The construction of the dike on Lanxi River was finally completed with the joint efforts of the whole village.

With the completion of the dike, the water of Lanxi River began to flow into the fields. With the influx of a large amount of river water, the seedlings that had turned yellow and thin due to lack of water finally turned green. At the same time, the increase in water level prevented the bottom of the seedlings from being exposed to the sun, and the leaves became more green.

On the third day after the dike was built, the sky was no longer clear, but covered with dark clouds, as if a heavy rain was about to fall at any time!

The people of Lanxi Village have been looking forward to this rain for too long. You know, it has been three or four months since the freezing rain at the beginning of the year. Except for one time when it rained like cat urine, there has been no rain. In Lanxi Village, the rain that falls very lightly is called cat urine, which means that it is as little as a cat peeing, and it can only wet the dust when it falls on the ground, which is the same as no rain.

So when they saw the gloomy sky, they were happy from the bottom of their hearts. They went out to look at the sky as if it was a festival, hoping that it would rain soon.

Some smart people quickly picked up their hoes and went to the fields to loosen the soil that was hardened by the sun. Otherwise, even if it rained, the ground would not absorb water, and it would flow away in vain along the ground.

When each family had repaired their own field ridges, the rain finally fell. A gust of wind blew, followed by a few muffled thunders, and the rain fell.

The people of Lanxi Village had never been so happy. They shouted at the rain like a dog barking at the sun, especially the children in the village, who were so happy playing in the rain. In previous years, the adults in the family would never let us go out to play when it rained, but now it is different. The adults in the family are all out in the rain, so what are they afraid of?

"This rain comes at the right time. If it doesn't come, the vegetables planted in the fields will suffer." The one who said this was Mrs. Gu. She leaned against the door panel and looked at the water drops dripping from the eaves with joy, watching it fall from drops to a column of water.

Chen, who was sitting in the house and looking outside, also replied: "Yes, mother, you have worked hard these days. My brother and sister-in-law and I are both pregnant, and you don't let us do the physical work of carrying water to irrigate the garden. The vegetable garden at home depends on you to carry water morning and night to survive."

After listening to this, Mrs. Gu sighed and said: "Well, what's there to thank you for? We are all family members. What's the big deal about carrying water? I just feel sorry for the crops planted in the dry fields. If it doesn't rain, we can't irrigate them all!"

"What are you afraid of? The dam in this village has been built, and there is no shortage of water in the paddy fields. The rain has also come, and there is no need to worry about the dry land. My sister-in-law and I are both pregnant now, and our lives are getting better and better. It's okay, mother." The one who said this was Li, who was sitting on the bed in the inner room embroidering a tiger-head hat. Since she knew she was pregnant, she was so careful when doing things. On rainy days like today, she would never step out of the house for fear of slipping and falling on the child.

Yes, everything seems to be getting better and better. This legendary disaster does not seem to be as terrible as it sounds, as if people can successfully overcome it with hard work.

Everything is getting better and better, really?

The rain that thousands of people are looking forward to did not last long. It stopped in less than an hour, and just wet the turned over land. As for the untouched land, the sun basked in a thick layer of soil, which well isolated the rainwater from seeping in, and let the dripping rainwater slide down it directly.

This short rain did not bring much nourishment to the thirsty earth for a long time, just like a fish that fell into the water for a short time and was then picked up on the ground.

After the rain, the world returned to the way it was a few days ago. The sun still made people feel painful, and the leaves of plants drooped. Maybe the sun and rain have a grudge. In one day, it wiped out all the traces of yesterday's rain.

Fortunately, the dikes and weirs are still strong, constantly delivering clean water to the paddy fields.

Gu Boxi stayed at home for half a month, and after successfully getting a glorious title, he was ready to return to Lingbao Temple behind Dahei Mountain. Originally, before going down the mountain, he planned to stay at home for a while, wanting to treat the villagers for free so as to refine his medical skills. But who would have thought that he, a strong man, would become a gynecologist specializing in women, and be regarded as a witch.

The way back to the Taoist temple is still a detour, from Lianhua Town to Lin County, and then to Lingbao Temple. Although this road is a bit far, it is at least safe.

When Gu Boxi left, except for the two pregnant women, basically all the Gu family members were gone.

Everyone went to Lianhua Town to see him off. But it wasn't a special farewell, but they went to Guanyao Town to buy things, just by the way.

At first, no one in the Gu family thought that Chen and Li could get pregnant, so they didn't prepare some things for delivery, and they just went to Guanyao Town to buy them.

The reason why they didn't buy them in Lianhua Town was because there were too few things in Lianhua Town, even the embroidery thread for making tiger head pillows for children was not enough. After all, Guanyao Town is a big town, and there are many people doing business here, so naturally there are many fashionable things to sell.

Going to Guanyao Town again, Gu Liang felt a little complicated. Last time he escaped from here alone, he hadn't been here for more than half a year.

This time, Gu Liang came with his whole family, and the Jiang brothers were always by his side to protect him, so there wouldn't be any big problems, and he could go shopping with peace of mind.

Since he came to Guanyao Town, he couldn't help but meet Deng, the shopkeeper of Tianqing Kiln Factory.

After more than half a year, I didn't expect that the Tianqing Kiln Factory has expanded a lot compared to the last time I came. Even the front door has been rebuilt, and even the storefront of the neighboring store has been taken over.

Seeing Gu Liang coming, Shopkeeper Deng was very happy. Gu Liang was also a noble man of his. If it weren't for Gu Liang, the things made by his family would not be famous in the whole county.

At noon, Shopkeeper Deng hosted the Gu family to have a meal at Fengkelai. During the meal, Gu Liang accidentally glanced at the Guanjia Kiln Factory not far away. Because of Gu Liang's arson, the layout of the Guanjia Kiln Factory is now very different from before. The location of the firewood room where Gu Liang was imprisoned is now an open space with nothing built.

Shopkeeper Deng saw that Gu Liang had been staring at the Guanjia Kiln Factory, and talked to him about the changes in the Guanjia Kiln Factory with great interest.

When one-third of the Guanjia Kiln Factory was burned down, the Guanjia Kiln Factory immediately started reconstruction work, but most of the burned one-third was the key area for making pottery, with a complex structure, so the progress was slow. As a result, a large number of orders were lost, and these lost orders basically fell into the hands of other kiln factories in Guanyao Town, giving them a chance to come out on top.

Hearing this, Gu Liang remembered that he was shocked when he heard that one-third of the Guanjia Kiln Factory was burned down. Later, he learned that it was their own apprentice who set the fire. Since it was the apprentice who set the fire, he must know where to burn to cause the greatest loss to the kiln factory.

Shopkeeper Deng continued to talk about how the Guanjia Kiln Factory later knew that the fire came from the house of Wang Guanshi when it was liquidated, so Wang Guanshi was sent to the government office by the Guanjia family owner, and died suddenly in prison before he could be tried.

Later, the Guanjia Kiln Factory was able to make pottery normally, but found that their pottery was not so popular in the market.

The first reason was that the Guanjia Kiln Factory had been entrenched in the local area for many years. As soon as his family was in decline, other families immediately stood up. Even if they lost money, they had to take the business from his family. After all, only with business can there be repeat customers.

The second is that the reputation of the Guanjia Kiln Factory has fallen rapidly, so that ordinary people are unwilling to buy their pottery. The reason for the decline in reputation is that they use the name of apprentices to make people work for free. This is a real deception of the people, which makes the people indignant and naturally unwilling to buy their products. As for the rapid spread of the news, it is naturally inseparable from the secret promotion of Deng and others.

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