The next day, Gu Liang prepared to go to the town with his uncle Gu Boxi to buy some meat and seasonings for tonight's night snack.

But Grandma Gu found Gu Boxi and asked him to help with the work, so he definitely couldn't go to the town alone.

The thing that Grandma Gu asked Gu Boxi to help with was to flower the rice, which is to promote the pollination of rice when the rice is flowering. Two people must hold the two ends of a long rope, and then stand at the two ends of the rice field, with the rope on the straw, and then walk forward. In this way, the rope will press the rice ears in the process of moving forward, and the rice ears will bounce and raise their own pollen into the air to pollinate with other rice.

The ten mu of paddy fields of the Gu family required the whole day for Old Lady Gu and Gu Boxi to work on them, so it was impossible for Gu Liang to have his uncle accompany him to the town. Originally, he wanted to go to the town to see if there was any pork, mutton, chicken or something to roast, but now he could only look for something at home to eat at night, after all, he was a little hungry after patrolling at night.

But Gu Liang searched the house and didn't find anything suitable for dinner. The roasted pork belly and roasted chicken that Gu Liang wanted to eat were available at Gu's house, but they were still alive and kicking in the nest! It seems that the money earned from selling medicine next time should also be used to buy some chickens, fish, fish or something in the existence space, instead of just focusing on hoarding food. There is no need to travel thousands of miles to the town for any needs at ordinary times, Gu Liang thought to himself.

In the end, Gu Liang only found a few eggs in the chicken coop. Gu Liang didn't dare to take more, so he took two, thinking that Old Lady Gu was working in the field, and she shouldn't notice that two eggs were missing from the chicken coop. As for the basket of eggs hanging on the beam above his head, he dared not take it. Rural people live very carefully and have a count of everything.

It was evening again in a flash. Gu Liang finished his meal early and told Mrs. Gu that he would take the things for sleeping to the field first.

Then he took advantage of Mrs. Gu's meal and took a pottery jar that he had prepared and hidden in the bamboo mat, rushed out of the house, and put them where they were yesterday.

It was still early, the sky was still bright, and several bright stars had appeared.

Gu Liang had nothing to do, so he went to see the "good thing" he had done last night. The ridge of the neighbor's field had been blocked again, and it seemed that he had discovered that his family's ridge had been dug.

However, Gu Liang did not see any movement from the neighbor's family all day at home. It must be that their family was also a bully, and at most they would do some small tricks behind the scenes. When they met the tough family of the head of the village, they would be honest and silent!

After checking the ridges, Gu Liang returned to the big rock. At this time, his third uncle Gu Boxi had also arrived here.

The two inspected their fields again according to yesterday's process. They did not find what happened last night. They only blocked two leaking fields and came back to rest.

Gu Liang took out two eggs from the pottery jar and told Gu Boxi that they would use two eggs as a midnight snack tonight. Although this midnight snack is a bit shabby for modern times, it is also a good thing for this era.

Gu Liang picked up a pile of branches and hay nearby and prepared to use them to make fire and boil eggs. The pottery jar was already set up, but Gu Liang saw his third uncle pouring something white into it. Gu Liang asked Gu Boxi what it was in confusion.

Gu Boxi replied that it was salt brought from home. Gu Liang thought to himself, why put salt in these two eggs? Just boil them in water and eat them. It's not like making braised eggs or tea eggs. Besides, how can you make braised eggs with only salt? Gu Liang asked his uncle, "Just boil two eggs, why did you bring salt?"

Gu Boxi smiled but did not answer. He nodded behind Gu Liang and asked him to look behind him.

Gu Liang looked at the lush rice behind him, thinking that the rice could not be boiled. Could it be that his uncle wanted to catch the yellow eel from yesterday? However, how many people can eat the yellow eel boiled in salt water?

Gu Liang looked behind him again, wondering if he had dropped something. This time, Gu Liang did not turn his head, but turned his body, and saw that there were soybean seedlings growing in front of him.

Gu Liang slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "Uncle, why didn't I think of it? We can boil soybeans to eat at night!"

