The dog was born in a big way, but the dog was born in a big way.

"Grandma, what's the dog's name?"

"It hasn't been chosen yet, it can be anything!"

"Why not call it Xiaohei!" Gu Boxi said as he took the dog from Gu Liang's arms.

"Xiaohei is good," said Mrs. Gu.

"No, this Xiaohei is too common. It's better to call it Laifu, Fugui, Jinbao!" Gu Liang disliked the name Xiaohei, and felt that others had guessed it at a glance, so he proposed a few dog names that were often called by people.

"Hey, grandma, what are you doing!" Gu Liang was hit hard with two "chestnuts" after he said that. Gu Liang didn't understand why he was beaten when he was just talking nicely.

"What are you talking about, kid? You are too unruly. I'm not going to punish you lightly." Old Lady Gu said angrily, "Your third grandfather is called Lai Fu, your cousin is called Jin Bao, and your uncle is called Fu Gui. If you name your dog this way, your elders will break your legs if they know about it!"

Well, Gu Liang didn't expect that the cheap names he remembered for dogs in the countryside in the past were actually the names of his relatives here. In this case, the two chestnuts are indeed right.

"What should I name it?" Gu Liang stared at the black and chubby puppy and couldn't help but associate it with a black bear. Thinking about it, he blurted out, "Let's call it Big Bear!"

After Gu Liang said it, Old Lady Gu and Gu Boxi both thought the name was good. After all, the dog and the bear do look alike, and it's better than the human name Gu Liang gave it. If it's a human name, how embarrassing it would be if someone with the same name came to visit in a few days.

So Gu Liang started calling "Big Bear, Big Bear". At first, the dog was unmoved. After eating the eggs that Gu Liang fed him and calling "Big Bear" several times, the dog seemed to understand that this was its name and came over immediately.

The Gu family also thought that Big Bear's arrival was more lively than before. Several girls especially liked it and wanted to carry it to bed before going to bed. If it weren't for the fact that Mrs. Gu was afraid that the puppy would urinate at night, she would really carry it to bed.

The next day, Gu Liang took Big Bear with him when he went up the mountain, but Big Bear was too small, so he could only stuff some straw under the basket and put Big Bear in it.

Along the way, Big Bear was full of curiosity about the world outside the basket and kept scratching the bamboo basket, wanting to get out.

Today, Gu Liang came to the front mountain. The south of the mountain and the north of the water are yang, and the north of the mountain and the south of the water are yin. The front mountain is such a place with mountains and water in the north, so the sun comes out later than the back mountain, and the forest is also a little moist and gloomy.

Today, Gu Liang was still looking for Poria cocos. He wanted to search the front mountain and collect enough to sell in the town.

Although the front mountain was damp and dark, which made the pine trees smaller than those in the back mountain, Gu Liang and his team had found two Poria cocos in just over an hour. The weight was not small.

Gu Liang and Gu Boxi were digging the soil around the pine tree with a hoe, and the puppy was put aside. Unexpectedly, the big bear saw them digging the soil, and he also ran over to dig the soil with his little paws. Gu Liang looked at the cute big bear, but he was afraid that they would hurt the big bear by digging the soil, so he could only put it in the backpack.

After Gu Boxi dug around the pine tree and didn't find Poria cocos, he dug twice in the place where the big bear had dug the soil, and he actually found a Poria cocos.

Gu Liang and Gu Boxi looked at the Poria cocos, then looked at the big bear, and instantly felt strange that the big bear had found one for them. And they found it this morning. Could it be the good luck brought by the big bear?

Thinking of this, Gu Liang hugged the big bear in his arms and ravaged it to express his gratitude.

The front mountain is obviously more humid than the back mountain. It hasn't rained for several days. There are many places in the front mountain where you can hear the sound of water. These places are often the most snakes, insects, rats and ants. Gu Liang dare not leave the mountain road rashly and go in. He often looks at the location of the dead pine tree before going in to look.

