On the day Li left, the whole Gu family came to the town to see her off. Chen packed her clothes and luggage for her, and Gu Boxi bought her more than 30 bowls and spoons, and Old Lady Gu gave her two taels of silver. Gu Liang sold all the medicinal herbs in the house early in the morning and got almost a thousand copper coins. Then he bought some brown sugar and medicinal herbs for making sour plum soup, and took them to Jiangzhou to make ice jelly for her. The remaining money was rounded up and just one tael of silver was given to her. Because there was a lot of luggage, especially a lot of ice jelly seeds, not only Li picked them at her mother's house, but also Gu Liang and his sisters found them around the village. So this time, Li did not go to Jiangzhou by land but by water. She took a boat to Jiangzhou in Lianhua Town.

When Li was leaving, her two daughters were reluctant to leave and cried for their mother. Although Li was reluctant, she had to go to take care of other family members.

Before leaving, Gu Liang confirmed with Second Aunt what to pay attention to. He had reminded her many times, fearing that Second Aunt would forget.

"Second Aunt, you must remember what I told you!"

"I know. I have heard it so many times that my ears are calloused." Li replied. She didn't know what was wrong with her nephew. She kept repeating it to him. She didn't know why this nephew talked so much before. She heard it a lot and said helplessly: "Isn't it just that when we get to Jiangzhou, if there is no place to refrigerate the ice jelly, we can put some mint water, so that the ice jelly will taste cool!"

"Not this" Gu Liang came up with the idea of ​​putting mint overnight, because he was afraid that Li would expose the ice jelly to the sun for too long when selling it, and the ice jelly would not taste good if it was heated up, but he wanted to remind Li about something else. "Second Aunt, this is not what I want to remind you about."

Li saw that Gu Liang was not talking about this, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone about the ice jelly made from goat milk fruit, not even my own mother!"

Gu Liang saw that Li was so sensible, and his heart was finally put down. He was afraid that the method of making this ice jelly would be known to others, and then they would not be able to sell this ice jelly anymore. After all, if others knew that this ice jelly was made from something that could be seen everywhere in the wild, they would not be willing to spend money to buy it, and would choose to make it themselves.

Therefore, the method of making ice jelly must be kept strictly confidential. Gu Liang was relieved when he saw that Li, who usually favored her mother's family, did not tell his mother. Gu Liang thought that although his second aunt favored her mother's family and was a little lazy, she was not vague at all when it came to major issues. It seemed that she was still a good person.

After Li left, the Gu family became more and more deserted. In the past, there was not enough room for a table to sit at, but now there are not enough seats at a table.

However, Gu Liang made a fortune in the past two days. The reason was that when he was strolling in Lianhua Town, he accidentally passed by the back street of a newly opened restaurant and saw a hunter carrying a leopard for sale.

Gu Liang had seen leopards from a distance in the zoo, but had never really touched them, so he became curious. When the hunter was selling leopards, he gathered around to join in the fun and touched the leopard's fur twice. It was very smooth.

Gu Liang did not expect to get unexpected gains from this fun.

Gu Liang learned that this newly opened restaurant has recently been buying some "special" ingredients at high prices. The rarer the better, the more rare the better. In short, it is buying delicacies from the mountains and the sea at high prices.

This made Gu Liang think. Although he didn't have delicacies from the mountains and the sea, rare ingredients, and no leopard meat or crocodile meat, he had a lot of wild vegetables in his space. Although these wild vegetables can be seen everywhere, they only appear in season. If you want to eat them after the season is over, you can't eat them.

So, Gu Liang was ready to try his luck. Anyway, the wild vegetables in his space are not worth much. If he sells them at this time, it will be more valuable than in spring!

Gu Liang hid in a place where no one could find him, and then picked a circle in the space, and finally locked on the spring bamboo shoots he dug. Because everyone eats bamboo shoots, and they all know that they are exclusive to spring, and there are more dishes that can be made, which is more presentable than dandelions and chicory.

Gu Liang bought a sack and took out five bamboo shoots from the space, because he couldn't carry too many, and besides, things are precious because they are rare, so if he took too many, he would not be able to sell them at a good price. If he took too few, he couldn't make two dishes, so five was just right.

Gu Liang came to the back door of the restaurant with the sack on his shoulder and said he was going to sell something.

The waiter in charge of the restaurant looked at Gu Liang and saw that he was a child, carrying

There was a sack with something in it, which looked like some ordinary local products. So he couldn't help but look down on it a little and said casually: "Kid, I'm here to buy delicacies from the mountains and the sea, not your eggplants and winter melons. You can turn left and go to the vegetable market over there to sell these."

Gu Liang is now wearing coarse linen clothes, and he is a child. It is normal for others to think that he has no good things. So he didn't get angry, and still said calmly: "The things I'm selling today, you can't find them in the whole Jiangzhou. Please inform your boss."

The man saw that Gu Liang, the kid, still didn't leave, and his tone was quite big, so he could only sigh and go in to find someone on their side. He just hoped that the third shopkeeper would not be too angry when he saw the "Farmhouse" in the sack.

Gu Liang waited for half a cup of tea downstairs, and a middle-aged man who looked quite shrewd came out of the restaurant. The man saw that it was a little boy waiting outside, and his mouth twitched. He really couldn't think of what rare things such an ordinary child could sell. So he said, "Kid, you can see that our newly opened restaurant is the largest and most luxurious in town. Let alone the beans and radishes grown in your family, even mutton and beef are ordinary and worthless here."

The waiter who had just gone to invite people saw that the third shopkeeper was a little unhappy, and hurriedly defended himself on the side: "Shopkeeper, I just told this kid, he insisted that you come down, I had no choice but to call you out."

The third shopkeeper lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the waiter, and said nothing. Anyway, he had already come down, so it didn't hurt to take a look at what the child brought, so he said to Gu Liang: "What did you bring, open it and take a look"

So Gu Liang opened the sack, revealing the tip of the bamboo shoots.

When the waiter saw that it was bamboo shoots, he immediately apologized to the third shopkeeper. After all, in his eyes, bamboo shoots were not as valuable as winter melon and eggplant!

The third shopkeeper was not like what the waiter thought. Instead, he seemed quite interested. He walked up to pick up a bamboo shoot and looked at it again and again. He said excitedly, "Young master, it's already July now. These bamboo shoots are only available in March and April. Where did you dig them from?"

When Gu Liang heard that this man had called him a child from the beginning and now called him a young master, he knew something was up. So Gu Liang lowered his voice and said, "I came across this thing by chance. I don't know if I can meet it again in the future. As the saying goes, once you lose an opportunity, it will never come back. How many people can eat spring bamboo shoots in this season? If you are interested, please name a price!"

The third shopkeeper thought for a long time and seemed to be very entangled. His expression changed obviously, as if he was worried that the price would be too low and anger the other party, and that he would feel bad if he offered too high a price. Finally, he held up five fingers and said, "I'll pay five taels, give me all these bamboo shoots. I can buy several carts of bamboo shoots from farmers at this price in the spring."

Gu Liang was full of smiles. Five taels was already a lot of money. He could only make about this much in a month by going to the mountains to collect herbs. But since this person offered five taels at the beginning, he could definitely increase the price, so he was ready to continue bargaining.

In the end, Gu Liang sold five bamboo shoots at a sky-high price of ten taels.

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