The Wuxia Phone

34 Suspicion


The Disciples ran to the two siblings and crowded them. They started asking questions.

"Huang Li! Why were you gone from the Sect for months? We thought you were already dead" One of his friends said worriedly.

"Yeah, your Elder siblings returned in the Sect two months ago and said, you two were trap in the Valley Of Beast near the Demon Sect" One Disciple said.

Huang Li widened his eyes when he heard that, as if he realized something. He couldn't believe that his Elder siblings would do that.

Michael notice that something was wrong with Huang Li so he ask him "What seems to be the problem"

Huang Li looked at him and said "Actually, the reason why me and my sister were trapped in The Valley Of Beast, was because our Elder siblings invited us, but I couldn't believe that they purposely left the of us there, which I only realized earlier when that one Disciple said to me that they returned to the Sect, exactly 2 months ago when me and my sister were trapped there"

Michael had a thoughtful look on his face before saying "Do they hate you or something?"

"No, I don't think so" Huang Li shook his head.

"Maybe you will find out when you talk to them" Michael said to Huang Li.

"Yeah, maybe you're right" Huang Li said with a smile.

As they were about to continue their conversation they heard a mighty voice coming from above.

"What's going on here?" Lin Kun asked them.

Huang Li looked up and saw the Sect Master and his Grandfather behind him, so he bowed and said "Sect Master and Grandfather, sorry for being late, me and my sister just returned to the Sect after escaping the Valley Of Beast with the help of a friend from the Azure Sect"

"Is it a Disciple?" Lin Kun asked him.

"Yes, Sect Master" Huang Li replied.

Lin Kun look thoughtful for a moment before saying "Then where is he?"

"He's here, right beside me" He pointed at Michael who is beside him.

Both Lin Kun and the Grand Elder looked at him, making him uncomfortable.

"So you're from my brother's Sect?" Lin Kun asked Michael.

"Yes" Michael said politely.

"Then, what were you doing at the Valley Of Beast?" Lin Kun asked him suspiciously.

When Huang Li saw that his Sect Master is being suspicious to Michael he tried to defend him but one look from his grandfather stopped him.

The message that his grandfather was saying with that one look is "Don't do anything"

Huang Li bit his lips and whispered " Yes, grandfather"

The Grand Elder nodded and went back to his job.

Michael knew he was being targeted by suspicion by the Sect Master so he spoke truthfully "My Sect Master AKA your brother, gave me a mission of eliminating 10 Evil Minor Sects, I only finished 2 before coming here"

"Do you have any proof?" Lin Kun still asked suspiciously.

Michael searched his pockets and brought out a paper.

"This is the List of 10 Evil Sects that he wanted me to destroy, so you can probably recognize his handwriting" Michael gave him the list.

Lin Kun started reading the List and saw that it was certainly he's brother's handwriting. But before giving it back to Michael, he brought out his palm and put the tip of the paper there and started using his Blue Flame.

Michael saw that the Sect Master of the Vermillion Sect is trying to do something so he stayed back and watch.

Letters started to appear at the bottom part of the List as he lit it with his Blue Flames and strangely it seems that the paper wasn't burned by the Blue Flames.

Michael was fascinated by that blue flame, so he asked Huang Li. "Hey what's that Blue Flame your Sect Master is using"

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"Oh that? That is the specialty of our Sect Master, one of the most special flames in the entire continent, The Azure Flame" Huang Li said as if he was in awe.

"Azure Flame? Isn't it suppose to be Vermillion Flame because of the name of this Sect?" Michael asked confusingly.

"Do you know about Azure Dragon of the east and the Vermillion bird of the south?" Huang Li asked him.

"Of course" Michael replied.

"The thing is, the Sect Master of the Azure Sect has a title named "The Saber Dragon" so when he created his Sect he named the Azure Sect" Huang Li explained.

"What about the Sect Master of this Sect?" Michael asked.

"My Sect Master has a title named "The Blue Phoenix" he was titled like that because of his special transformation, in which he turns into a Blue Phoenix" Huang Li explained.

"Oh okay" Michael simply said.

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