Along the path, Gu Liang found another pine tree with a dead bottom and an unusually lush clump on top, which is very suitable for the growth conditions of Poria cocos. And this pine tree is very thick. If it is found, it is estimated to be a Poria king.

So Gu Liang hurriedly went into the forest in the direction of the pine tree, leaving his third uncle Gu Boxi behind. The bushes in the forest are dense, and the location of the pine tree can hardly be seen without looking up. Gu Liang can only push aside the branches of the bushes while looking up to determine the direction.

Suddenly, Gu Liang's feet felt empty and his body tilted, sliding down the mountain for four or five meters. Fortunately, a tree stopped him.

I don't know how far I can slide!

Gu Boxi was also shocked when he saw Gu Liang fall down, but fortunately Gu Liang didn't roll far, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. There are so many stumps and gravel on this mountain.

Gu Liang stood up and looked at his body. Except for a few holes on his clothes and two scratches on his hands from branches, which ooze a little blood, there was nothing wrong with the rest.

Gu Boxi pulled Gu Liang up. After Gu Liang came up, he found that he had just stepped on the air because there was a ditch under his feet. The water volume was not large, so it was covered with dead branches and leaves. If you don't look closely, you can't find it at all. So Gu Liang slipped and rolled down. And because of this ditch, the vegetation here is extremely prosperous. Gu Liang also found a large area of ​​calamus downstream of the ditch. From a distance, it looks like a green carpet has been laid on the mountain.

However, Gu Liang was not very interested. The last time he sold calamus, he didn't sell it for much. It's better to find Poria cocos. The two continued to walk towards the pine tree.

However, when he arrived at the scene, Gu Liang was greatly disappointed. The exposed loess under the pine tree, the pits one after another, and the two footprints left behind all showed that something had visited here before, and the wild boar discovered this place before them.

Wild boars are animals with a very sensitive sense of smell. They often search for tree roots and grass roots in the soil. Things like Poria cocos and black truffles are their favorites.

Once there is a first, there will be a second. Since the Poria cocos here was dug by wild boars, this forest was naturally visited by wild boars. It seems that the next Poria cocos will not be dug today.

Gu Liang was a little discouraged. He had finally had a good start today and thought he could return with a full load.

Suddenly Gu Liang thought of the place where he had just fallen. There was a field of Acorus calamus growing underneath. Gu Liang followed the principle that chicken legs are legs and fly legs are legs. Since he had already reached the mountain, how could he miss it?

So the two of them started digging Acorus calamus on the spot. This piece of calamus grows on a huge rock. The water flows to the rock and soaks a large area, which is just suitable for the growth conditions of calamus.

So the two of them dug calamus here, and soon filled two backpacks. The big bear had no place to stay and could only hold it in his arms. Gu Liang was quite satisfied with these harvests. These two backpacks of calamus should be equivalent to a Poria cocos after drying.

Unknowingly, the two dug until the afternoon. Lunch would definitely be gone if they went back at this time. It was still early for dinner, so the two prepared to eat a dead dough pancake made by old lady Gu to fill their hunger, otherwise they would not have the strength to carry a full load of calamus halfway.

The big bear followed them for a day and did not eat anything. At this time, seeing Gu Liang and the others eating, it kept crying and kept circling around them. Gu Liang and Gu Boxi looked at the anxious puppy, and each of them broke off a piece and gave it to Big Bear. It was not known whether the pancake baked by Old Lady Gu was too hard or Big Bear's teeth were too soft. Big Bear took several bites but couldn't get even a single bit.

Big Bear couldn't eat it, so he whimpered twice and slapped the pancake with his two front legs angrily, as if to say that the pancake was as hard as the capitalists had drawn.

Seeing this, Gu Boxi broke the pancake into pieces the size of soybeans and fed it to Big Bear bit by bit. Gu Liang felt ashamed of his fineness. If he were in Xi'an, he would break a steamed bun with mutton soup, which would definitely be liked by his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Gu Liang looked at the woods to see where it would be easier to go down the mountain. Suddenly, he seemed to see something and couldn't help but want to confirm it.

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