The old man was buried in the river, and the old man was buried in the river.

"Ahem," Gu Liang cleared his throat and said to everyone, "Uncles, do you still remember the dike that my family and some families in the village built years ago?"

"Of course I remember. Although my family didn't help much, my family is close to the dike, and we are not short of water until now!" An inconspicuous villager in the crowd said with a smile on his face.

At this time, an elder of the Sun family who invited Gu Laohan to come over asked in confusion: "Gu Waer, what do you mean?"

"Everyone, our village is now facing the problem of water shortage in the rice fields. In previous years, the streams on the mountain were enough to irrigate all the rice fields, but now most of the streams are either dry or the water volume is less than a fraction of that in previous years, so the water level in the paddy fields is not enough.

It is also because of this that our village has recently frequently experienced incidents of quarreling and fighting over water. But fighting cannot solve the problem. The water in the fields is not enough, or it is not enough."

When Gu Liang said this, the villagers all felt that it made sense. They had had conflicts with others over water issues in recent days. Gu Liang continued:

"According to the current situation, we should do these two things: 'increasing revenue and reducing expenditure'. 'Reducing expenditure' naturally means that we should cherish the water we have now, maintain the fields and dams, and not let it flow away in vain. And 'increasing revenue' means that we should get more water, so that we can meet the needs of everyone in the village."

"Gu Waer is right, we should increase revenue and reduce expenditure!" Gu Dabao's grandfather was the first to take the lead in supporting Gu Liang and shouted.

After Gu Dabao's grandfather responded, the villagers who were watching also responded one after another, saying that this is what should be done.

With the support of the villagers, Gu Liang finally expressed his idea: "Although our village already has a dike, this dike cannot deliver water to all the fields in the village. But if we build another dike, we will definitely be able to irrigate more fields. If one is not enough, build two, and if two are not enough, build three... As long as we build enough, we will definitely be able to deliver the water of Lanxi River to everyone's fields in the village."

After hearing Gu Liang's idea, all the villagers were excited and thought that building more dikes was a very good way. Lanxi River is not like other streams in the village. It has abundant water and can definitely meet the needs of all families.

"Please raise your hands if you are willing to build a dike. Our Gu family just has the chisel and crowbar needed for the last dike construction, which can be taken out for everyone to use."

Gu Liang saw that the villagers watching were in high spirits at this time, and hurriedly continued to encourage the villagers to build a dike. And just as Gu Liang expected, this method was unanimously recognized by everyone. The first people to raise their hands were those who had built the dike with the Gu family. Later, many families whose rice fields were short of water raised their hands.

In the end, only a few people did not raise their hands, but when they saw that only a few people, including themselves, did not raise their hands, they hesitated to raise their hands. After all, the whole village agreed, except for his family, and he was afraid that others would gossip at that time.

So, the construction of the dike was agreed by the onlookers. Gu Liang hurriedly turned around and ran to Wang Lizheng, who also raised his hand and agreed, and said: "Grandpa Lizheng, as the head of the whole village, you are naturally the most respected person by everyone. Then the construction of the dike for the whole village is entrusted to you, and those families who are not present are also troubled to notify them. I think you will definitely arrange this matter very properly!"

Gu Liang raised his voice, deliberately letting everyone present hear that Wang Lizheng was responsible for this matter, not whoever proposed it.

"Everyone, please go and discuss with the head of the village, Wang, when to start, where to build the weir, and where to dig the ditch. We must discuss it quickly so that we can use the water of Lanxi River as soon as possible!"

When Gu Liang said this, the villagers of Lanxi Village were like flies meeting dog shit. They all surrounded the head of the village, wanting the weir to be built from their own fields, so that they could be the first to enjoy the water of Lanxi River.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Liang took advantage of his small stature and quickly slipped out of the crowd, grabbed his grandfather's hand, and led the old man Gu home.

The old man Gu was also confused at this time. He didn't understand why his grandson wanted to go home now. He had proposed such a good method. Shouldn't he also discuss the construction of the weir?

Gu Liang sighed to his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, have you forgotten why we came here?"

"Oh, I'm so confused!" The old man Gu slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "The matter of the Sun brothers has not been resolved yet."

After Gu Liang and Old Man Gu exchanged a glance, they left without stopping and headed straight to Gu's house.

After returning to Gu's house, Old Man Gu quickly reminded his wife and son and daughter-in-law that someone surnamed Sun in the village was looking for him, and he said that he had caught a cold and was lying in bed and couldn't see guests.

The group of old and young people at home in Gu's family were confused and didn't understand why Old Man Gu pretended to be sick. He clearly helped the people surnamed Sun before going out, so why did he avoid them when he came back?

Gu Liang then explained what had just happened and the muddy water that the two brothers of the Sun family would cause no matter who went there.

Everyone understood why Old Man Gu was hiding. The reason was that the problem of the Sun brothers had not been solved at all. It was just that Gu Liang changed the topic and made others forget the purpose temporarily. When they reacted, they would still come to Old Man Gu to make a decision.

In the next few days, several waves of people really came to Gu's house. The Sun family naturally sent people over, still for the brothers' matter, but they were all rejected by the Gu family, who asked the Sun family to find someone else to make the decision.

The remaining people were villagers who came to borrow tools to repair the dike. The dike repair had been agreed by the whole village, and mobilization had begun.

It must be said that Wang Lizheng was quite efficient. He notified all the families in the village in two or three days, and also persuaded all the families to send labor to repair the dike.

Gu Liang originally thought that mobilizing the whole village would be a very troublesome thing, after all, their village has always had some internal strife. It seems that Wang Lizheng has been the village chief for so many years and still has some prestige, although it may also be because everyone has been looking forward to water for a long time, so they all agreed.

Soon, the location of the weir was also selected. One was not far above the weir built by the Gu family, and the remaining two were below, separated by about 300 meters.

Looking down from the mountain, the location of the three new weirs can basically meet the requirements of all the fields in Lanxi Village.

Although the fields in their village are all in the middle of the mountains, the terrain is relatively flat, with the southeast being high and the northwest being low. Since Lanxi River comes out of the mountains and flows fast, the river channel is about three meters away from the fields. During heavy rains, floods can pass through normally and will not rush into the fields.

For this reason, it is necessary to build a weir to raise the river channel and divert the water of Lanxi River into the fields.

Although the locations of the three newly built weirs all include the careful thoughts of the village head Wang, they are not far from the fields of the Wang family, which is more convenient for the Wang family.

But in general, the ending is still perfect. For the first time in history, the villagers of Lanxi Village did something together.

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