On the ridges of paddy fields in the south, smart farmers always plant a row of soybeans on the side facing the water in order to make reasonable use of space. This not only does not occupy the field, but also can grow more.

For one crop, soybeans are grown right next to the paddy fields without the need for special watering. Soybeans can also fix nitrogen and increase fertilizer. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Now is the season for soybean seedlings to produce pods. One bean plant can produce many pods. When people pick it off at this time, they will call it another name - edamame. No matter which city in China, boiled edamame has a place in the late-night snack scene, and it is perfect to use it as a late-night snack.

Gu Liang called his third uncle awesome for actually remembering the edamame on the edge of the field.

The two set up a fire, filled half a can of water from Lanxi, and began to cook edamame. The two of them didn't dare to pull out the whole edamame tree. After all, they were eating it secretly, so how could they eat it alone? They picked several soybean pods on each soybean plant. They picked a few pods from one field and collected a pocketful of them.

The two put the picked edamame into the pot and waited for it to cook. The eggs had already been cooked.

"Gu Liang, do you want some more?" Gu Boxi said to Gu Liang. At this time, the firelight illuminated their faces particularly clearly, and Gu Boxi had an obvious smirk on his face.

Gu Liang saw Gu Boxi's evil smile and said sheepishly: "Uncle, I picked too many edamame, and it's easy for the milk to find it."

"Hey, who said we have to pick edamame? Our family doesn't just grow this kind of thing."

"Oh~~Uncle, I understand. Let's go get it each!" Gu Liang saw the third uncle's intention and said that they would go find what they thought of.

The two of them turned around and went to find their things. This is quite convenient in the fields. You can pick whatever you want to eat secretly. It is mainly a quick way.

Gu Liang came to the corner of the field. There was a slope on the bank where Mrs. Gu had planted several clusters of taro. In the countryside, no piece of land is wasted. Every piece of land can be put to full use. Even if it is a boulder without grass, Mrs. Gu will cover it with some soil and plant some leeks with shallow roots.

Gu Liang dug a hole under the taro with his hands, revealing the taro inside. The taros grown here are all multi-headed taros, not very big in size. There are many sub-taros growing next to a mother taro, with red flowers blooming on them, which are often picked by children to suck the nectar.

It's not late autumn yet, and the taro plants aren't growing much, nor are they too big. Gu Liang dug three holes before digging out four taro plants the size of a child's fist.

When Gu Liang returned to the fire, his third uncle had returned. Gu Liang asked his third uncle what he had picked.

Gu Boxi pointed at the clay pot, indicating that the things he had picked up had been put into it. Gu Liang opened the lid and discovered the broad beans at the bottom of the jar by the light of the fire.

This season is also the season to eat green broad beans. Like edamame, green broad beans have a layer of pods on the outside. The difference is that there is a layer of bean skin inside the broad bean pods. The broad bean skin we usually see is brown, while the young broad bean skin, like its flesh, is green. Gu Liang grew up in the countryside, so he naturally knows what green broad beans look like. The broad beans at this time are soft, tender and juicy, which is completely different from the dry and hard texture. Moreover, the broad bean skins at this time are also edible. No need to peel it, still delicious.

Within two minutes, the water was already boiling. Only then did Gu Liang realize that he didn't bring chopsticks. He looked at the boiling water in the pot and was helpless.

But then Gu Liang and Gu Boxi picked two yellow vitex branches and used them as chopsticks to eat the edamame inside.

Gu Liang swore he had never tasted such fresh and sweet edamame in his life. There is no stimulation from chili, no interference from other seasonings, only salt to stimulate the flavor of the edamame itself.

Gently bite the outer pod of the edamame with your mouth, and the edamame grains inside will burst out from the pod, with the fresh juice and the aroma of the original bean, permeating all the sensory cells in the mouth. The half-hard and half-soft beans are cooked, not only crisp and tender, but also have a cooked texture that makes people want to show off.

In fact, simply cooking edamame may not be as amazing as Gu Liang thought. But in this scene in the fields, with insects chirping and frogs chirping, fireflies flying, bonfires swaying, and the stars and moon shining overhead, in this atmosphere where the sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed, it brings about changes in people's touch and taste. Not simply.

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