The tree was so bright and beautiful that it was hard to see the light.

Gu Liang couldn't hide his excitement. He immediately jumped off the huge rock, crossed the mountain road, and ran towards the tree without caring about whether there were thorns on the road.

Gu Boxi looked at Gu Liang who was so excited, thinking that he must have found the medicinal materials. He didn't ask much and ran with Gu Liang.

It was dark inside the pine forest, and the sun was blocked. Gu Liang stopped and looked several times before finally reaching the place. This place is far away from the village, and few people come here to collect pine needles to start a fire, so there is a thick layer of dead branches and leaves on the ground.

The pine forest here is very lush, covering the sky and the sun. Only here can the sunlight shine on the ground. This situation is very consistent with the growth of Poria cocos.

Gu Boxi followed Gu Liang all the way here and found that there were basically no other plants here except pine trees. Thinking that pine trees couldn't be medicinal herbs, he asked: "Gu Liang, there is nothing here except pine trees. It's impossible that pine trees are also medicinal herbs. This thing is everywhere, but there are as many as you want."

Gu Liang patted the trunk of the pine tree, smiled and said in a roundabout way: "Uncle, this medicinal herb is not a pine tree, but it can't be separated from the pine tree. It doesn't grow on the ground, but underground."

"Underground?" Gu Boxi thought that the pine tree was not a taro, and the roots would not bear fruit. He asked in confusion: "Just tell me, I have lived for so long and never knew what can grow under a pine tree."

Gu Liang didn't beat around the bush anymore Zi said directly: "Uncle San, the medicinal material we are looking for is Poria cocos, which only parasitizes on the roots of pine trees. It lives by absorbing nutrients from pine trees, and the pine trees will wither soon after it has it."

"This medicinal material is so strange, isn't it the same as tigers and wolves, the pine trees will die if they encounter it?" Gu Boxi felt that this Poria cocos must not be a good thing, and asked again, "Why is this thing so weird, is it really a medicine?"

"Of course it is, this thing is also very difficult to find. It can promote water and moisture, calm the mind and soothe the nerves." After Gu Liang finished speaking, he was ready to dig, but he was too unsure whether it had grown underground, and if it had grown, he didn't know where it grew. He could only try it with a hoe first, and of course the work had to be done by Uncle San.

Gu Liang directed Uncle San to dig at this position, and then asked Uncle San to dig there. After a while, a white powdery substance appeared in the yellow-brown soil, which was very eye-catching.

Gu Liang quickly asked his uncle to continue digging in this place, so Gu Boxi swung the hoe quickly and dug a hole in a short while. The rhizome of the pine tree was further down. Gu Liang asked his uncle to stop and he looked in the direction of the rhizome. Sure enough, he found a brown lump next to it. When he scratched it with his fingernails, white powder was revealed inside. Yes, this is the real Poria cocos.

Gu Liang asked his uncle to dig out the lump of earth and told him that this was the Poria cocos he was looking for.

Gu Boxi looked at the lump of earth in front of him and was immediately surprised. His eldest nephew just said that this thing was so mysterious. He thought it was a natural treasure and looked strange and handsome. Unexpectedly, it was a large donkey dung egg.

But he naturally wouldn't say this. After all, it was not good for Gu Liang to find it with great difficulty and he called it a donkey dung egg. He was good at digging and had strength. He dug out a complete Poria cocos in a few strokes.

Gu Liang picked up the Poria cocos, which was about the size of a football, and weighed it. It felt like it weighed about 7-8 jin.

Gu Boxi was very curious about how much this thing was worth, so he asked Gu Liang.

Gu Liang said without even raising his head: "This thing is worth one jin and sixteen liang."

"Really! You said..." Gu Boxi felt like he was going to become a landlord after hearing what Gu Liang said. Such a big lump must be sold for a hundred liang.

Gu Boxi was so excited that he couldn't speak. He had never thought about a hundred liang of silver in his life. Gu Liang looked at his uncle from the side, and the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK47.

Gu Boxi, who had been excited for a long time, noticed Gu Liang's facial expression and suddenly realized that he seemed to have been fooled. This thing was worth one jin and sixteen liang! (In ancient China, one catty was sixteen taels, which is also the origin of half a catty and eight taels)

"You little brat, you dare to play tricks on your uncle. It seems that I didn't beat you enough when you were a child." Gu Boxi wanted to teach his daring nephew a lesson.

Gu Liang certainly couldn't let him beat him, so he begged for mercy, saying that if Poria cocos can grow here, it must grow in other places, so he should find some more while it's still early.

Gu Boxi

Not really wanting to teach him a lesson, he put down his hand and went with Gu Liang to look for other Poria cocos.

Compared to just now, it was much easier to find Poria cocos with a goal. The two of them looked for dead pine trees and dug them.

Few people came here to dig, and Poria cocos could not appear alone, so Gu Liang and his uncle picked five or six Poria cocos in a day, which weighed about 30 to 40 kilograms in total.

It was estimated that it was about four o'clock in the afternoon. Neither of them had eaten lunch. They went to the mountain stream to drink some water because they were thirsty. They didn't eat anything else. At this time, the two were already starving, and the forest in the afternoon was even more quiet and empty. The dark sky made people feel scared, so the two hurried down the mountain.

When they got home, they were already tired and hungry. Before they had time to put down the backpack, they saw a person rushing out of the house. It turned out to be Gu Liang's mother Chen.

There was a look of surprise in her eyes, which then turned into anger and red eyes. She picked up a broom leaning against the wall and walked straight towards Gu Liang.

Gu Liang had just taken off the backpack and had not had time to catch his breath, so he naturally did not notice the situation on Li's side. Suddenly he felt like he was being picked up like a little chicken, and then his butt was hit by the broom again and again.

While hitting him, Chen scolded him: "You little brat, you left home without saying a word and didn't even eat lunch. Tell me, what did you do?"

Gu Liang was screaming in pain at this time. He wanted to break free and run away, but he was held tightly and it was useless. Li was still beating him, cursing, "You son of a bitch, I'm going to give you a good beating today to teach you a lesson. You've been letting your mind wander at home all day. Let's see if you'll make us worry about you again."

Chen's move was very clean and she hit Gu Boxi several times before he reacted and quickly came up to grab his sister-in-law Chen. Gu Boxi quickly took the broom and explained, "Sister-in-law, Gu Liang has been with me all day, there's no danger, you can blame me if you want to, it was me who wanted to go to the mountain."

Li wanted to continue beating him and wanted to push her brother-in-law away, but she couldn't. Then he said, "Don't say anything. I know it was Gu Liang who dragged you along. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone to the mountain. When you weren't back, the kid wanted to go to the mountains every other day. If he hadn't instigated you to drag you along, you wouldn't have gone. If you don't beat the kid once, he won't learn his lesson. There are so many wolves and tigers in the mountains. No one would know if he was taken away one day."

Gu Boxi knew that his sister-in-law was usually gentle and steady. It was obvious that she was worried about her child today. It was difficult for him to say anything about his parents' education of their children.

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