The leaves are covered with small thorns on the edges, and the surface is leathery, with three branches and nine leaves.

That's right, it's Epimedium, also known as Three Branches and Nine Leaves Grass, which likes to grow in a damp and dark environment.

In his previous life, Gu Liang's grandfather often pulled this grass to dry. At that time, Gu Liang asked his grandfather several times what this medicine was and what its effects were. Grandpa only told him that it was called Three Branches and Nine Leaves Grass, and never said anything about its effects.

Later, Gu Liang saw it in the special Chinese medicine column, and then he knew that it had another name, which was Epimedium.

According to legend, shepherds see that every time their sheep go to the mountains and eat a kind of grass, they will go into estrus more often. Later, he told a famous doctor, who confirmed its medicinal value after recording, investigating and practicing, and named it Epimedium.

This herb can not only nourish the kidney and strengthen yang, but also strengthen bones and muscles and eliminate rheumatism, but people often selectively ignore other effects. This Epimedium sold for a good price in later generations, so Gu Liang decided to inspect the forest and take the Epimedium grown here home.

Gu Boxi had just finished feeding the big bear, and saw Gu Liang pulling some grass in the forest next to him, so he hugged the big bear and walked over.

Gu Boxi saw that Gu Liang was pulling the same kind of grass, thinking it was a medicinal material, so he asked: "Gu Liang, what is the name of this herb?"

"This herb is called Yin... Yin... Three-branch Nine-leaf Grass from the Shade." Gu Liang almost said the name of Epimedium by mistake. The name of this herb was a bit difficult to say in front of his third uncle, and he choked several times before getting through it safely.

"Oh, what are the effects of this three-branch nine-leaf grass?" Gu Boxi asked. In the past few days, Gu Boxi has been asking Gu Liang to teach him the names and effects of medicinal herbs. After a few days, he has gradually remembered the appearance, names and effects of more than 20 kinds of medicinal herbs.

"This..." Gu Liang hesitated again.

Seeing that Gu Liang couldn't say it, Gu Boxi thought he had forgotten it, so he thought it was okay, just knowing that this plant is a medicinal herb.

However, Gu Liang finally talked about the other effects of epimedium: "These three branches of nine-leaf grass can strengthen bones and muscles and eliminate rheumatism."

"Oh, so that's it!" Gu Boxi heard the effect of this grass and said, "These three branches of nine-leaf grass are quite suitable for you."

"Puff~" Gu Liang felt offended instantly, and asked Gu Boxi angrily: "Uncle San, what do you mean, I'm a child!"

Gu Boxi heard that Gu Liang was a little angry, and said puzzledly: "What, didn't you say that this thing can strengthen bones and muscles? You are a child who is suitable for taking medicine to strengthen bones and muscles, and you just rolled down the ditch, which means you are prone to falling. This medicine is just suitable for you!"

"Oh, so that's it, then it's okay." Gu Liang felt guilty and smiled embarrassedly, thinking that his uncle San was talking about that thing. That's why he was angry, just like Xiao Heizi showing his chicken feet and getting angry.

After Gu Boxi took a plant of Epimedium as a sample, he started looking for it in the forest. Epimedium usually grows in clusters, and if you find one, there will definitely be many more growing around it. The two searched in the forest for an incense stick of time, and found about seven or eight pounds. They found a vine and tied it up, which was about one armful.

There were still some sparse seedlings in the woods, and Gu Liang was too lazy to pick them all, so he left some and could pick them again next year and the year after.

This time, he brought Daxiong with him and had a good harvest. Not only did he pick Poria cocos, but he also picked two baskets of Acorus calamus and an armful of Epimedium. There was no way to pack more back, so the two went home along the ridge.

After they got home, they began to process the medicinal materials. The wet Acorus calamus was directly dried on the ground at the door, and the Poria cocos was collected together to be sold at the town pharmacy tomorrow. The remaining Epimedium was too few in number, so they took out a bamboo mat from the house and spread it on it to dry and preserve it.

Gu Liang felt that the drying mats at home were still not enough. He would have to go up the mountain to collect herbs in the future. Many herbs were collected sporadically and had to be dried and preserved before they could be sold in bulk. The drying mats at home were definitely not enough. Gu Liang's first reaction was to buy some, so he told his third uncle Gu Boxi that he wanted to use the first sum of money to buy drying mats after selling herbs in town tomorrow.

Gu Boxi asked in surprise why he had to buy such a thing. Gu Liang pointed to the dried epimedium and said that he wanted to dry the herbs!

Gu Boxi still asked in confusion why he had to buy such a thing? If his family was short of drying mats, he could just make them himself. Gu Liang then realized that he was influenced by modern consumerism.

Buy if you can. This is an ancient rural area. People always make it if they need it, and if they can't make it, they just don't use it.

So when they were having dinner in the evening, Gu Liang mentioned this matter to his grandfather Gu Laohan, and wanted them to help make the sun-drying mat. Gu Laohan said that it was no problem. It happened that the land reclamation at home was almost finished. The rest was to weed, water, and loosen the soil tomorrow to change the soil quality. For farmers, things like bamboo baskets and bamboo beds may not be possible, but simple things like sun-drying mats are definitely no problem. You just need to weave back and forth. And those who often do farm work have calluses on their hands, so they are not afraid of bamboo thorns.

Recently, the Gu family has been very busy. They have been reclaiming land, and then they have to cut bamboo and weave mats. They are so busy that their sisters have no one to accompany them. They are mumbling on the side. Gu Liang promised to sell them candy after selling the medicinal materials tomorrow, and then school started.

The next morning, Gu Liang and his uncle got up and rushed to the town. Logically, they were just going to the town pharmacy to sell medicinal materials, so they didn't have to get up so early. But people in the countryside are used to getting up early to go to the town, so Gu Liang is used to it. Moreover, today is also a small market, and if he goes early, he can help his family and neighbors buy some things.

This is how it is in the countryside. Whoever goes to the market will ask him to help buy some miscellaneous things. Today is no exception. In the morning and evening, two or three neighbors came to ask Gu Boxi to help buy some things. One of them even didn't give money, but gave a basket of eggs, saying that he would go to the store to exchange money before buying things.

The two arrived in the town in just over an hour because Gu Liang didn't carry anything, and all the things were carried by his uncle, so naturally he was faster. But Gu Boxi was strong and healthy, and he didn't seem to be tired carrying these things, and his steps were faster than usual.

As soon as they arrived in the town, they went to the medicine shop on the street and put the bamboo basket on the ground. Lin Ye in the medicine shop saw Gu Liang and knew that he was here to sell medicinal materials, so he immediately came up to ask Gu Liang what medicine he was going to sell this time.

Gu Liang pointed inside the bamboo basket and said that he was here to sell Poria cocos.

After hearing this, Lin Ye looked into the bamboo basket and found that it was fresh Poria cocos that had not been dried, so he said that he had collected all of them. You should know that dried Poria cocos is often counterfeited, and what Gu Liang brought was fresh, so there was no need to check whether the goods were counterfeit.

After weighing, the Poria cocos was 62 kilograms in total, and he got 868 coins, 14 coins per kilogram.

These more than 800 copper coins were put in the money bag, and they were heavy in his hand, making Gu Liang feel more valuable than silver.

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