The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

"Brother, look, someone is selling our realgar wine!"

Er Ni pulled Gu Liang to a store, where the waiter was greeting customers and was talking about the Dragon Boat Festival specialty, realgar wine brewed with Lanxi wine.

Erni took Gu Liang's arm and asked playfully, "Brother, I haven't drunk the realgar wine made from our family. Buy me a bottle and let me try it!"

Gu Liang asked back, "Oh? You haven't drunk the realgar wine made from our family, so you have drunk other wines!"

"Hehe" Erni stuck out her tongue, made a gesture to insult Korean men with her fingers, and said with a smile, "I only drank a little bit. Our family makes wine. How could I, your sister, not taste it!"

"You are so unreasonable!" Gu Liang shook his head helplessly and said, "Be good, we won't drink it. This realgar is poisonous. I'll go home and give you osmanthus wine. It's sweet and good for you women."

"Humph, you are stingy. Grandma gave you so much silver, but you didn't even buy me a pot of wine." After Erni finished speaking, she ran away from the crowd.

Gu Liang was very helpless. It was not that he didn't want to buy it, but that realgar wine was really not suitable for drinking. Realgar is a mineral, the main component of which is arsenic disulfide. Although it can be used as a drug for detoxification and insecticide, as a substance extracted from a mineral, its composition is very complex. Especially after heating, it is very easy to form an arsenic trioxide substance, commonly known as arsenic.

So this is why Gu Liang is reluctant to buy realgar wine to drink. Even if realgar is not heated, it may contain a small amount of arsenic toxin. Ancient purification technology varies greatly, so it is better to avoid it.

When Gu Liang found Erni again, she and Chunni were staring at a group of street performers performing, and the street performers' knife flowers were dazzling. The onlookers applauded, while Erni and Chunni were discussing:

"Second sister, this move is so beautiful, do you know how to do it?"

"I think the move just now looks good, but the flaw is too big, the whole back is open, and the person is gone with one cut!"

"Little sister, look quickly. Big sister and Uncle Jiang all know this move."


Gu Liang looked at the two of them and was about to step forward to sneak them back. But suddenly, the crowd surged, and many people squeezed to one side, instantly dispersing the three of them.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Gu Liang immediately grabbed a passerby and asked.

The person who was caught replied: "I don't know either. I just saw people running over there, and I wanted to go over and see if there was anything exciting to join in!"

Gu Liang's face was full of black lines. He didn't know anything but went over to join in the fun. What kind of person is this...

A few minutes later, Gu Liang and his two little sisters worked hard to move forward in the crowded crowd.

"Excuse me, please make way. My parents are in front." Gu Liang shouted, while bending down and using both hands to push away the crowd, and finally squeezed to the front of the crowd.

Because Gu Liang was bending over like a lobster, he didn't know where he was. At this time, he looked up and found that he was back to the lake.

"Wow, no wonder people don't go to watch other people's performances, it's much more exciting here than performing!" The reason why Gu Liang said this was because a loud "good show" was being staged by the lake.

Gu Liang had never seen so many people fighting in a group! There was a full fight on the lakeside, old and young, empty-handed, holding oars, swinging bamboo poles... Each of them kept fighting. There were one-on-one pairs, one against two, and some hugging together, just like a group of people fighting free.

Such a wonderful scene naturally attracted a lot of people, some came to persuade the fight, some directly started to pull the fight, and the most were naturally people like Gu Liang who just watched the excitement.

Erni was stunned and asked Gu Liang, "Brother, why are they fighting?"

Gu Liang naturally didn't know the answer to this question. He had just arrived and couldn't understand why so many people were fighting in a group. Wasn't there anyone to stop them?

Until a young and strong man swung a paddle and hit a gray-haired old man. The old man instantly fell straight to the ground. Then the woman who came to persuade the fight was frightened by the scene and screamed loudly, "Murder! Someone is killed!" Only then did the people who were fighting stop.

Originally, the fighters were all hot-blooded men. In addition, it was a group fight, so they were naturally hot-blooded and lost their sense of proportion. That's why they hit people in the vital points.

The woman's loud cry calmed down the men who were in a hurry.

, after all, everyone knows that it is not fun to cause a death.

After the group of people stopped, two men ran out from them, looked down and immediately knelt on the ground and cried loudly. "Dad, wake up, what's wrong with you, you were fine when you came..."

The two men's crying instantly infected everyone present, especially those who had just picked up bamboo poles and oars, and they put down their tools in guilt.

"It's you, it's you, the murderer who killed my father, I can't forgive you." One of the men who was kneeling on the ground and crying suddenly stood up, grabbed a man next to the old man and roared: "I must make you pay for your murder, go to the government office, everyone present saw it, you beat my father to death, I will never let your family go..."

At this time, the crowd of onlookers saw that someone was beaten to death at the scene, and half of them left in shock. They just came to join in the fun, and now that someone was killed, it was no longer a matter of watching the fun, and they all ran away for fear of getting involved.

After the evacuation, several yamen runners finally broke into the place and asked the people who were fighting to squat down, otherwise they would be rude.

The people who were fighting had already calmed down at this time. Now that they met the government officials, they naturally did not dare to make any more troubles. They squatted down obediently, leaving only two crying men lying on the old man's body.

When the government officials came, the onlookers almost dispersed. The law enforcers in this era were not as polite as those in later generations. People avoided them as if they saw ghosts. Naturally, Gu Liang was among them. When he saw the crowd dispersed, he hurriedly took his two sisters away from this place.

On the way out, the two sisters looked at Gu Liang from time to time, and then looked at the road, as if they wanted to say something else. Gu Liang thought that the scene just now was too bloody and frightened the two sisters, so he said in a comforting tone: "Er Ni Chun Ni, were you scared just now? Don't worry, as long as we don't act rashly and don't fight, we won't encounter such a thing!"

After listening, Er Ni Chun Ni blinked and said to Gu Liang: "Brother, that group of people shouldn't fight like that. It's easy to confuse the friend and the foe. You have to divide the camp. Uncle Jiang and others said that you have to set up a formation in a fight, and then focus on the leader and beat him. Once the leader is knocked down, the rest of the people will not dare to fight anymore."

After listening, Gu Liang thought to himself what did the Jiang brothers teach them. They taught a good girl to only think about how to win a fight.

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