After a while, the fruit was not eaten.

Gu Liang couldn't explain it like that, so he planned to demonstrate it himself after returning home.

But before that, he had to break open all the Ficus pumila fruits in this basket to verify how many female ones there were. He couldn't carry them all the way back without any female ones.

Gu Liang broke them for about a quarter of an hour and finally broke all of them. Almost half of them had seeds, so Gu Liang prepared to pick some more Ficus pumila and fill his basket.

At about noon, Gu Liang filled his basket, and Gu Boxi also dug a basket full of lilies.

The two were about to go home, but they heard the big bear barking in one direction. The big bear has grown a lot since coming to Gu's house, but it still looks like a puppy. The big bear rarely barks, unless it finds something strange.

As soon as the big bear barks, Gu Liang and the others know that the big bear must have found something, so they carefully observe the place where the big bear barks.

From a distance, they saw an animal with black hair and white mane on its back standing on the bluestone, staring at them. This animal looks like a cow and a sheep, but it feels a bit like a donkey and a horse, with two horns.

Gu Liang has never seen such a strange animal, not even in the zoo in his previous life, so he doesn't know what this animal is called. He was a little scared. Although he felt that this thing should be a vegetarian, it was very big. If it rushed over, the attack power should not be a vegetarian.

The big bear was still barking, and Gu Liang was afraid that it would anger this strange thing if it barked again. So he pulled the big bear over, then covered its mouth with his hand, strangling its throat of fate.

At this time, Gu Boxi pulled out the hatchet that he had been carrying behind his buttocks and took defensive measures.

But the thing just stared at them and did not take the next step. Gu Liang and the others did not want to continue the stalemate. After all, the longer the time, the more disadvantageous it would be for them. In this wilderness, they didn't know what strange things they would encounter next.

So the two of them confronted each other and slowly left. After half a quarter of an hour, the strange thing finally disappeared from sight. Seeing that they were out of danger, the two did not dare to neglect and quickly ran down the mountain without delaying for a moment.

It was not until the two saw people working in the fields at the foot of the mountain that they breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the thing did look a bit scary.

(It describes the ibex. If you don't know, you can search it)

Because the two ran all the way down the mountain, they returned home much earlier than usual. After arriving home, they sat down and didn't want to move. Afterwards, the two recalled that they were a little scared, but also a little curious, because they had not looked at it carefully, and they were also wondering if they could kill it if it rushed over, and whether its meat was delicious, and whether it tasted like lamb or beef?

The Chinese blood of the two awakened, and they wanted to try whether it tasted good no matter what they encountered. It was a pity that Daxiong was still too young to be a hunting dog, otherwise he could really try it.

It was still early, so Gu Liang picked out the seeds in the lychee fruit, rinsed it several times, and got almost three pounds.

Since it was the first time to make ice jelly, Gu Liang only took a small half-pound amount, and took the rest outside to dry and save it for next time.

Gu Liang took a large basin, poured most of the basin of water, and then wrapped the ice jelly seeds with linen and began to rub them.

Gu Boxi watched from the side to see what this thing could do, and whether it was as magical as Gu Liang said. When Da Ni, Er Ni, Chun Ni and other girls saw Gu Liang playing with water, they also wanted to join in, but Gu Liang himself was not sure, so he naturally did not dare to let them come, so he asked them to watch and promised to let them play next time.

Gu Liang rubbed the ice powder seeds like washing socks, and soon the water in the basin began to become thick, and there were a lot of bubbles in the water, and even the water became milky white.

The ice powder seeds were almost done when they were rubbed to this extent. Gu Liang removed the top layer of bubbles with his hands to make the water less turbid.

The next step is the most important step, and it is also the step that Gu Liang is unsure of. It is to use clear lime water. In this step, Gu Liang does not know how much to add, so he can only try it little by little. When the water becomes jelly, Gu Liang thinks it is almost done. If he adds more, Gu Liang is afraid that the ice powder will have the taste of lime water.

