The two brothers were so angry that they had to fight.

At this time, Wang Lizheng said nothing. He couldn't get angry in front of so many villagers. After all, he had always been lenient. It was not in line with his image to scold the two juniors in public. But he couldn't pretend to be calm after others exposed his shortcomings. After all, his tolerance was so big. He could only blush and stare at the ground.

The elders of the Sun family who brought Old Man Gu back saw that the two brothers were scolding each other again. They were afraid that they would fight again, so they hurriedly called for a stop. There were many outsiders watching. If they really fought in front of so many outsiders, his Sun family would lose all their face. At that time, every family in the surrounding villages would say during dinner, "Have you heard? The two brothers of the Sun family in Lanxi Village fought in front of the whole village to fight for the family property..."

"Don't quarrel, you two brothers. Since the second brother thinks that the village head is related to the eldest brother's wife, it's unfair. Then I'll invite the village's second master Gu, right?" After the elder of the Sun family finished speaking, he raised his arm, turned his palm, and invited Old Man Gu to stand between the two brothers, standing with the not-so-good-looking Wang Lizheng.

Old Man Gu was a little upset at this time, because he hadn't figured out how to persuade the two brothers. After all, there is only one piece of land, and it can only be given to one person. Even if the small field can be divided into two, the Qinquan can't be divided into two!

He himself has multiple children, and he loves them all equally. But if he really encounters such a thing, to be honest, he is a little biased towards his youngest son. After all, the youngest son is not married yet, and parents always want to give more so that he can find a better wife in the future.

However, Gu Laohan's eyes slipped, and he saw the eldest son Sun Qiang's wife holding a baby son, and he felt sorry for her. The eldest son's family has three people after all, and there is a big difference between feeding three mouths and one mouth.

Gu Laohan looked left and right, and he really didn't know who to award the land to. If he awarded it to his elder brother, his younger brother would definitely not accept it and would hate him. If he awarded it to his younger brother, his elder brother would not admit it at that time, which really worried him to death.

He looked at the elders of the Sun family who invited him over. At this time, they looked calm and watched the wind and clouds roll by. Gu Laohan realized that he was tricked by these old foxes. He secretly complained in his heart: "These old foxes are just not doing anything. It's obviously your family's business, but you insist on letting me, an outsider, make the decision, making me the bad guy, and you are completely shirking the responsibility.

You know that no matter who the field is awarded to, the other will definitely hold a grudge. In the end, you won't get any good, but will only gain an enemy."

The old man Gu, who was alert to the trap, broke out in a cold sweat. He really didn't know how to judge. He was already forced to do something, and he couldn't escape at the last minute. So he had to stammer and say: "This...that...if you want me to say...this field, this field..."

At this point, the old man Gu couldn't say anything anymore. It's not easy to be a good person. If there is no solution that satisfies both sides, it's not easy to be one.

Wang Lizheng stood there in shame for a long time, and finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. He thought that this old man Gu was so capable! It turned out that he was also a fool, not as good as him. At least although he didn't have a good solution, he could still say a few things. So when he saw the old man Gu in such an embarrassing state, he couldn't help but snorted coldly and vented his anger.

Gu Liang was standing in the crowd watching all this. After all, he was bored at home. He originally wanted to follow his grandfather to watch the fun, but he didn't expect it to be such an embarrassing scene.

Seeing that his grandfather was embarrassed, Gu Liang stood up and asked the Sun brothers: "Uncle Sun, Second Uncle Sun, I would like to ask, are you two brothers fighting for this small field for the water in the field?"

Sun Zhuang answered first: "Of course, if there is no Qinquan in that field, who would care about it. The field is full of gravel and stones. The spring plowing can break my plow, and the grain harvested in autumn is not enough to pay for my seeds."

Gu Liang then asked Sun Zhuang: "Then let me ask again, if all the water in that field is diverted, how much land can be irrigated?"

Sun Zhuang thought about it, and after thinking for a few breaths, he said to Gu Liang: "About two acres of land!"

Gu Liang turned his gaze to the brothers' elder brother, and after getting his elder brother's confirming look, he continued to ask: "As far as I know, each of you brothers definitely has more than two acres of land. Even if you get the water in this field, what should you do with the remaining water in the field? If you two brothers can fight over water, who will have the remaining water in the field?

Are you willing to give it?"

After hearing what Gu Liang said, the Sun brothers felt that it made sense. Even if they had the water from the Qinquan, it was still not enough.

Seeing that the Sun brothers had fallen into the trap, Gu Liang continued to ask questions, but this time he was not targeting the Sun brothers, but everyone present. He asked: "Wang Lizheng, are you willing to put the water from your field into the fields of the Sun brothers? Uncle Sun, are you willing to put the water from your field into the fields of your two nephews? Uncle Li, don't hide! Are you willing to put the water from your field into their fields? Don't you have a field just above theirs? It's just right for it! "

The few people named by Gu Liang either said nothing or shook their hands and heads to show that they didn't want to. Especially Uncle Li, before Gu Liang asked, he hurriedly retreated to the back of the crowd, fearing that Gu Liang would see him.

After getting unanimous reluctance, Gu Liang then said to the Sun brothers: "Uncles, you can see that even if you have that piece of land, you can't solve the problem of water shortage in the field, and no one is willing to put water from their own fields into your fields."

After hearing this, the Sun brothers sighed. If the two brothers really wanted that piece of land, they would have fought over it last year. Why wait until now? In the final analysis, it is because there is too little water this year.

"Everyone present, if I were to say, the reason why the Sun brothers quarreled was because there was too little water. If there was enough water, this would not have happened." Gu Liang turned around and shouted loudly to all the onlookers, "If we don't solve the water problem, what happened between the Sun brothers will continue to happen. Not only to them, but also to each of us. Only by solving the water problem can we avoid such a fight for water. "

After listening to Gu Liang's words, the crowd of onlookers felt that it made sense and started to discuss with each other.

"Yes, if the water problem is not solved for a day, we will be worried for a day."

"Well, I had a quarrel with my neighbor this morning because his family put more water in my field. If it was last year, why would I quarrel with my neighbor?"

"What the kid from the Gu family said makes sense. In the final analysis, there is not enough water. If there is enough water, there will be no such trivial matters."


After a period of noise, someone finally asked the most important question: "Gu family kid, don't just talk without doing anything! Tell me what good way you have to make our fields not lack water."

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