After a few days in bed, Gu Liang finally recovered and started to move around. These days, most of his meals were brought to his room by Old Lady Gu, which was basically rice porridge with a boiled egg, and some vegetables or pickles. Gu Liang thought that simple food was pretty good, after all, he ate too much takeout, and this primitive home-cooked food could also clean his stomach, which was good.

When he recovered and started to eat with Old Lady Gu and the others, he was dumbfounded. It turned out that the simple food he thought he had these days was actually a delicacy here. The Gu family basically has three meals a day. Breakfast is basically brown rice porridge with a plate of pickles. For lunch, they have the leftover brown rice porridge in the morning and boiled vegetables (actually stir-fried vegetables, but due to lack of oil, they can only boil them with water to make the vegetables softer and less throat-irritating). At night, at least they have a richer meal, with fragrant, golden brown rice. As for the dishes, they are basically vegetables or steamed vegetables. There are only a few dishes. Although there are more vegetables in the south, the taste is basically the same when they are cooked.

Gu Liang shed tears silently while eating. At this time, he missed the modern takeaways, braised chicken, spicy hot pot, fried chicken... I no longer dislike you for being junk food. Compared with now, it is really a feast for gluttons. Gu Liang stuffed the brown rice into his mouth while thinking, and missed the white rice more and more.

Can I not eat this brown rice? I am hungry. In this era without snacks and oil, there is no other food to fill my stomach. I can only rely on this three meals a day. Besides, if you don't eat, there are plenty of people who can, after all, some families can't even afford brown rice.

Gu Liang, who had eaten brown rice for a few days, finally couldn't help it and begged for mercy from Grandma Gu, saying that he wanted to eat white rice. Although Grandma Gu was not very happy, she couldn't stand her grandson's constant nagging, and finally made a meal - white rice porridge. Although it's not white rice, at least white rice porridge makes Gu Liang, a 21st century youth, very happy.

The Gu family is considered a relatively good family in Lanxi Village. The family has 12 acres of land, which is a standard southern paddy field. The yield per mu is basically 400 jin, which is considered a medium paddy field (I checked the information. After the rice variety was improved after the Song Dynasty, the yield per mu was about 400-600 jin, which is half fictional in this article). Every year, basically 40% of the grain tax and other miscellaneous taxes are collected, which is basically enough for the family's food and there is still a little left, so the Gu family is also a wealthy family in Lanxi Village. However, in addition to grain, there are other daily expenses, so grain also needs to be sold for money.

In the Gu family, since Gu Liang is the only grandson, he is definitely treated preferentially. The most common thing he does every day is to collect pig grass. He carries a basket in the morning and a basket in the afternoon. Apart from that, he has no fixed work. He also has a younger sister, eight years old, named Gu Dani, who has already started doing housework, cleaning and tidying up the house, feeding chickens and doing odd jobs behind her mother.

After dinner this morning, Gu Liang was sent by his mother to collect pig grass again. These days, because Grandma Gu felt sorry for him, she didn't let him go, but let his mother go. But his mother also has her own things to do, and she has to chisel rice and weave cloth every day, so how can she have time to help him get pig grass every day.

These days, Gu Liang is mainly silent, and never speaks in advance about things he doesn't know. The family doesn't seem to have discovered that their grandson has changed his heart. They just think that the child has become much more depressed after the fall. Fortunately, Gu Liang is young and doesn't know much about things. He wanders around the house every day, and it was concealed.

Gu Liang went out with a backpack that was almost as tall as him. Gu Liang, who grew up in the countryside, had some knowledge of pig grass, so he looked for wild grass and vegetables that chickens and ducks used to eat in the countryside. He wanted to find wild grass and vegetables that could be eaten by humans and pigs.

But what he didn't expect was that the pig grass that can be seen everywhere on the roadside in modern rural areas was completely gone in ancient times. It's not that it didn't grow, but it was a luxury to feed pigs with grain in ancient times. Every household raised pigs with pig grass, so the edible grass on the roadside fields was basically pulled out, so it was not his turn to pull it.

Gu Liang pulled for half a morning and only found half a basket. Basically, it was some goose intestines, prickly lettuce, plantain and the like. As for dandelions and purslane, it was impossible to appear. After all, they were vegetables here. People didn't have time to eat them, so how could they be left for pigs! I don't know how long it will take to fill this backpack.

Gu Liang felt that the ancient countryside was not good at all. There was nothing to eat or play. Even the pig grass was a treasure, but it was completely plucked.

"Gu Liang, have you finished picking the pig grass?

. "The speaker was Gu Xiaobao, his neighbor, Gu Liang's playmate. He had come to his house to play with him these days. The two families were close and related, so they had a good relationship.

"No," Gu Liang replied frustratedly, "The land here has been plucked up like the head of the village, it's bare."

"I knew you didn't have any, come with me, I'll take you to a good place!" Gu Xiaobao said as he walked with Gu Liang. Gu Liang knew that he had a good relationship with him, so he followed him. After walking for 20 minutes, they came to a remote small earth slope with bamboo forests growing around it. "Can bamboo leaf pigs be eaten? "Gu Liang thought Xiaobao brought him here to pull bamboos for the pigs to eat, "It should be OK, look at the pandas, they all eat the same as the bear pigs, and Huahua even eats it into a rice ball."

But Gu Xiaobao took him around and came to a small earthen slope, which was covered with mulberry trees, and under the trees were patches of pig grass such as goose intestines, lettuce and wheat.

"Sure, Xiaobao, why didn't you tell me about this good place earlier?" Gu Liang said with surprise.

"I only discovered it a few days ago, and you were still in bed at that time. It's late today, I'm going home right away, don't tell anyone about this place, it won't stand a few people pulling it up." Xiaobao was ready to leave after saying that. It was almost noon now, and he had to go back quickly.

"Okay, I swear to God." Gu Liang, a 30-year-old college graduate, excitedly swore to a 9-year-old Gu Xiaobao in ancient times for a basket of pig grass...

After a quarter of an hour, Gu Liang finally filled a backpack after pulling some mulberry leaves and grass on the ground, and was ready to go home. But when he was about to put on the backpack, he was almost knocked upside down by the backpack. Is this what his 10-year-old body should do? Oh my God

Gu Liang was helpless and prepared to rest Take a breath and then carry it again. While taking a break, Gu Liang thought about his inexplicable time travel and felt speechless. He didn't have a good life in the 21st century, and it seemed even more impossible in this ancient time. Gu Liang began to miss his family and friends a little bit... People can miss each other when they lose something.

Why do other people who travel through time either become kings, generals, or have a system golden finger, or a domineering CEO fall in love with me, but why is he still an ordinary person? What's the point? Reality shows don't act like this. At this moment, Gu Liang was thinking about what he could be different about.

Let's go home. Gu Liang thought enough and was about to pick up the backpack, but it disappeared in an instant! "What's going on? Where did the backpack go?"

Suddenly, Gu Liang's eyes went dark, and then the picture came to a bright and empty space, and he saw his backpack full of pig grass at a glance.

"What is this? Could it be that I really have my own golden finger?"

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