The beating was over, and the scene was over.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Liang's miserable cry attracted Old Lady Gu, and the scene finally ended. After all, the grandson was beaten, and Old Lady Gu saw her grandson being beaten, and she hurriedly shouted to stop and protected Gu Liang.

Now it was Chen's turn to be confused. This beating was clearly indicated by Old Lady Gu at lunch, so why did she change her mind at this time?

Since Old Lady Gu was gone, the scene immediately disappeared. Why did Gu Liang feel that he was beaten when he traveled through time? However, despite this, Gu Liang saw the angry and worried look in Chen's eyes, which came from a mother's instinctive love for her children, and naturally she would not bear grudges.

Gu Liang's stomach rumbled twice at this time. He had been busy all day and had not eaten lunch. After the fall, it was normal for him to be hungry.

When Mrs. Gu heard the rumble, she asked and found out that the two of them had not eaten at noon, so she hurried back to the kitchen to cook. After a while, she asked the family to have dinner in advance. Gu Liang was still wondering why the meal was cooked so quickly. When he got to the stove, he found out that Mrs. Gu had cooked noodles, so it was so fast.

Mrs. Gu first brought out two large bowls and reminded Gu Liang and Gu Boxi to eat quickly and not to starve.

In the dim room, on the old table, in the rough bowl, there was a clear soup noodle, decorated with two leaves and a little ordinary chives. It was plain, but it gave people an irresistible feeling.

After taking a bite, the rustic fragrance instantly rushed into the mouth. Although it seemed light and not as stimulating as big fish and meat, it gave people a most familiar feeling, which was the most original taste of food. The hot noodles slowly entered the stomach along the esophagus, stimulating every sensory organ of the body, making people unable to resist taking a few more bites. It was the ordinary home taste that could best soothe people's hunger.

A bowl of noodles, it seemed a lot, but in fact it was more soup. The two of them finished it in less than two minutes, and Mrs. Gu quickly served another bowl.

At this time, the other people in the Gu family also arrived one after another and started to eat noodles at the table. Second Aunt Li saw the oil noodles made by Old Lady Gu today, and asked curiously: "Mom, who is having a birthday today? Why are you making noodles?"

Old Lady Gu pouted at Gu Liang and Gu Boxi who were eating noodles, and said: "Didn't your third brother and nephew not have lunch today? They are so hungry when they come home, so make noodles quickly. Our family can also have a bowl of noodles today because of them."

Seeing Gu Liang who had disappeared for a day, Li hurriedly came forward and said: "Hey, nephew, where did you go today? Why didn't you tell me in advance? You don't know, your mother didn't see you all day, she was so anxious that she almost cried, and she said she would give you a good beating. Are you okay?"

When Gu Liang heard Second Aunt Li say that his mother was going to beat him up, he choked on the noodles and coughed several times. You know, his mother has always been quiet, and the scene of her beating him just now was very scary.

Seeing Gu Liang like this, Mrs. Gu knew that the child wanted to save face and didn't want to bring it up any further, so she quickly gave Li a look, reminding her not to bring up the topic.

Li reacted immediately and immediately changed the subject, saying that the noodles must be delicious and that she hadn't eaten noodles for a long time.

And Old Man Gu looked at the two baskets of earth in the corner and said he had never seen them before, so he asked Gu Liang what they were.

After Gu Liang drank a mouthful of the hot noodle soup, he stood up and picked up a Poria cocos to show his grandfather, and then explained the role of Poria cocos to his grandfather.

Old man Gu touched the clod of earth and peeled off a small corner, revealing the inside of the Poria cocos. Old man Gu said in surprise: "Wow, this thing actually grows under the pine tree, I didn't know it. The inside of this Poria cocos seems to be the same as cooked taro. This big one can be eaten for several meals!"

Gu Liang smiled and explained: "Grandpa, this Poria cocos can't be eaten as a meal. It's different from taro. Let's put it this way, it's actually a large mushroom, different from the staple food."

When Gu Liang said this, everyone in the Gu family was very surprised. They had seen many kinds of mushrooms, but they never thought that this earthy thing was actually a mushroom. There are really many wonders in the world.

"Is this thing valuable, nephew?" Li asked her own question.

"This... I don't know either. I'm going to go up the mountain to dig more next time!" Gu Liang actually thought

I was also muttering that this Poria cocos is neither expensive nor cheap in modern times, but in ancient times, Gu Liang was not very clear about the value of this thing, but it should at least be more expensive than the herbs that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Gu Liang's mother heard that Gu Liang would go up the mountain in the next few days, and she began to worry again, fearing that there would be wild beasts in the deep mountains and old forests all day, so she expressed her concerns to Old Lady Gu.

Although Old Lady Gu was also worried about jackals and wolves in the mountains, she also felt that boys should be more daring and go out to see the world more. After weighing the two, she couldn't make up her mind whether to let Gu Liang continue. Although Gu Boxi was with him, the things in the mountains and forests liked to pick children the most.

Until a dog barking in the distance of the village broke the situation. "Yes," thought Mrs. Gu, "We can keep a dog at home. It will be much better to have a dog to accompany us when we go up the mountain. This dog can be loyal to its owner and can find the traces of wild animals in advance. It is the best."

So Mrs. Gu announced on the spot that the family would catch a dog to keep.

Gu Liang was very happy to hear this, and blamed himself for not thinking of it earlier. If he kept a dog to accompany him up and down the mountain, not only would he and his uncle have a companion, but the key is that with a dog, they can avoid many wild animals.

If we talk about happiness, Gu Dani and Gu Erni are the happiest. The two little guys have long envied those who have dogs. When they take them out to play, no one will bully them. How awesome! So, everyone in the Gu family agreed to keep a dog at home. Anyway, the family can afford to keep multiple dogs, so they decided to ask who has a paparazzi in the next two days.

The next morning, Gu Liang climbed up the back mountain as he did yesterday and continued to look for Fuling.

Old Lady Gu asked around in the village to find out who had a new puppy, hoping to catch one. There was a family at the head of the village that had a new puppy, but it was only three or four days old and too small to be taken home now.

Old Lady Gu found a few more families in the village, but the puppies were either too big and would not recognize the new home after being brought home. Or they were limp and looked too weak and could easily die.

Raising a dog at home is a big deal. A dog can tell the character of the family. As the saying goes, a dog relies on the power of its owner. If a family has a dog that doesn't recognize people and barks at acquaintances, people will not want to visit after a long time. If a dog bites people, that's even worse. So if it's still a puppy and a stranger wants to bite you when he picks it up, you must not keep it.

Old Lady Gu picked and chose but couldn't find a satisfactory one. Although they were all from the same village, no one would charge her for catching one home. But Old Lady Gu felt that she would rather spend money to buy a good dog than keep a problematic dog for free.

So Old Lady Gu walked down along the Lanxi River to find a hunter in the next village. The hunter had several dogs and might have the one she wanted.

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