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Gu Liang and Gu Boxi had a great time eating last night. This experience may be remembered in the next few years, and the feeling may be like Mr. Lu Xun's childhood when he took a boat to watch a social opera and cook broad beans, which will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

But early the next morning, while having breakfast, Gu Liang heard his mother Chen and second sister-in-law Li complain to Mrs. Gu.

Gu Liang leaned over to listen and was about to eat some melon, when he heard his second aunt Li complaining: "Mom, you don't know, when my sister-in-law and I were sleeping in the field last night, I don't know who used it to drive the fire away. The mosquito straw was burning, and we could see the light of the fire from such a distance. I don’t know which unlucky guy was sleeping so hard. What if he was burned? The fire was bright enough to be a stick of incense. It’s time!”

When Gu Liang heard this, he thought, good guy, this melon-eating thing is on his own head. The fire is talking about him and his third uncle cooking edamame!

Gu Liang's mother, Mrs. Chen, said to Gu Boxi and Gu Liang with concern: "I think the fire seems to be coming from the direction of our fields. Do you two know whose house is burning? This big house is burning." In the evening, your sister-in-law, your second aunt, and I can’t go over to see what’s going on.”

I saw Gu Liang and Gu Boxi holding up the porridge bowls, covering their faces, and then looked at each other and smiled behind the bowls, and said in unison: "We both went to bed early, I don't know!"

After a few busy days, Gu Liang finally had time to go up the mountain. After the two of them finished eating, they carried their respective backpacks and set off towards Dahei Mountain.

Because the weather is really hot these days, the sun has just risen, making people's mouths irritated and the leaves turning white. The two of them decided not to wander around Daheishan today, but to go directly to the place where they dug lilies last time and come back again, so as to save time and avoid being exposed to the sun all day.

With a clear goal in mind, the two of them moved much faster after entering Dahei Mountain. Soon we arrived at the last Shitan, which was still as cool and comfortable as ever. However, all the bayberries I saw last time had fallen off, and now there was no one left on the branches. Gu Liang obviously didn't finish picking them last time.

The two rested for a while in the stone pool and filled the bamboo tube with water again. It was sweltering even in the forest on this hot day, so they drank a lot more water than before.

After the two people left Shitan, they rushed up to this mountain peak. This mountain is just one of the peaks in Dahei Mountain and has no name, so Gu Liang and Sanshu called it Beishishan Mountain, which means mountain. There are many stones on the back. (Money will be deducted for homophones)

The two of them stood on the top of the mountain and looked down, looking for which side had more lilies in bloom. After a while, I discovered a large area with lilies blooming among several large bluestones.

The two decided to dig there, and after walking downward for two-quarters of an hour, they came to these large bluestones. Lilies were growing behind the stones. There is no road here, and there are no trees growing on the rocks to support them. Fortunately, there are many dense vines growing on the rocks, and the two of them can hold on to the vines and climb all the way over.

There was only a slope under the stone, not a cliff. It was quite safe for the two of them to hold the vines, and they climbed to the lily in a short while.

This patch of lilies is growing very well. Under the sunlight, the flowers look white and glowing, so beautiful. It's a pity that good flowers don't always bloom and good times don't last forever, because Gu Liang and his two men started digging lilies.

However, the physical work of digging is basically done by Gu Liang's third uncle Gu Boxi. After all, he is very strong and holds a big hoe. It's not like Gu Liang, who can dig up some similar herbs like dandelions and shepherd's purse with a small hoe. Digging for these rhizomes is like scratching the earth.

So Gu Liang simply stopped digging and wandered around among several large bluestones. The exposed parts of these large bluestones were probably as high as one or two stories high, and he didn't know how deep they were underneath.

Gu Liang followed the vines on the big bluestone and grabbed one of them to climb up. He was young and light now and reached the top of the boulder easily. He originally wanted to climb onto the stone to see what else was around, but as soon as he climbed up, he discovered the fruit on the stone and on the vines - bili.

Xili is also called goat's milk fruit in Gu Liang's hometown, because it is shaped like a sheep's udder, and when you pick it, white lotion will flow out from its stem, so it is called goat's milk fruit.

When Gu Liang was a child, he always called him Yang Milk Guo. Later, when he was studying Qu Yuan's mountain ghosts, he said, "If someone comes to the mountains, they will be covered with grass and grass."

"Bring the female radish." Gu Liang went to look up the lily and found out that the goat milk fruit he had been calling since childhood actually has such a beautiful name as lily.

The reason why Gu Liang remembered this lily was because it had another wonderful use, that is, it could be used to make ice jelly.

Now is the day of the golden sun, the sun is shining on the earth as if it wants to burn everything to death, making Gu Liang sweat all over no matter what he does today. If he picks some lily and goes home to make ice jelly, it will be such a pleasure to eat it in this hot summer!

He did it right away, Gu Liang picked up his small Basket, Ficus lilies were picked one by one and sent into the basket. Soon, Gu Liang had picked a full basket on the stone.

This full basket can probably make several times of ice jelly. Gu Liang can only pick so much, and he can't take more back.

After picking, Gu Liang climbed down again and came to the front of his uncle. The big basket carried by his uncle was already half filled with lilies.

If all the lilies in this place were dug, it would probably take two baskets, but Gu Liang and his friends were not greedy people. They left after the basket was full. After all, we have to protect wild Chinese medicinal materials. We can't eat them all and then they will disappear. Gu Liang also taught Gu Boxi to dig out a lily, break off a piece and throw it into the soil, and this piece will sprout again and grow a new lily.

Gu Boxi saw Gu Liang coming back, so he looked up and glanced at him. Seeing that Gu Liang's backpack was full of green fruits, he curiously asked Gu Liang what it was.

Gu Liang casually took out a lychee and showed it to Gu Boxi. Gu Boxi then realized that Gu Liang was holding a goat milk fruit.

Gu Boxi has been collecting herbs for so long , he was a little accustomed to everything, and felt that everything was a medicinal material, it was just a matter of whether it was worth picking. So he asked Gu Liang reflexively what the use of the goat milk fruit was as a medicinal material.

Gu Liang replied that it was eaten, not used as a medicinal material. Gu Boxi then told Gu Liang that the goat milk fruit was not delicious, they used it to help women with lactation, and he had eaten it when he was a child, it had no taste, not sweet or sour.

Gu Liang smiled and said to Gu Boxi: "Uncle, we don't eat it directly, but use the things inside it to make delicious food. "

After saying that, Gu Liang broke open the ficus pumila fruit in his hand to show it to Gu Boxi. Unexpectedly, Gu Liang did not see what he wanted after breaking it open.

At this time, Gu Liang realized that the ficus pumila fruit is divided into male and female. The female one has seeds and can be used to make jelly. The male one has no seeds and cannot be made into jelly.

Gu Liang broke a few more ficus pumila fruit and found the dense seeds he wanted to see in one of them. Then he pointed it out to his uncle Gu Boxi and said that this is what he could eat.

However, Gu Boxi really didn't understand what the seeds in the goat milk fruit could be used to eat. After all, he had never seen it before. At most, he wondered if the seeds could be used to extract oil like sesame seeds.

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