The weather was very cold, but the weather was very good.

It rained for a week in Lanxi Village, and the drizzle was as good as spring rain. But although it was like spring rain, it was much colder than spring rain. A little rain on people felt like being pricked by needles.

During the rain, there were snowflakes from time to time. In theory, sleet should melt as soon as it hits the ground, but because there is a layer of ice on everything, the trees and grass are covered with white frost. From a distance, the world looks like a huge candied haws with icing on it.

The bamboo forest in the distance was damaged by this. Originally, there were many bamboo leaves, but now each bamboo leaf is covered with a layer of ice. The weight increased sharply, and the bamboo was bent and hung on the ground.

In the past few days, the sound of bamboo breaking has been heard from the bamboo forest from time to time. The crisp sound has reached the ears of every household in Lanxi Village, which makes people terrified. However, what these people are terrified of is not the bamboo being broken or the bamboo forest being destroyed, but the rapeseed and green vegetables planted in the fields.

Green vegetables can be frosted, but they are afraid of freezing. Frosted green vegetables have a sweet taste and taste very good. However, once the green vegetables are frozen, the weather will clear up after the beginning of spring, and the temperature will soar, which will make the leaves of the green vegetables turn yellow and rot.

If there are no green vegetables, there will be no green vegetables. Anyway, it is the beginning of spring. Go to the fields to dig some wild vegetables such as shepherd's purse, amaranth, and motherwort. These wild vegetables are large in quantity and can fill you up. But rapeseed is different. Farmers basically rely on it for oil all year round, and the oil can be sold for money, which is more profitable than buying grain.

"Alas, don't count on the rapeseed this year. Let's wait for the weather to clear up and quickly release water to irrigate the land and prepare for ploughing." Sighs came from the fire pit in Lanxi Village.

The Gu family is in good condition. After all, they have a way to make a living by selling wine. Even if they don't plant now, they don't have to worry about not having oil to eat. If they don't have oil, they can just buy some back. What they are worried about is whether the prophecy of this natural disaster has really come true? Is this freezing rain a precursor? What will happen this year?

After almost ten days of freezing rain, the sky finally cleared up, and the villagers of Lanxi Village finally died.

As soon as the sun came out, the frozen icicles on the rapeseed were melted in one day, and then the temperature returned to the point where people only needed to wear an extra vest. The rapeseed leaves in the field are different every day, getting yellower day by day. Especially in those places where moss has not been pinched, the rapeseed is crushed by ice, which looks terrible.

Needless to say, the yield of rapeseed this year will definitely be greatly reduced.

Although rapeseed is destined to reduce production, life must go on. Farming depends not only on people, but also on the weather. Everyone hopes that the weather will be good every year and that they can get what they sow, but it is common for God to be a little bit irritable sometimes. As for the famine, not many people associate this freezing rain with it. Most people think that this is something that will happen every few years.

The land that has frozen and been exposed to the sun will become soft. Farmers can take this opportunity to plow the fields and save some effort.

After a few days, Gu Liang took the Jiang brothers out to buy some things. When they passed by the oil shop in the town, they asked about the oil price. They found that the oil price had risen by 10% compared with this period last year. After asking, they learned that the freezing rain a few days ago was not only in Jiangzhou, but also in many surrounding prefectures. Therefore, these oil sellers are sure that the rapeseed production will fall this year, and they have raised the price of oil in advance. I heard that it will continue to rise later.

Gu Liang admired these businessmen very much. As the saying goes, there is no business without fraud. The rapeseed has not yet bloomed, but the oil price has been raised in advance.

When he went home, Gu Liang bought a few fried dough sticks at the fried dough stick stall he often went to, ready to take them back for his sisters to eat. When he checked out, he found that the price was wrong. The price of a fried dough stick was one cent more than before. The man who fried the fried dough sticks said with a smirk: "Sir, you know that the price of oil has risen a lot recently. My fried dough sticks are the most oil-consuming. It's not too much to charge you one cent more for each fried dough stick!"

Gu Liang looked at the black oil in his pot and the fried dough stick drain bag that he never washed, and suddenly felt that the fried dough sticks were not sweet. I used to think that the fried dough sticks in this shop were good quality and cheap, so I thought it was okay not to change the oil. After all, oil was used like this in ancient times, and no one knew that repeatedly frying oil would cause cancer. Now he suddenly began to dislike the fried dough sticks that secretly increased in price by one cent.

"You didn't tell me before I bought it, you profiteer." Gu Liang cursed silently in his heart, and then he turned around and thought about whether he should raise the price of the wine he sold. After all, the wine tax has increased, should he also increase his price?

March is almost here,

It is the beginning of the year for farmers. Because it will soon be Qingming Festival, it is the season when grass and trees sprout and everything is thriving. At this time, the season has completed the transition from winter to spring, and the temperature has gradually stabilized. Even if there is a late spring cold, it will not be as cold as winter, causing the crops to die.

However, this year's Qingming Festival was a bit abnormal. Since the freezing rain, the temperature has been high, and it seems that no rain has fallen. But fortunately, the water flowing down from the mountain has not decreased, and everyone can still carry out spring ploughing normally.

Two days before Qingming Festival, according to custom, you have to go to the mountain to worship your ancestors. Since the people of Lanxi Village moved from other areas less than a hundred years ago, there are only three or four generations of ancestors, and there are few ancestral tombs to worship.

For ordinary farmers like them, there is no monument on the ancestral tomb, let alone an inscription. Moreover, the establishment of monuments in ancient times also pays attention to status. The tombstones that seem normal to us modern people are not allowed here, and stonemasons will not make them for you. Besides, even if these peasants erected a stele, they couldn't read the words on it, so why bother?

So most graves were simply erected with a wooden sign. After a long time, when the sign rotted, they would go to the river to find a stone with a smooth surface and erect it on the grave as a mark to indicate that the grave was here.

A long time ago, Old Man Gu reminded Gu Liang that if he saw a stone with a very smooth surface on the mountain, he must not sit on it to rest. Because there is often a grave hidden underneath, and it may be that the grave has no descendants or other reasons, causing the grave to be flattened by rain and integrated with the surrounding environment so that people can't see it. If you sit on it, sitting on someone else's grave, it is easy to be contaminated with bad things.

Because there are few graves, the speed of worship is also fast, and it takes about an hour to go to all the places you should go. And it took so long because of the rush. People here like to bury their dead high, that is, they want to find a place with high mountains facing the sun. It is said that the higher the ancestors are buried, the higher the descendants will climb.

Due to the influence of freezing rain after the New Year, many trees were crushed by ice, especially those evergreen trees such as pine trees. After two months of sun exposure, the crushed trees have long been dried up and have become the best firewood.

Old man Gu was reluctant to leave such good firewood in the mountains, so he simply asked his family to bundle the firewood back home after offering sacrifices to the ancestors. After all, their family has always been a big user of firewood because they need to make wine.

Because it has not rained much this year, even the weather that should have rained during Qingming Festival has not, the mountain is particularly dry, and the firewood is lighter than usual.

After bundling the firewood, the Gu family prepared to take a rest and then carry it back home in one go. At this time, the third uncle Gu Boxi, who went home to worship his ancestors, said to Gu Liang: "Gu Liang, look at the mountain over there, is it on fire?"

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