The food was fresh and delicious.

A small stall was set up under the shade of the trees at the exit of the construction site, and the person who set up the stall was Gu Liang's second aunt Li.

Several supervisors happened to pass by the stall, and Li hurriedly called a few people to come over to eat ice jelly.

The leading supervisor took a look at Li's stall and knew that the stall was selling ice jelly that had been widely praised on the construction site recently. Although they wanted to eat it, they were just a small official who was temporarily transferred to supervise the work. The monthly salary was very meager and they didn't have much spare money. So they declined politely, saying, "Sister, we didn't bring any money today. Next time, next time."

Li smiled and said, "Sir, no need to pay. This is a treat from me. It's not easy to be a supervisor in this hot weather. Eat a bowl of ice jelly to cool down."

Seeing what the stall owner said, the supervisors naturally stayed to eat ice jelly. They are not the People's Liberation Army, and there is no rule that they don't take a single needle or thread from the people. On the contrary, they wish someone would give them benefits, but because their positions are too low, few people usually come to flatter them.

Because Li's stall was a small stall, there was no table, and only some straw mats were used as chairs, and several supervisors sat on the chairs.

After a while, Li brought a few bowls of ice jelly. The colorless and transparent ice jelly is soaked in coffee-colored brown sugar water or sour plum juice, and it looks like ice cubes, which immediately gives people a sense of coolness. I haven't eaten it yet, but I feel that the heat has gone down by three points just by looking at it.

Several people couldn't hold back any longer and started eating. After taking a bite, the smooth and delicate taste of the ice jelly immediately made people linger, and the icy and cool taste, as it was swallowed down the esophagus, could clearly feel the existence of the esophagus in the sunburned body.

The ice jelly itself is tasteless, but with the addition of brown sugar water and sour plum soup, it just relieves the bitter taste in people's mouths in summer. The appearance of ice jelly can just conquer everyone accurately.

After eating the ice jelly, one supervisor couldn't help but say, "Big sister, your ice jelly is so delicious and suitable for summer. Why haven't I seen it before?"

The reason why Li invited these supervisors to eat ice jelly was waiting for now. She immediately replied, "Sir, it's not your fault that you haven't seen it. This is my family's secret recipe. I have never sold it before. My family is doing corvée here this time, so I came here to sell ice jelly. My family is from Lanxi Village, Lianhua Town. I hope you can take care of me!"

Li said the last sentence especially loudly, especially when talking about Lanxi Village, Lianhua Town, she almost shouted it out. The sound was so loud that even the cicadas on the trees stopped chirping, as if they thought there were actually louder voices than their own in the world.

And Li's obvious intention was of course understood by the supervisors present. After all, people are grateful for what they have received, and they are not officials. It is good enough for someone to give them some benefits. What else can they expect?

Before leaving, the leading supervisor came over to return the bowl and asked, "Are you from Lanxi Village, Lianhua Town?"

Li immediately said yes.

After the supervisors left, Li breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was going to get the job done. This was the method his nephew Gu Liang taught him when he was at home, otherwise he would not dare to take the initiative to invite these supervisors to eat ice jelly. If Gu Liang hadn't said that this would make it easier for the family to work, she would not invite others to eat ice jelly for free. A bowl of ice jelly costs four cents, and several people can earn less money for a pound of pork!

Li handed the bowl she had eaten to the girl behind her and said, "Pan'er, wash the bowls quickly. When the people inside take a break at noon, the people who come to buy ice jelly will have no bowls to use."

Pan'er was specially invited by Li to wash the dishes because she was too busy. After all, if she was alone, she was afraid that the guests would dislike the dirtiness of washing the bowls and scooping ice jelly, and she was also afraid that the guests would be anxious. There is no way, who said that the business is so good, it is no problem to hire someone!

At this time, the villagers of Lanxi Village were working hard to carry out the excavated sand and soil on the construction site.

Several supervisors came over and asked if they were from Lanxi Village in Lianhua Town. After getting a positive answer, the supervisor talked about the arrangement for the afternoon, which was: "Lanxi Village does not need to carry sand and soil in the afternoon, and will switch with the neighboring Kaoshan Village. Kaoshan Village will carry sand and soil, and Lanxi Village will just load the excavated soil."

This made the villagers of Lanxi Village very happy. After all, carrying sand and soil is a real physical job, and you can't be lazy. But loading soil is different. Although they work non-stop, the weight of the loaded soil is just one shovel, unlike carrying sand.

A load of soil weighs about 100 jin, which is totally different from the previous one.

Gu Lao Han and his friends were naturally happy, especially since his daughter-in-law came, they no longer had to work on an empty stomach. The porridge at the construction site was basically not enough to fill their stomachs, and Li would always make some steamed buns or pancakes and bring them to them. They would go to get them at noon and help take care of her business. After all, a woman doing business alone outside is easy to be bullied. If a few men appeared on the side, the situation would be much better, and there would be no teasing or not paying after eating.

Gu Lao Han was very happy, and Gu Liang was also very happy because they found a new medicinal material.

This medicinal material just grew in the place where the sun could not shine in under the forest. It was slender and graceful, with a circle of large leaves growing below and a circle of small leaves above. The flowers on the top looked like a crown of laurels. The whole plant was like a green elf, wearing a green swan skirt and quietly waiting for people to explore in the forest.

The medicinal material that Gu Liang and his team found is the famous seven-leaf flower, also known as Chonglou and Qiyetai. It is a relatively famous medicinal material with the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and relieving pain, cooling the liver and calming the convulsion. It can treat carbuncle, sore throat, snake bites, convulsions, bruises, etc.

It has a great effect, many effects, and grows in the mountains. The price must be very good under these buffs, which is why Gu Liang is so happy.

Chonglou is a very recognizable Chinese medicinal material. Basically, everyone who has seen it will never forget it, because its leaves grow in circles, layer by layer like ancient buildings, so it is called Chonglou. And there is another more obvious thing is that its circle of leaves is generally almost seven pieces, and its flowers are on the top, so people call it seven-leaf flower.

It is one of the famous four treasures of Shennong. Legend has it that it can detoxify snake venom, so where it grows, there must be poisonous tongues within seven steps.

Gu Liang felt that this legend was false, because he had seen Paris polyphylla in this life and in his previous life, and had never found a poisonous snake nearby. But he also knew another legend, which said that the magical medicine Yunnan Baiyao contained Paris polyphylla.

Gu Liang immediately dug it into the backpack after discovering it. He only needed to take its rhizomes, because all its rhizomes were used as medicine.

After discovering it, Gu Liang thought that there must be other Paris polyphylla growing in this forest, so the two began to search in this forest.

After searching for a while, the two found that there were indeed four Paris polyphylla growing together. The two dug three and left a small one to continue growing.

They searched and dug like this, without feeling the passage of time at all.

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