the rich man Xu was very satisfied with the gift he gave. When he left, the rich man Xu was still holding a jar of wine to look at.

The reason why the rich man Xu was holding the jar of wine to look at it was entirely because Gu Liang's handwriting was so bad that he had to look carefully to know what medicine was soaked in the jar of wine.

After the rich man Xu looked at the dozen jars of medicinal wine one by one, his eyes finally stopped on a jar of wine called "Ten-fold tonic".

Then, Mr. Xu called the housekeeper late at night and asked him to send it to his son who was thousands of miles away overnight...

In the following month, whenever someone came to Gu's house to buy Bawang Zui, Gu Liang would give him a small pot of medicinal wine and hint at the effect of the wine. I don't know if the medicinal wine really has such a great effect, or if it's the psychological effect of men. Within half a month, a bunch of people came to Gu's house to buy it back, and they specifically asked for this medicinal wine.

Some people were embarrassed. They said they came to buy Bawang Zui, but secretly added money to ask Gu Liang to help them replace Bawang Zui with the most nourishing medicinal wine.

The speed at which this medicinal wine became popular was beyond Gu Liang's imagination, so that he didn't have time to make so many medicinal wines. In particular, some customers came from Chizhou, hundreds of miles away, just for this medicinal wine.

However, the medicinal wine that Gu Liang made before had already been sold out, and now only some Bawang Zui was left. In order to make the visitor from Chizhou worthwhile, Gu Liang simply asked him to buy Ba Wang Zui back and then buy the herbs to soak.

Life passed like this, and there was only more than a month left before the Chinese New Year.

Winter is the most idle time in the countryside. The grains are stored in the warehouse, there is less farm work in the fields, and the firewood in winter is prepared early. The rest is to stay at home and spend the winter.

However, the Gu family is still busy at this time. Gu Liang didn't expect that the medicinal wine he made would be so popular. Even the Ba Wang Zui that he had hoarded before was sold out. It was probably because there were too many men who were troubled.

So Gu Liang wanted to build another row of houses at the foot of Shidong Mountain to expand the scale of production and store wine and grain.

Since the Gu family is not short of money now, they invited many people to build it, and the materials used are also solid. Just after half a month, the row of houses at the foot of the mountain has taken shape. Along with the house, the outermost wall was built. From a distance, people would not think that there was a house inside, but rather a small city wall.

Now there is only one month left before the Chinese New Year. Gu Liang wants to finish the house before the New Year, so he has been supervising the work at the stone cave, and at the same time preventing anyone from sneaking into the inner wall to peek.

That day, Mrs. Gu was alone at home, and the rest of the Gu family went to the back mountain to help.

Mrs. Gu was locked in the house to weigh silver. Recently, the sales of white wine at home have been tight, and the new batch has not come out yet, so no one comes to buy wine.

"Third aunt, are you at home? I'm here to see you!"

A shout broke the silence and Mrs. Gu's leisure time. This is also a new hobby she has developed recently. She likes to stay in the house alone to weigh silver, and then smell the smell of silver, which is much better than copper coins.

However, this leisurely time was broken by a shout at the door. Old Lady Gu was very unhappy, but the man shouted at the door very happily. Old Lady Gu could only hide the silver and open the gate.

As soon as the door opened a crack, a big face came up, which scared Old Lady Gu.

"Third aunt, I haven't seen you for several years. I came to wish you a happy new year." The man raised the things in his hand and greeted enthusiastically.

Old Lady Gu, who was just scared, only saw the face of the visitor clearly at this time. It took a long time for her to react. Isn't this the son of her eldest brother from her mother's family? Why did he suddenly come to their house!

It's no wonder that Old Lady Gu was confused. Her parents from her mother's family died of illness many years ago, and her brother also died a few years ago. Only some younger generations were left in her mother's family. Since the elders of her mother's family were gone, she rarely went back to her mother's family. Logically speaking, she is now the elder of the younger generations of her mother's family, and these younger generations should visit her, instead of her visiting the younger generations. It's just that the younger generation hasn't come here in recent years, so the two families don't visit each other often, and we haven't seen each other for many years.

"Dashun, why are you here? Isn't the New Year the busiest time for your store?"

"Auntie, no matter how busy I am, I can't help but come to see you!"

"That's right, as an elder, I hope the younger generation will have a good life. You are usually busy, so you don't have to come to see your third aunt."

"How can I, third aunt, these are the baked cakes I brought for my cousins ​​and nieces. They are very popular in the county. I lined up for a long time.

"Come on, what do you want to bring?" Mrs. Gu took the two bags of scones that were about the size of her palm with a smile on her face, and then invited her nephew to come in for tea, and served Yunrongji's peach cakes, Song's pastry shop's cloud cakes, and the most beautiful candied cherries, which are the most famous pastries in the city. When Mrs. Gu served these pastries, Dashun's mouth twitched obviously. He thought that sending some scones from the county town would fool the third aunt who had been staying in the village. Unexpectedly, the food served by the third aunt's family was something that even he, the shopkeeper, could not easily buy. Food.

Mrs. Gu also put on a standard business face at this time, with a smile on her face, but she could not see a trace of enthusiasm. Mrs. Gu kept persuading her nephew to eat. These snacks were specially picked by her. Her grandson was greedy and snacks were indispensable on weekdays. She picked a few expensive ones to discourage her nephew.

Her nephew had not been around for several years. This was not a festival or the New Year. He suddenly brought something to the door. I think he must be asking for help. If it was a small matter, she would help, but if it was a big deal, it would be a big deal. First, it was a difficult matter, so she could suppress him and use food to make him embarrassed to say it.

Dashun was also a face-conscious person. In the past, he felt that he worked in the city and looked down on his third aunt, so he stopped contacting her after his father died. Today, he came here because his shopkeeper asked him to take a jar of medicinal wine back. This wine was in short supply and people had to line up to buy it. His shopkeeper found out that he was related to the Gu family, so he wanted him to come and ask for a jar.

Because they had not been in contact for several years, Dashun did not expect that the third aunt's family had already... Being so wealthy, the gift he offered was not good enough, and he was too embarrassed to say it out loud.

So he started to play the emotional card with Old Lady Gu, using some gossip in their village to get closer to Third Aunt.

Although Old Lady Gu had not been back to her parents' home for many years, she still had feelings for the people and things in her parents' home, and immediately started chatting with her nephew Dashun.

After chatting for about an incense stick of time, Dashun suddenly said: "Third Aunt, I remember that your second daughter-in-law is the fat girl from the Li family in the west of the village, right?"

"Yes, she has been diligent in the past two years, and she is not as fat as before! "Old Lady Gu was a little dissatisfied with Dashun's comment that Li was fat. Since Li followed Gu Liang to make money, she liked her daughter-in-law more and more. In addition, after Li became diligent, the fat on her belly was reduced a lot, so she instinctively explained for her daughter-in-law.

Dashun continued: "Last year, the third son of the Li family was lame after serving corvée labor, so the daughter-in-law took over the Li family. She was arrogant and unreasonable.

Last month, I heard that the eldest daughter of the Li family, Donghua, was divorced by her husband because she couldn't give birth to a son, and she took her two daughters to her parents' home. Guess what, the daughter-in-law of the Li family didn't let the eldest sister-in-law go home and drove the three of them out of the house.

I saw her in the county two days ago. She is now helping others wash clothes for a living. Poor her!"

Before Dashun finished speaking, he heard a clatter at the door, and then heard Li's trembling voice saying: "What did you say, what happened to my sister, say it again..."

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