The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the next meal.

Gu Liang had no other choice at this time. He had already exchanged all his money for the food in the space without leaving a penny. Even if he took out the food, Second Aunt couldn't take it with her!

Suddenly he remembered the ice jelly he made in the afternoon. This ice jelly is suitable for selling in summer. And if he sells it on the construction site, after working on this hot day, he can spend a few copper coins to buy a bowl of cool and sweet ice jelly. It is not only delicious, but also can eliminate the heat. Although the workers are all poor people, there are so many people that there will always be someone in a group who can't resist the temptation to buy a bowl.

Thinking of this, Gu Liang hurriedly shouted that he had a good idea. When the Gu family heard that Gu Liang had a good idea, they hurriedly asked him what he had.

Gu Liang asked everyone if they remembered the ice jelly they had in the afternoon. Although everyone was confused about the connection between going to Jiangzhou and ice jelly, they could only nod and say it was delicious when Gu Liang asked.

Then Gu Liang asked everyone how they felt after eating the ice jelly.

Li said first: "This ice jelly is really delicious. Once you eat it, you will feel comfortable all over. The heat from working will disappear all of a sudden."

"Yes, that's it." Gu Liang clapped his hands and said: "We can sell ice jelly in Jiangzhou. This thing is delicious and can relieve the heat. It will definitely make money. At least it can support people."

Everyone heard that Gu Liang's idea was indeed feasible. If they went to Jiangzhou, they could take care of them at night. They could sell ice jelly on the construction site during the day. Not only could they make money, but they could also come over to eat a bowl of ice jelly to relieve the heat when they were tired from work.

So the matter was decided. Gu Liang wanted to go with them, fearing that his second aunt would not be able to handle it alone, but Mrs. Gu did not let him go, saying that he was a child there and it was not safe for so many people to go. Besides, Li used to sell ice jelly just to supplement her daily expenses. After all, taking care of Old Man Gu and the others was the main thing.

After dinner, the Gu family did not go out for night patrol today. After all, someone had just died in the village, and it was not good to live outside at night.

The next day, the Gu family was busy. Everyone was very busy. Everyone had their own things to do. After all, Li was leaving for Jiangzhou the day after tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Old Lady Gu went to Tiezhu's house to help without eating. After all, they were from the same family, and her husband was not at home, so she had to go out and help herself.

And Gu Boxi was going to Guanyao Town to buy some bowls for Li to take to Jiangzhou to sell ice jelly. It was not that there were no bowls for sale in Jiangzhou, but Gu Boxi knew where to buy bowls for a cheaper price. He wanted to buy some inferior bowls, which might not look good or have cracks, but could still hold water. Such bowls were generally not sold, and would damage the reputation of the family. The more important reason is that these bosses would rather smash it than sell it at a lower price. After all, if they all go to buy broken bowls, who will buy their own good bowls?

But Gu Boxi has been there for a few years, and he has some ways to get some cheap ones.

Chen took care of the housework and farm affairs by herself. Li went back to her parents' home, not for anything else, but for ice jelly seeds.

Originally, Li didn't know what this ice jelly was made of, until Gu Liang took out the lychee fruit, she knew that such delicious ice jelly was made of this inconspicuous thing. Since she decided to sell ice jelly in Jiangzhou, she must prepare ice jelly seeds in advance. It happened that Li's parents' home had many stones in the village, and the stones were covered with vines with thunder fruit.

Li went back to her parents' home alone early in the morning. After all, time was tight and there was no time to delay. So when Li's family was still eating breakfast, Li rushed back to her parents' home.

Li's family was very happy to see Li come back, not for anything else, but because she wanted to work for free. Every time Li came back, she would bring things and work hard. It happened that her husband was doing corvée service, and there was a lot of work to do at home. Li's return was undoubtedly free labor.

However, Li had something important to do when she returned to her parents' home this time, so it was definitely impossible for her to come back and help with the work like usual.

As soon as Li came home, she greeted her mother and sister-in-law, then took out the bag from her backpack and put it down, and then went out again immediately.

After this set of operations, not to mention that Zhao, the daughter-in-law, couldn't understand it, even Old Lady Li couldn't understand what her daughter was doing!

Li went out in the morning and didn't come back until lunchtime. Her backpack was full of goat milk fruit. When Li came back, her family was just preparing for lunch, and Old Lady Li asked her to come to the table and eat quickly

After lunch, Li was busy picking Thunderbolts for the whole morning and was hungry, so she went to the table and started eating.

Her sister-in-law Zhao just came out of the room and saw the basket of goat milk fruits that Zhao had picked. She didn't understand why the second aunt picked so many of them, and they were not delicious. Usually, only children would pick two of these things to eat when they were greedy. There are many wild fruits in the mountains that are more delicious than them.

So Zhao asked Li, "Second aunt, why did you pick so many goat milk fruits and break them apart!"

When she was at home, Gu Liang and Gu Laotai reminded Li not to tell anyone when she went home to pick ice powder seeds. After all, this thing is unique, and this unique thing is valuable!

So Li would definitely not say it easily now. She is not stupid. How can she talk about money-making things everywhere? So Li said vaguely: "This thing is what my mother-in-law wants. I don't know what she uses it for."

"So you came back to help your mother-in-law this time. I thought you were filial. Seeing that your father and brother were not at home, you came back to help your mother with work." When Zhao heard that Li was not back to her mother's house to work, her face immediately became not so good. After all, she was still counting on Li to do more work at her mother's house so that she could be lazy. Seeing that her wish was not fulfilled, she became jealous.

When Mrs. Li heard what her daughter-in-law said, she was not very happy. The daughter she raised did not help her with work when she returned home, but helped her mother-in-law when she returned home. Her face fell instantly and she was unhappy.

At this time, Cheng Wen and Cheng Wu also ran to Li, threw the bag Li brought back to her, and then asked in unison: "Second aunt, where is the food you brought for us?"

Li was originally going to bring a piece of brown sugar back to her parents' home this time, but she couldn't find it at home. She thought her husband had taken it to Jiangzhou, so she didn't bring anything back to her parents' home this time. However, the last time she went back to her parents' home was so close, it didn't matter if she didn't bring anything this time.

There was only one set of clothes in Li's bag, because she was afraid of scratching her clothes when picking goat milk fruit, so she brought some clothes to change. Li looked at her bag that was torn by her two nephews and felt a little angry. After all, anyone would feel offended if their things were turned over by others without saying a word.

Seeing her daughter's expression change, Mrs. Li tried to smooth things over, saying with a smile, "Chengwen and Chengwu, how could you secretly look through your aunt's things? Don't do it next time."

Chengwen and Chengwu saw that their grandmother was smiling and teaching them a lesson, so they didn't take it seriously, and didn't even say "oh". They went to the table to eat without saying a word.

Zhao saw that her two sons rolled their eyes because of what the old lady said about Li, and she hated Li in her heart, thinking that Li not only ate her family's food for free this time, but also made her son angry.

Li looked at all this and said nothing, and continued to eat silently. She had to continue picking goat milk fruits and picking ice powder seeds in the afternoon.

Although Li didn't say anything, she was also disappointed when she returned to her mother's home and received such treatment. Comparing the scene at Gu's house, she became more and more alienated from this mother's home where she had lived for more than ten years.

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