After hearing about the current situation of the Guanjia Kiln Factory, Gu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. The steward Wang who had tied him up was dead, and the steward had suffered huge losses through this incident. This result was the best.

Don't ask why he didn't die to the end. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Gu Liang himself only has a little strength by selling wine. If you really compare, ten Gu families are not as good as a steward who has developed in Guanyao Town for a hundred years. It's good enough to hurt his family a little. If it weren't for Xu Fu's arrangement, his whole family would have moved away long ago.

I have to say that Shopkeeper Xu is a very good person. Even though the sales of Gu's liquor have dropped recently and the number of wine jars needed to hold liquor has also decreased, the attitude of Tianqing Kiln Factory is still sincere and there is no negligence.

Due to the long period of no rain, even the dumbest people know that this year will be difficult and they are all preparing to tighten their belts to get through this year, so the number of people buying loose liquor has also decreased significantly. Only some local wealthy families and restaurants will continue to buy Gu's brewed wine.

Seeing that Shopkeeper Deng was so sincere to him, Gu Liang told Shopkeeper Deng about the famine and wanted him to be prepared. Unexpectedly, Shopkeeper Deng had also heard about this, but he just thought it was a rumor made up by some bored person and didn't take it seriously.

Gu Liang explained that this "rumor" came from his mouth, and the dry weather and little rain in the past six months is the best proof.

After listening to Gu Liang's explanation, Shopkeeper Deng stroked his beard and said seriously, "Oh, if it's the news you spread, it's somewhat credible."

However, for people like Shopkeeper Deng, drought actually has limited impact on him. No matter how expensive food or how scarce water is, he can still get these things.

However, based on their friendship, and in order to repay him for helping him suppress the Guanjia Kiln Factory, Gu Liang also gave him an idea. At present, the Tianqing Kiln Factory is mainly small and medium-sized pottery and folk porcelain, with fewer large pottery. Gu Liang's idea is aimed at these large pottery.

Although it hasn't rained for a long time, their Jiangzhou has always been a place with abundant rain, with many rivers, lakes and ponds. At present, there is no problem in meeting the water needs for farmland and life. But the famine has come, and it will not be a matter of one or two days. Since the drought has occurred this year, the drought will definitely last for a long time. At that time, not to mention farmland water, even life water will be affected.

Those whose domestic water supply is affected will definitely stock up water in advance, and the best tool for stocking water is a large ceramic jar. Those who don't have a large water jar at home will definitely buy one, and those who have a water jar will definitely want to buy a few more, so the sales of large ceramic jars will definitely increase.

Shopkeeper Deng was quite impressed when he heard Gu Liang's analysis was very reasonable. After all, he didn't think of it, but a child like him actually thought of it. Shopkeeper Deng raised his hands, crossed them, and gave a cross-hand salute to Gu Liang to express his gratitude.

Gu Liang was frightened after seeing it and quickly refused. You know, Shopkeeper Deng is only a little younger than his grandfather, Old Man Gu. This cross-hand salute is a salute for younger generations or people of slightly lower status to elders and people of higher status. How can he bear it?

"No, no, no," Gu Liang was so scared that he refused three times in a row, and joked: "If I really accept your gift, and the situation changes, the pottery jars can't be sold and I have to bear the responsibility." After hearing this, Shopkeeper Deng laughed and said: "Doing business is risky. How can I blame others for my own decisions? Your idea is very good. If it works, my kiln factory will definitely be able to move to a higher level. If it fails, the jars are still there and will not be damaged. If they can't be sold, I will leave them there and wait for your Gu family's wine business to get better and better. Then it will be good to buy these jars back to make wine." Shopkeeper Deng's words were very interesting. He said that he would never blame Gu Liang, and at the same time wished the Gu family's business to be flawless. After dinner, the Gu family separated from Shopkeeper Deng. Shopkeeper Deng had his own things to do, and the Gu family had to hurry up to buy everything, otherwise it would be dark when they returned. At about 6:45 pm, the Gu family returned to Lianhua Town by oxcart and mule cart. The family finally went to Guanyao Town, so they bought a lot of things, mainly baby things. The rocking cradle alone took up a lot of space.

The rocking cradle is where the baby sleeps. The bottom is made of curved wood, and the bamboo basket is stuck on the base. Then the bottom of the basket is filled with soft things.

, put on the quilt and it becomes a bed for the baby to sleep. As the name suggests, a rocking bed is a rocking bed. When the baby is sleeping, gently rocking the bed can make the baby fall asleep as soon as possible.

It’s not that the Gu family didn’t have a rocking bed, but this time Chen and Li were pregnant at the same time, and only one was not enough for two children, so they bought one.

Every household has a rocking bed. In theory, the Gu family can borrow from neighbors and relatives if they don’t have enough. After all, babies don’t need it when they grow up to three or four years old. But there is a saying here that rocking beds cannot be borrowed. Borrowing is equivalent to borrowing the incense of other people’s families, and other people’s families will have no descendants.

Gu Liang thinks this statement is feudal superstition. It must be because the rocking bed is considered a "big furniture", and they are afraid that other people will break it, so they made up such a statement.

But Old Man Gu said another statement, which made Gu Liang feel that this baby bed really cannot be borrowed. It turned out that Old Man Gu said that it was because if you don’t pay attention, the baby will be easily injured. If the child has an accident while sitting in your crib, falls, or gets injured, then you lend it to him. It is a good intention, but it will inevitably cause some resentment, and even lead to the two families turning against each other.

After listening to what Gu Lao said, Gu Liang felt that it was right. After all, babies are delicate, and the rocking bed is a bed similar to a tumbler, which is easy to tip over. If it falls, it will be even more troublesome for the two families to argue. It seems that most of the customs are just decent explanations for some things that are easy to cause conflicts.

In addition to the rocking bed, there are also baby chairs, wraps and other things. A lot of them were bought in bits and pieces. According to Gu Lao, the family was poor before, and they had to make do. Now that life is better, they must not let the newborn suffer anymore.

On the way back to Lanxi Village from Lianhua Town, Gu Liang met the servant of Xu Mansion. He was overjoyed when he saw Gu Liang, and hurriedly said that he went to Lanxi Village to find him, but he was not there.

Gu Liang originally thought that it was Xu Lingjun who was looking for him, so he wanted to refuse and said that he would go to see him again during the Dragon Boat Festival in a few days.

But the servant said that it was not Master Xu who was looking for him, but that the rich man Xu had returned.

Gu Liang knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, so he said hello to Old Man Gu and the others and said that he was going to Xu's house to do something.

Old Man Gu saw that Gu Liang was going to Xu's house, and did not stop him, after all, Xu's house had a great favor to their family. Old Man Gu asked the Jiang brothers to follow Gu Liang and protect Gu Liang's safety. After instructing that he should not be kidnapped again, he took his family back first.

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