The Wuxia Phone

33 Levels of Spirit Equipments and Spirit Herbs


"A-a Lvl 4 Spirit Herb!?" Lin Kun yelled.

"Yes, I am afraid so" The Grand Elder said gravely.

"B-but only the Royal Family of the Capital has one of those!" Lin Kun said in disappointment.

That's right, the Royal Family is the only one who has a Lvl 4 Spirit Herbs. The Spirit Herbs are separated in 10 levels and that goes the same for normal equipments and spirit equipments. For example, Michael's Demonic Slayer is a Level 9 Spirit Sword, making it the strongest sword in the 5 Empires, because there are only five Lvl 4 Spirit Sword in every Empire and 1 Lvl 5 Spirit sword.. So if someone were to find out that his sword is a Level 9 Spirit Sword, he will get hunted by the whole Empire, no, the whole 5 Empires.

The Grand Elder shook his head said "No it's not in the Royal Family's vault. it's one of the legendary Herbs, The Disappearing Lotus"

The Disappearing Lotus, one of the legendary herbs in the Five Empires. The reason it was called 'The Disappearing Lotus' it's because it always disappear when it is found by anyone, making it the rarest herb in the Lvl 4. It was said that whoever ate it, will be cured instantly of any poison in his/her body.

But only 3 of those has been recorded in the entire millennium, making it the rarest herb in the Entire Empire.

"What!? The Disappearing Lotus!? Are you joking with me right now!? That thing has been only recorded 3 times in the Entire millennium, and you say we need that to cure my daughter!?" Lin Kun yelled.

"I am afraid so" The Grand Elder replied.


Lin Kun smashed his fist on his desk and yelled "Damnit!"

"Sect Master, please calm down" The Grand Elder tried to calm him down but to no avail.

"How can I calm down when my daughter is still in a coma!? Huh!?" Lin Kun yelled at the Grand Elder.

"You first need to calm Sect Master, because you seem to forget that we are still on the time of war" This time the Grand Elder said it coldly.

Lin Kun got electrified when he heard the Grand Elder say that, he just realized the fact that he is still the Sect Master of the Vermillion Sect. So he calmed down and said. "Thank you Grand Elder, if it weren't for you I would've never calmed down"

"It's my job, Sect Master" The Grand Elder bowed a little.

'Forgive me my daughter but your father have to be a Sect Master Right now' Lin Kun thought, begging for forgiveness to his daughter.

As he was about to speak again, the door on his opened and one of his elders appeared who seems to be in panicked.

"Sect Master! a giant White Dragon appeared in our training field!" The Elder said in a panicked voice.

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"Is it an enemy attack?" Lin Kun asked the Elder.

"We still don't know, sir." The Elder replied.

"C'mon, I'll check it out" Lin Kun said as he put on his Sect Master robe.

"Yes Sect Master" The Grand Elder obeyed.


In The Vermillion Sect Training Field

Everybody is staring at the huge White Dragon flying above them.

"Elder, what is that? It seems to me it's a Dragon" One nervous Disciple said.

"U-uh, don't worry, we can handle that if it attack" One nervous Sect Elder said.

"You're lying! You're obviously nervous" One scared Disciple pointed out.

"So what? I'm the Sect Elder and you're just a Disciple, so what can you do?" The Elder said smugly while still being nervous of the Huge Dragon above them.

"Hey what is that?" Another Disciple said as he pointed at the sky.

"Huh?" The Elder looked up and saw three humanoid figures falling down from the Dragon, heading towards him.


"Kyaah" The Elder let out a girlish scream as the humanoid figures crashed into him.

A smokescreen blinded the Disciples from seeing the humanoid figures up front. They heard them talking inside the smoke.

"Cough cough, what the hell, Huang Lin." A voice sounded in the smoke.

"Sorry Michael, I thought a dramatic landing will make us look cool but looking at that Elder, our landing is definitely not cool" A second voice sounded in the smoke.

"Oi, are you alive? I'm gonna poke you with this stick if you don't wake up" A cute voice sounded in the smoke as she poke the Elder with her stick.

Poke poke poke

"Ying Ying! Don't poke him! It's disrespectful to the dead!" The Second voice sounded again.

"W-why are you killing me!?" The Sect Elder's voice sounded inside the smoke.

"Oh, his alive" The first voice sounded again.

"His alive, Big Brother" The cute voice said.

"You're right, his alive" The second voice said.

"Did you all think I was dead!? Huh!?" The Elder seems to be enraged.

"Don't worry Elder, next time we won't fail to crush you while we land" The first voice said calmly.

"What do you mean by that!?" The Elder snapped at them.

"Anyway, this smokescreen is still going on?" The First voice said inside the smoke.

"It seems so" The second voice said inside the smoke.

"Move a little Ying Ying, Huang Li" The first voice said inside the smoke.

""Yes"" The two voice said in both the same time.

"What about me?" The Elder asked them.

"Don't worry, just stay there" This time the Disciples felt a little worried for their Sect Elder as they heard an evil tone in his voice.

They heard a sword being unsheathed from it's sheath.


The smokescreen faded away as the sword slash through the air.

They saw the Sect Elder frothing from his mouth, eyes rolled back to his head.

"Ah, I missed" They saw a handsome young man holding his sword on top of his shoulders.

"Next time you shouldn't definitely miss, Michael" This time they saw a familiar face, it was Ying Ying! The cutest girl in the Sect.

"Oi, don't kill him, Michael" They saw another familiar face. It's Huang Lin! A Famous Core Disciple in the Sect.

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