The rain came out of nowhere, and the weather was very good.

"How come it rains so suddenly? I haven't even finished picking the rapeseed moss yet!" Old Man Gu brushed the rain off his clothes and said to the old and young Gu family members who were warming themselves by the fire in the house.

After hearing this, Old Lady Gu gave up her seat and let her husband, Old Man Gu, come in to warm himself by the fire. She turned around and took out another coat from the house and asked Old Man Gu to put it on, complaining: "It was the beginning of spring the day before yesterday, so the rapeseed is mossy. Why bother to pluck it one by one!"

Old Man Gu took the clothes handed over by Old Lady Gu and said jokingly: "Old woman, you have planted the land before. If you don't pluck the rapeseed before the beginning of spring, then your planting this year is in vain! Or do you not want to eat oil this year?"

"If you don't want to eat oil, then don't eat it. It's not like we haven't lived through such days before. Besides, there are so many acres of rapeseed, and we have to pluck them one by one. Why bother!" Old Lady Gu took the old man's clothes and put them on the fire pit to dry.

When the eldest daughter-in-law Chen saw her father-in-law coming back, she quickly handed him a bowl of hot lees porridge and said, "Dad, eat it quickly to warm yourself up. This porridge has been warming by the fire!"

Old man Gu took the porridge handed over by his daughter-in-law and felt very comfortable. The porridge in the bowl was neither hot nor cold, just right for eating. The lees were easy to stew, and a mouthful of it warmed the heart and stomach. And after drinking it, you can clearly feel the aroma of white wine when you exhale.

Speaking of white wine, old man Gu remembered something again, turned around and reminded his second son, "Did you take the medicine your brother brought back for the New Year? This time the medicine is different from the previous one. Don't touch the wine before taking the medicine this time."

When Li heard that it was about medicine again, she immediately lowered her head, and her face was hot with shame in front of the fire pit. When Gu Changan heard what his father said, he hurriedly said, "Aren't you talking about the farm? Why do you bring it up with me? Dad, my husband and I know about this, so don't get involved."

Seeing that her second son was not happy about this, Mrs. Gu quickly brought the topic back and said to Old Man Gu, "Look, it's sunny outside after the New Year. It should be sunny, and it should rain. Now several families in the village are saying that what you said before was a rumor to scare them."

After hearing this, Old Man Gu said with a guilty conscience, "I didn't say that this natural disaster was destined to happen, I just reminded them. Besides, isn't it a good thing to have no disasters? Will it be comfortable if there is really a crack in the ground or a flood?"

"I'm just reminding you that the people in our village are not of the same surname and have different hearts. In the future, we should be more cautious about such things, and don't let people's kindness be taken for granted," said Mrs. Gu, frowning. In fact, she was not happy about the gossips of some villagers. This natural disaster was not a good thing. She should be happy if there was no such thing. Moreover, Mrs. Gu had not seen the families who said such things make any preparations. Now she was just looking for trouble.

"Grandma, I'm a little cold," Chunni, who was playing in the east courtyard of the eaves, said to her grandmother coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, grandma will find you a coat right away." Seeing her granddaughter say this, Mrs. Gu hurriedly found clothes for her kindly. When Mrs. Gu left, she complained: "This damn weather is hot and cold, and it's colder when it rains than when it snows."

Because it was cold, the Gu family had a quick dinner in front of the fire pit. A dozen people cooked a big pot of meat soup, added some sausage cubes and rapeseed moss picked by the old man Gu. The sausage oil fragrance is matched with the refreshing rapeseed moss. The hot meat soup slides down the esophagus into the stomach, not only filling the stomach, but also satisfying the internal organs.

Winter nights with rainy days are so cold that people can't find anything to do. The Gu family went to bed early after dinner. After all, in this weather, except for the quilt, everything else is Ningguta.

The next morning, Gu Liang stayed in bed for a long time for the first time. Seeing that the New Year is about to end, many things have to be done again. There are not many days like today that can be so idle.

Just as Gu Liang was about to stretch and get up to bake some rice cakes, he heard a click next to the house, as if something broke.

After the click, less than a second later, Gu Liang heard another crackling sound, like the sound of a house collapsing.

This movement scared Gu Liang, thinking that his house had collapsed. The house is made of earth bricks. If it rains all night, it is really possible to collapse.

When Gu Liang hurriedly put on his clothes and pants and went out to check what was going on, he found that his family members were gathered in the pigpen not far away.


When he got closer, he found that a branch of a big tree on the hillside behind the yard had broken and fell on the top of the pigpen. This branch was as thick as Gu Liang's leg, and the power of its fall could be imagined.

"My goodness, why did the rain last night turn into ice?" Li said to the fallen branch. What fell was a camphor tree, with green leaves, but there was a thin layer of ice on each leaf, and there were icicles about ten centimeters long hanging on the tip of the leaf.

Seeing the pigpen destroyed by the branches, Mrs. Gu felt distressed and quickly asked her family to clear the branches and repair the pigpen roof with thatch. Otherwise, the pigpen would be constantly exposed to rain, and the earth brick wall would collapse easily.

"It's so cold!" After helping to clean up the pigpen, Gu Liang immediately came to the fire pit to warm himself, and couldn't help but sigh at the warm fire.

Dani had been sitting in front of the fire pit since she got up in the morning. Seeing her brother Gu Liang saying this, she also agreed, "This damn weather is hot and cold. When I went out to play this morning, I found that everything in the village was frozen, and there was a layer of ice on the leaves and vegetables."

At this time, Old Man Gu also came to the fire pit, stretched out his red hands to warm himself, and explained to Gu Liang and Dani, "This is called icicles, which is no different from rain at the beginning. But this rain is cold, and it freezes as soon as it falls, so wherever it falls, there is a layer of ice."

"Liang'er, grandma made you a bowl of rice cake soup. Eat it while it's hot, and you won't feel cold after eating it." Seeing that Gu Liang got up late and hadn't eaten breakfast yet, Old Lady Gu brought him a bowl of leftover rice cake soup. After Old Lady Gu handed it to her grandson, she said to Old Man Gu worriedly, "I haven't seen such icy weather for many years. It won't be the same as that year!" Old Man Gu frowned and said hesitantly, "It's hard to say. It's the beginning of spring now. It's warm before the New Year. The rapeseed will start to bloom. It's okay if it only rains for a while, but I'm afraid it will keep raining." After saying this, Old Man Gu and his wife looked outside the house. The rapeseed in the field was crystal clear in the ice. A green bamboo in the distance couldn't stand the weight of the ice, so it broke with a snap and fell heavily to the ground. The icicles hanging on the bamboo leaves burst all around.

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