The finished ice powder should be refrigerated in the refrigerator, but there was no refrigerator in ancient times, so Gu Liang could only

I found a stone in the creek next to me and put the basin on it. There were bamboos above the place to shade it, and the water in the creek flowed out from the mountains, so the temperature was not high, which could completely replace the effect of refrigeration.

The next thing to do is to prepare the base of ice jelly, which usually needs brown sugar or sour plum soup. But because the ice jelly was made temporarily, there was no time to buy brown sugar, and the sour plum soup had to be bought and boiled at the pharmacy in the town!

Gu Liang could only try his luck to see if there was brown sugar at home, but he didn't find any brown sugar after searching around.

At this time, Erni ran over and whispered to Gu Liang secretly: "Brother, I know where we have brown sugar."

"Oh, where is it? Sister, tell me quickly, I will make the jelly and give it to you first!" Gu Liang said to Erni excitedly, which was undoubtedly a timely help.

Erni ran into her mother Li's room, and came out after a while with a palm-sized piece of brown sugar in her hand. Then Erni whispered to Gu Liang: "Brother, this is what my mother hid secretly. She said she would give it to my grandmother when she returned to her parents' home next time. Don't tell my mother if I take it!"

"Okay," Gu Liang agreed readily, and made a promise with Erni, promising not to tell her mother.

Gu Liang broke off half of the amount and dissolved it with boiling water. There was no time to prepare the other small ingredients for the time being, but he didn't care about those things for himself.

Gu Liang was stirring the brown sugar. This old-fashioned brown sugar was really hard and difficult to dissolve. It had to be dissolved manually. While stirring, Gu Liang suddenly remembered that although he didn't have sour plum soup, he had bayberries in his space. He could squeeze out the bayberry juice and use it as sour plum soup.

Gu Liang instantly felt that he was a genius. This bayberry juice was not only as pleasing in color as sour plum soup, but more importantly, the bayberry juice also had a fruity aroma. If it was brought to modern times, it would probably open a store and make a fortune.

Gu Liang found a colander in the kitchen, filled a colander of bayberries with it, and then squeezed out the juice to get a small basin.

After working for a long time, Gu Liang brought out a bowl of bayberry juice and a bowl of brown sugar water from the kitchen. Several girls all gathered around to drink what Gu Liang had in his hand. Gu Liang was a little helpless, and hurriedly told them to wait a moment, and there would be something more delicious later.

The ice jelly had been in the creek for a long time, and the time should be enough, so Gu Liang asked his third uncle Gu Boxi to bring the ice jelly back.

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Liang took out a few bowls and placed them on the table, ready to use them to hold the ice jelly later.

After a while, Gu Boxi brought the basin back, and Gu Liang opened the outer lid, and saw the crystal clear, moist and transparent ice jelly in the basin presented to everyone.

Gu Liang scooped a large spoon with a large spoon, and saw the spoon scoop out a QQ bouncy thing full of small bubbles and jelly-like things. Except for Gu Liang, no one present had ever seen something with such texture and shape. The key to this thing is that it looks delicious, and Chunni is the smallest and the hardest to hold back, so she immediately waved her hand to signal Gu Liang to give it to her.

Gu Liang scooped a few pieces into a bowl, and then poured brown sugar water into it. The originally colorless and transparent ice powder immediately turned amber under the nourishment of the sugar water, which made people more appetizing.

The first bowl was of course given to Erni who had promised in advance, followed by Chunni, Dani and Sanshu. After the distribution, Gu Liang also took a bowl.

After everyone got it, they didn't eat it immediately. Gu Liang picked up a bowl and saw that everyone hadn't eaten it yet, so he asked everyone why they didn't eat it. Dani replied: "Of course I'm waiting for you, brother. How can we eat what you made first!"

"Be good, eat quickly, there is still a big bowl, enough for everyone." Gu Liang was a little touched. He didn't expect that everyone would wait for him to eat a small bowl of ice powder.

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