The old lady came in with a Taoist priest.

"Master, please come in." The old lady brought in a Taoist priest-like person.

"Mom, what's going on? Liang'er doesn't recognize me anymore." The woman asked anxiously.

"Master, please take a look at what's going on. Is it possible that his soul has been scared away and he doesn't recognize his family members?" The old lady asked excitedly.

"Don't worry, Old Lady Gu, I've brought all the things. Let's do a ritual for him first to call his soul back." The Taoist priest said as he took out some strange things from his bag.

"Grandma, I'm fine. I just have a headache after I fainted. I can't remember many things. I should be fine in a few days." Gu Liang thought that he should take advantage of the situation and deal with it first. After all, he seemed to have really traveled through time. He couldn't let anyone find out that he had changed his heart, otherwise, seeing the degree of feudalism, he would suffer...

A few days after Xili's strange ritual was completed, Gu Liang finally figured out his current situation. The family he traveled through was an ordinary farmer. The oldest elders in the family were Mrs. Gu and Uncle Gu. He was the son of Mrs. Gu's eldest son, Gu Changping, that is, the eldest grandson of the eldest house of the Gu family, with the same name and surname as himself.

Although this eldest grandson of the eldest house did not have much role in this ordinary farmer's family, since he was the only male in the third generation of the Gu family, he naturally had to be treated preferentially.

The Gu family also had a second wife named Gu Changan, who had a pair of daughters, the older one was eight years old and the younger one was four years old. In addition to Old Lady Gu, there is also a married daughter. Gu Liang also saw her these two days. She came to see him specially and fully affirmed how much he was valued in this family...

(Author's note: I don't have the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls. It's just for the sake of developing the novel. As for Old Lady Gu, this idea will be corrected by the protagonist)

As for the place he traveled through, it was a small village called Lanxi Village. It was surrounded by mountains on three sides. In the middle was a valley with a wide view. It was quite large. Several rivers converged from the mountains. The largest river was called Lanxi, and Lanxi Village got its name from this.

Lanxi Village is a standard village in the south. Several or more than ten families gathered together. This large area was called Lanxi Village. It was not much different from Gu Liang's hometown in his previous life. They all grew rice.

That day, before Gu Liang got up, he heard someone coming to visit. The person who came walked straight to his room, opened the door and said, "Auntie, I'm really sorry. I really pushed him into the river by accident that day. I didn't expect there was someone next to me... This is a little bit of what I gave you. It's for medical expenses. Do you think it's okay?"

Gu Liang has more or less understood the ins and outs of some things in the past few days. A few days ago, there was a wedding in the village. The host scattered some snacks such as peanuts to the guests for a lively occasion. This family lived by the stream, and some peanuts rolled to the bank of the stream. Gu Liang wanted to pick them up, but he didn't expect a woman to see them and come forward to pick them up. Gu Liang's thin arms and legs couldn't squeeze an adult, so he accidentally rolled into the stream. The bottom of the stream was only two or three meters away from the shore, but there were many stones in the stream. Gu Liang fainted at the time. No one expected that Gu Liang would end up here.

Old Lady Gu looked at the eggs, some cloth and dozens of copper coins brought by Li Sao and said, "Okay, Li Sao, I'm not saying anything bad about you. You're so grown up, why are you fighting with children for food? Fortunately, my grandson is fine. Be more careful in the future."

"Yes, yes, you're right," Li Sao replied awkwardly, "I saw that my son was timid and didn't dare to fight with a group of children for food, so I wanted to pick up some for him, and this happened."

Old Lady Gu murmured that it was fortunate that nothing happened.

Gu Liang remembered that when he just crossed over, the first thing he heard was Old Lady Gu scolding Li Sao for killing her husband. The level of fierceness was completely different from today. At that time, Old Lady Gu unilaterally crushed, but now the scene highlights a harmonious neighborhood. "I really don't understand the world of adults." Gu Liang, who is only ten years old now, added.

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