The old man was very busy, but he was very busy.

In the past two days, people from other villages have been looking for the Gu family, asking if they still want to sell grain. The Gu family's unified reply is: "No, the grain has been sold out."

Although the Gu family only sold 10,000 catties of the grain they bought this time, and there are still a few thousand catties left, Gu Liang is absolutely unwilling to sell it to other villages at a price of three cents per catty. His only purpose is to let the people in the same village buy some grain according to their own strength, so that they can live better in the next days. This is why he buys brown rice instead of refined rice. Refined rice is much more expensive than brown rice, and the best refined rice is even many times more expensive than brown rice. No one in their small village can afford it.

Although the grain price is still within the normal range, it will definitely increase in the future. If you can buy some at a low price now, you will be in a better situation in the future.

A single tree cannot support a forest, but a group of people can make a forest. In the ancient clan society, it is better to do things with more people. When your surroundings are in trouble, you can't just stay out of it, so Gu Liang will consider selling grain to the villagers.

This time, more than 70 households in the village have come to their house to sell grain, which means that more than 70 households now prefer their family. Although it is a bit driven by interests, it is much better than at the beginning.

As for the village head Wang, he was very angry in the house at this time, because his wife also wanted to go to Gu's house to buy some grain at a low price, but he refused to let her. He thought that as a head of the village, he couldn't line up to buy cheap things like the villagers, which was too embarrassing.

Two days later is the Dragon Boat Festival, a big day in the middle of the year, and it is usually the time for sons-in-law to send gifts to their parents-in-law. Needless to say, Li would definitely not go back to her parents' home, while Chen wanted to go back to her parents' home while she was still pregnant.

Since Chen's parents' home was far away and they had to pass through many mountains and hills, Gu Liang was naturally left behind after learning the lesson from the previous year, and only Gu Liang's sister Dani accompanied him.

The journey was long, and the festival gifts prepared by Old Lady Gu were all heavy things - food, so the three of them drove the mule cart at home. Although the ox cart was stable, the mule was more powerful in terms of speed.

Gu Liang, who had nothing to do, prepared to go to Lianhua Town with his family to join in the fun and celebrate the festival. Li thought there were too many people in the town and was afraid of any accidents, so she chose to stay at home.

It must be said that Li has become a different person since she got pregnant with this baby. She used to like to join in the fun and acted the most recklessly, but now she is like a young woman waiting to get married, hiding in the house all day or wandering around in the yard. The energy of showing off in front of the young wives in the village has passed, and the whole person has become calm.

Although she stayed in the house, Li never stopped sewing and mending, preparing clothes for the baby in her belly. Not only for her own belly, but also for her sister-in-law Chen's belly, she prepared two sets, so that no one would lack.

At first, Mrs. Gu thought that Li was crazy. You know, although Li had good craftsmanship, she was most reluctant to do these manual labors. Mrs. Gu almost prepared to invite Taoist Lingxu to visit her home and exorcise evil spirits.

The happiest people on this trip were Erni and Chunni. Recently, because of Li, they were also caught by Li to accompany her to practice embroidery. Girls in the countryside have always been wild. Although they have learned some needlework since childhood, it was only occasional. Only when they were engaged would they embroider things in the boudoir all day long, not like now.

The two girls were unwilling to do any embroidery work. They could not embroider a fist-sized area after embroidering for a whole morning, which was really not a sense of accomplishment. What they liked was to practice swords with the Jiang brothers, play war games with the children in the village, and take a group of children to be "bandits" on the hilltop. Oh, by the way, Da Ni, Er Ni, and Chun Ni called themselves the "Three Hegemons of Lanxi", and the three hegemons were very powerful in the village.

So this trip was the happiest thing for them in the past half month, and they played all the way.

The Dragon Boat Festival is also a market day, so there are people walking towards the town everywhere along the way, and you can feel the excitement before entering the town.

Although it was dry, the market has not been affected much. There are still many people and it is still lively. It's just that the prices this year have increased a little compared to last year, especially food, the increase is the most obvious.

Because today is a festival, there are many more fashionable things in the market, such as mugwort, cattails, etc., which are displayed in a row, which is very spectacular. Is mugwort worth it?

For a few bucks, dig some roots and plant them on the ridges of the village fields, and you can harvest them every year. Compared with fresh mugwort, dried mugwort is more popular. Because the older the mugwort is, the better the medicinal effect is, just like Xinhui tangerine peel, there is a saying that "seven years of illness, three years of mugwort".

There has always been a tradition of bathing newborns with mugwort in Lanxi Village. People will also use mugwort to fumigate when they are sick or have a cold, and they will also use mugwort to soak their feet when they are uncomfortable, so every family will prepare it.

Today, someone was selling Qizhou's Chen mugwort at the market. Gu Liang saw it and bought a bundle. Qizhou's mugwort, also known as Qi mugwort, is a very famous local medicinal material. It was called Qichun Four Treasures by Li Shizhen, but it did not exist in this era, so there was no name Qi mugwort. Compared with other mugworts, Qi mugwort has the strongest medicinal properties and is most suitable for treating diseases. Anyway, this thing is not expensive, and you can buy a handful for one penny.

In addition to mugwort and cattail, the most seasonal things are to buy colored ropes and colored threads. The colorful ropes are worn on the hands, and the colorful threads are used to embroider sachets. In this countryside where clothing colors are scarce, the colorful colors are very attractive.

Other features are the sale of ducks and duck eggs, as well as the sale of food such as zongzi, but these things are made by farmers themselves, and they are not very attractive.

In their Lianhua Town, the most lively thing during the Dragon Boat Festival is naturally the annual tug-of-war, after all, it is a showdown between villages.

When Gu Liang and his family arrived at the lake, they found that the lakeside corresponding to the tug-of-war was already crowded with people, just like in previous years. After searching for a long time, they found a remote shore where they could see two boats preparing for tug-of-war from an angle.

It was not until they arrived at the lake that Gu Liang clearly felt the severity of the drought this year. Compared with previous years, the lakeshore at this time had retreated more than ten meters away. In the sun, the previous lake bottom was exposed to cracks by the sun, which was very hideous. Here, there used to be a wild lotus, but now it has been hollowed out, the wild lotus roots have been taken home, and the silt has been used to fertilize the fields. There used to be a green calamus, but now there is only a withered yellow one, with one or two green leaves trying to show the tenacity of life, but it is now too far from the water source and too close to the sun, and it will wither sooner or later.

Because the water level is low this year, the tug-of-war position is much farther away, and it is also uncomfortable for them to look at it from this angle, so after watching a game, they felt a little uninterested and left the scene, preparing to go back to the market to eat something.

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