The monks in the Iron Buddha Temple made Gu Liang feel deeply moved. The King of England started the construction for his own selfishness. Now he dares to rob in broad daylight for something he likes, and he doesn't care if someone dies. If something more precious appears, it will be terrible.

The more precious thing Gu Liang said is of course the space in his hand. He is not stupid and knows what his space can do. At the smallest, it can be used to store grain and goods, at the largest, it can be used to smuggle salt and iron, and it can also be used to hide helmets and armor. It can be said that the space in Gu Liang's hand can even affect the outcome of a war and even determine the fate of a country.

"An army will perish without baggage, food, and reserves." Baggage, food, and storage of war supplies are the three major factors that determine the fate of an army, and Gu Liang's space can perfectly solve these three problems. As long as Gu Liang stands there, all logistical problems can be solved. Weapons and food can go straight to the front line with his arrival, without worrying about food being robbed, and no need to worry about catapults, siege equipment and other baggage being blocked by mountains and rivers.

But Gu Liang didn't want to do this. Whether in modern or ancient times, his identity was an ordinary civilian. He wanted to live a peaceful life. In his previous life, he died at a young age at work. In this life, he just wanted to live a stable life.

Even if he really showed his ability and was appointed as a marquis, the ending would be miserable. As the saying goes, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. He may be reused at the beginning, but which emperor in ancient times would be willing to keep a person who can influence the war in the world? They only think that Gu Liang can help them defeat the enemy today, and help the enemy defeat themselves tomorrow.

Gu Liang's space is a nuclear bomb for the people in power. It looks good, but if the remote control of the nuclear bomb is not in his hand, it is better not to let this nuclear bomb exist in the world.

In summary, Gu Liang just wants to live quietly, rely on the space to survive the famine, and then get rich and live a stable and wealthy life.

Since he wants to get rich and can't expose the space, the best way at present is still to go to Dahei Mountain to collect herbs. And this time Gu Liang is not going to hang around the edge of Dahei Mountain. He wants to go to the depths of Dahei Mountain. Only there is a chance to find more precious and valuable medicinal materials.

It happened that the rice flower season had passed, and Gu Boxi could also make time to go to Dahei Mountain with Gu Liang.

This time, Gu Liang made full preparations for Dahei Mountain, and even prepared a few more meals.

This time, Gu Liang and the other person set off earlier. The sky was just getting light, and they arrived at the foot of Dahei Mountain at about 12:00. In the past, they mostly searched for medicinal herbs along the path at the foot of the mountain. This time, they planned to walk perpendicular to the path and go all the way in to search.

Unlike before, there was a path before, so there was no need to worry about getting lost. Just walk along the path. This time, they walked along the ridge, so someone had to clear the way in front and cut down the bushes blocking the way as they walked.

But this slowed down their speed a lot. After half an hour, they had only climbed less than two miles, and these two miles were more tiring than the usual five miles.

However, this situation did not last long, and their situation improved. Because they almost entered a relatively primitive forest, the trees here were tall and straight, covering the sky. The sun basically could not reach the ground, so the bushes could not get the sun here, and they no longer existed. There was nothing else on the ground except a thick layer of humus and fallen leaves, so they walked very easily. The only bad thing was that they could not see the direction, so they had to be extra careful to prevent getting lost.

Gu Liang and his team found several Gastrodia elata and Polygonatum sibiricum along the ridge. They were tired and exhausted, so they decided to take a rest here to recover some strength before going to look for more.

Gu Liang did not bring water with him this time. He brought sweet sorghum stalks, also known as sweet stalks. Sweet stalks are thinner than sugarcane, but the length between the nodes is longer. Although it is not as sweet as sugarcane, the juice is fresher and sweeter. They have their own merits.

When Gu Liang took out the sweet stalks that had been cut into sections in advance, Gu Boxi's eyes were straight. After all, eating one when you are thirsty and hungry is like eating a Snickers bar.

"Does your grandma know that you cut so many sweet stalks?" Gu Boxi took a sweet stalk and started to chew it.

Gu Liang was chewing like a groundhog eating a snow cake, and he said vaguely, "Grandma, of course she

I don't know. Last time I wanted to eat sweet potato, she only cut one after I had been trying for a long time, and she even asked me and my three sisters to share it!"

"Aren't you afraid that your grandma will find out?"

"Hehe, I'm not afraid. Yesterday I went to help weed in the newly opened wasteland, and I accidentally fell and knocked down a piece. My mother happened to see it, and when she saw that I had broken several pieces, she asked me to cut and eat them directly."

Gu Liang said it proudly, and Gu Boxi saw through his little thoughts at a glance, and said: "Did you really fall down accidentally?"

Seeing that he was exposed, Gu Liang quickly said: "It's good to know, without me you can't eat it! "

The place where Gu Liang and his partner rested was covered with lush greenery, like a big green umbrella that blocked out the sun and the heat.

The situation in Jiangcheng was just the opposite. Thousands of people were working hard on the construction site, and there was no shelter on the open land.

The scorching sun shone on every inch of land, including the people on the land. The sun hurt people's skin, but most people would rather not wear a shirt and accept the scorching sun than wear clothes. One reason was that sweat and stickiness would affect their work, and the other was that wearing clothes would make them even hotter, which was really unbearable.

The diggers and stone lifters The head, the soil carrier, the tree root hoeer, everyone has their own work to do and cannot rest for a moment. There is still half an hour before the lunch break. If they stop, they will be easily discovered by the supervisor. If they meet a kind supervisor, they will be scolded at most, and if they meet an irritable supervisor, they will be whipped.

Although they are ordinary people who come to perform corvée, they should not be treated like this, but because they are ordinary people, anyone with a little power can easily control them.

In a corner of the construction site, several people from the same village are chatting while digging stones.

"Ershun, what are you going to do during the lunch break?"

"Of course I'm going to rush to grab food. This job is really unfair. Three meals of brown rice porridge a day, not even a pickle, and the porridge is as clear as the water in my hot pot."

"I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you after you finish your meal?"

"Of course I sleep after eating, and I have to continue working in the afternoon! ”

“The new stall over there, why don’t we go try it after we finish our meal? I heard from others that the food sold there is something we have never heard of or seen before, it is tender and smooth, and the most amazing thing is that people say that after eating that food, even the hottest weather becomes comfortable.”

“No matter how amazing it is, I won’t go. A bowl costs four copper coins, which can buy a pound of brown rice. When I came from home, I brought more than a dozen copper coins with me. Why would I want to eat anything else if I can’t even have enough food!”

“Heiwa, if Ershun doesn’t go, I will. You are talking about the ice jelly store at the door, right? I have been craving it for a long time, but I have never been willing to spend money. Let’s buy a bowl together and share it.”

“Heiwa, I will go too, the three of us will share one bowl.”

“Add me in, how do we share four copper coins among three people? Adding me in is just right! ”

“And me………………”

The above dialogue appeared in every corner of the Jiangzhou construction site at this time. The refreshing, delicate and heat-relieving ice jelly was full of temptation for those who were working under the sun.

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