Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

After getting the money, Gu Liang gave it to his third uncle. As promised, his third uncle gave Gu Liang half of the copper coins.

The more than four hundred copper coins weighed about two kilograms. They were too conspicuous on the waist and couldn't be hidden in his arms. Gu Liang could only hold them in his arms for fear of being stolen. (After the Song Dynasty, the price of copper coins was around 3g)

Gu Liang hasn't stored food in the space for a long time recently. For him, an ordinary civilian, saving nothing is worth saving food. His biggest goal now is to save enough staple food, and then save oil, salt and sauce. vinegar.

Since Gu Boxi had to help buy and sell some things with his neighbors at home, Gu Liang found a reason to part ways with his third uncle Gu Boxi. At first, Gu Boxi was worried that Gu Liang, a child, would not be safe in the town, but Gu Liang said that he found buying and selling things boring, and he had been to the town many times without any problems. Only then did Gu Boxi feel relieved to let him go and play, and told Gu Liang to protect his money. After meeting at the street corner at noon, he went to do his own business.

Gu Liang came to the grain store in the town and asked about the price. It was the season for wheat to ripen, and the price was slightly cheaper than rice. However, the flour ground from wheat was more expensive than rice, so Gu Liang thought about it and decided to buy it. Who told him not to dare to buy unhusked wheat if he was short of money?

A total of one hundred kilograms of wheat cost him two hundred and eighty cents. As usual, he secretly hid it in the space in a deserted alley. Counting the one hundred kilograms this time, there were already eight hundred kilograms of staple food in the space, which was enough for a person. Two years of human life.

After going out, Gu Liang had nothing to do, so he wandered on the street and saw an aunt carrying lotus leaves on a burden and selling them to the shop. In this era, the better ones who sell cakes and snacks use oiled paper to package them, while the more common ones use lotus leaves. In winter, they use dried lotus leaves, and in summer, they use fresh lotus leaves.

Gu Liang read too many medical books and instinctively remembered that lotus leaf is also a traditional Chinese medicinal material, which is mainly used to treat diarrhea caused by heat-dampness and spleen deficiency. But where Gu Liang is in the south, these things can be found everywhere on the streets. The lady just picked out a load of neat lotus leaves, and she could only sell them for a few cents. If she picks them for a day Not even two dollars.

But Gu Liang looked at the lotus leaves and thought of the lotus pods. This season happens to be when the lotus pods are at their most tender. At this time, the lotus seeds inside the lotus pods are the most crisp, tender and sweet, and even the lotus hearts are not bitter. Gu Liang liked to pick and eat this lotus the most when he was a child. Later, when he grew up and worked in the city, it was rarely sold in the city. Even if it was sold, it was too old and bitter.

No one could stop the craving after it set in. The more Gu Liang thought about it, the more he wanted to eat. Although there are some products sold in the market, Gu Liang feels that it is not cost-effective to buy them with money. His own money is all his own hard-earned money and is used to buy food. And on his way to the town, Gu Liang discovered that there were lotus flowers growing on the roadside lake. Since there were lotus flowers and lotus pods, why spend money on them?

So Gu Liang turned around and walked towards the lake.

It didn't take more than a stick of incense to get Gu Liang to the lake. There are many lakes in their area, and they can be found everywhere. Except for the higher terrain of their village, there are many lakes in the flat areas of the town.

But imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel. Gu Liang imagined that the lotus leaves touching the sky were infinitely green, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun were exceptionally red. In this way, fresh lotus pods are readily available. When we arrived at the scene, we discovered that there were no traces of lotus pods. Where the lotus bloomed, there were only bare poles left.

Gu Liang walked along the shore of the lake and found that it was like this all the way. Except for the lotus buds that had just emerged from the water, there was no shadow of a lotus. It wasn't until Gu Liang met a group of women holding lotus flowers and men holding children with lotus pods that Gu Liang realized that all the wild lotuses had been picked by local children.

Gu Liang felt like he had been slapped in the face. He could think of picking something for free, how could others not think of it?

But now that we have come, as a Chinese, how can we go back empty-handed like this? If you can’t pick fresh lotus pods, then pick fresh lotus leaves. Lotus leaves have many uses.

So Gu Liang rolled up his trouser legs and began to pick lotus leaves. At this time, the lake water had been warmed by the sun, and the mud on the lakeside came out from between his toes. The delicate lake mud slipped out smoothly, and it felt so silky that Gu Liang couldn't help but tremble all over, making him feel so uncomfortable.

Gu Liang placed handfuls of fresh lotus leaves into the space. Due to their irregular shape, they immediately accumulated into a small mountain.

While picking, Gu Liang discovered another summer delicacy hidden in the lotus leaves - lotus root strips. This lotus root belt is comparable to a lotus pod

It is more precious and more difficult to preserve. It must be freshly picked to be crisp and tender, so it is difficult to eat it outside the place of origin. Gu Liang once went to Wuhan and ate fresh pickled pepper lotus stems. He immediately fell in love with this fresh, spicy and crisp taste.

As the saying goes, if you lose something in one place, you will gain something in another. Gu Liang did not pick the lotus pods, but he found the existence of lotus stems.

Since no one picked the lotus stems, it was a bargain for Gu Liang. After a while, Gu Liang picked up a bunch of lotus stems on the shore, tied them up with the thatch growing on the shore and put them into the space, and then continued to pick lotus stems.

Picking lotus stems requires following the vines and finding the end of the lotus stems below, and then touching along the lotus stems to get complete lotus stems. Once Gu Liang touched a very short lotus stem, he thought that there was still a part hidden in the mud, so he continued to touch down, and he actually took out a lotus root.

Gu Liang was a little surprised. He only knew that winter was the season for digging lotus roots, but he didn't expect that there were lotus roots in summer. The lotus root in his hand is whiter than the ones he usually buys, but it is a little thin. However, no matter how thin it is, it is still a lotus root, and Gu Liang certainly cannot let it go. After all, lotus roots are rich in starch and can be used as a staple food.

So Gu Liang turned around and dug lotus roots in the mud. Compared with lotus leaves and lotus stems, lotus roots are much more difficult to dig in the mud. After half a day, he only dug a dozen, not many.

Gu Liang originally wanted to keep digging, but the sun was already hanging directly above his head, which meant that it was noon. Gu Liang remembered the appointment with his third uncle and did not dare to miss the time. He could only give up this opportunity and go to meet up with his third uncle first to avoid others worrying.

After arriving at the place where he had agreed to meet with his third uncle Gu Boxi, Gu Liang indeed found that his third uncle was already waiting at the agreed place. Gu Liang hurriedly stepped forward to greet his uncle. His uncle looked at Gu Liang's rolled-up trouser legs, bare feet, and muddy clothes, and said, "Are you going to catch snakes?"

Gu Liang knew that his uncle was mocking him for being disheveled like a beggar, and he quickly smiled and straightened his rolled-up trouser legs.

Gu Boxi then shook the backpack for Gu Liang to see. Gu Liang lay on the backpack and found the ribs inside, and asked in surprise, "Uncle, you bought ribs!"

"Yes, I have been looking for Poria cocos in the mountains for so long, how can I not eat meat to reward myself?" Gu Boxi said proudly.

It must be said that Gu Liang and his uncle get along well for a long time. Both of them know how to comfort themselves and are not the kind of people who treat themselves harshly. And isn't the money earned to improve his life? He originally planned to buy some meat before going home, and his uncle just happened to coincide with him.

After seeing the spareribs, Gu Liang held up a lotus root in his hand, which just made a lotus root and spareribs soup. The two smiled at each other, picked up their things and went home to prepare for a big dinner in the evening.

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