The years I spent picking up garbage to eat in another world

Chapter 67: The Art of the Great Pus Rain

The pitch-black night made a rustling sound, like the tide rolling over the beach, and a black shadow spread over the hillside.

This is a group of caterpillar-like creatures, but they are a little bigger. Each one is the size of a rabbit, covered with long hair like steel needles, and they keep crawling.

Sometimes they will stop to repair some iron when they encounter rusty screws or iron sheets, and then continue to crawl forward with the large group.

The swarm of insects crawled over the garbage mountains and moved towards the direction of Kerr Town.

Suddenly they stopped, and the swarm of insects was a little panicked. There seemed to be some very scary creatures in front. Less than half a minute later, the terrifying breath suddenly disappeared. The insects with low IQ could not think of a reason, and continued to move forward unswervingly... forward...

That night, the scavengers in Kerr Town suffered a great crime. First, there was an unknown terror, and then there was a tide of insects all over the mountains and fields. The whole town was boiling instantly.

The night was rich.

In the dim light of the campfire, Xiao Yang saw the group of caterpillars like oysters fighting with the guards.

These caterpillars covered with iron needles were extremely ferocious. They shrank their bodies and the iron needles flew out and exploded in all directions.

"Get down!"

Fortunately, the scavenger guards were not unarmed. They lay on the wall built by the high pile of abandoned cars and had the advantage of being high above.

Because Kerr Town collects abandoned cars, the surrounding scavengers are willing to send the abandoned cars they encounter to Kerr Town.

Most of these cars have no repair value. After removing some simple parts, the abandoned parts are piled together around the town to form simple fortifications.

Da da da da.

The flames ejected from the muzzles were very conspicuous in the dark night. It can be seen that the guards were a little nervous and kept firing intensively with their guns in their hands.

The power of the bullets is considerable. Although these caterpillars are covered with steel hair, they will die with hatred under the penetration of the bullets.

However, there were too many of them.

Xiao Yang waved his hand and threw several Molotov cocktails into the distance. Wherever the firelight shone, there were densely packed caterpillars. In places where the firelight could not reach, there were more insects rushing over here.

Damn, there must be tens of thousands of them!

If someone with intensive phobia saw this situation, he would probably faint on the spot.

The tide of insects approached slowly, and those insects that died under the muzzle seemed to be an insignificant wave in the vast ocean.


The soldiers' scalps were numb, and only the flames constantly ejected from the muzzle could relieve this silent pressure. But soon, they found something more terrifying, the magazine was almost empty.

The moment the gunshot disappeared.

Several caterpillars took the opportunity to climb up from below, their bodies shrank and arched, and then bounced up, hitting the iron sheet of the car, making a clanging sound.

"Ah! Help! Hurry, get them off!"

As soon as the caterpillars got on the car, they shot out iron needles, and several unlucky scavengers were stabbed into hedgehogs in the blink of an eye.

Gates was powerless to stop it. He looked at the side and saw that two of his companions had been shot by these iron needles on the spot, lying on the ground and groaning in pain.

He closed his eyes in despair and covered his face with his hands, thinking that this would reduce some pain, but the expected iron needles did not appear.

I saw a black-haired man, who accurately stabbed the caterpillar in front of him with a knife, threw it away like throwing garbage, and shouted behind him.

"Zhang Daqiang, where the hell have you been?"

"Boss, come here!"

Zhang Daqiang hurriedly brought more than a hundred scavengers to join the guard team. They were originally members of the exploration team in Kerr Town and gathered urgently late at night.

"Hurry up, follow us. Team one defends the middle, team two and team three defend the two sides."

"Damn it, save the bullets!"

Zhang Daqiang shouted loudly and quickly made a layout.

With the addition of the exploration team, the front line withstood the pressure. But Xiao Yang knew that this was only temporary, because their ammunition was too scarce.

These guns and ammunition were all equipment of Kra City, and most of them were consumed in the battle of the bitter love tree, and there were not many bullets left.

Although the caterpillars were big, they were only the size of rabbits, and their fur was tough, so the killing efficiency of bullets was not high.

"Cartoon, the art of fireball!"

Xiao Yang sprayed a large fireball with a diameter of six meters, burning these caterpillars with crackling sounds, and cleared a fan-shaped area.

As soon as the firelight came on, other evolvers who came in a panic also began to attack.

Jim and others had practiced the art of fireball, wandering on the battlefield, constantly spraying fireballs to clean up the insects nearby, acting as a fire brigade.

Mark waved his spear, condensed an arc of electricity to sweep the caterpillars, turning them into charred pieces, and he still only had one thunder ability.

The most peculiar thing was Mary, who raised her hands, and the iron needles that stabbed the scavengers stopped, and shot out in the opposite direction with greater power, and a ball of electric sparks exploded when they hit.

Suddenly, there were flashes of fire and needles flying.

With the replenishment of troops and a series of attacks by the superpowers, the battle line gradually stabilized.

However, as time went on, more and more caterpillars gathered around, and waves after waves continued to overlap under the car, which made people feel like facing the waves.

The pressure on the defense line was too great, and it couldn't go on like this.

Xiao Yang shouted.

"Amin, are you ready?"

"Boss, it will be ready soon! Water-type superpowers, take your positions!"

Amin raised his arm and called, and the water-type superpowers in the back interspersed in the car defense line.

Because of the big black fish, there are many water-type superpowers awakened in Keer Town.

At this time, they all carried large and small glass bottles and jars, which were filled with disgusting yellow viscous liquids, waiting for Amin's orders.

"Prepare for the Great Pus Rain Technique!"

The water-type superpowers started together, and they all used their superpowers on the liquid in the jars.


Under the control of superpowers, the smelly liquids floated out of the glass bottles and condensed into marble-sized water balls.

In an instant, dense yellow water droplets floated in the air, like a swarm of locusts, which was spectacular.


Amin's face was ruddy, and he shouted at the top of his voice.


The overwhelming water ball suddenly fell, covering a large area in front, as if a heavy rain had fallen.

The pus hit the iron-clad caterpillar, making a sizzling sound, and soon penetrated the hard epidermis, corroding the internal organs inside.


The intense pain made the caterpillar run wildly. For a moment, the insects in front of the battle line danced wildly, jumping up and down, as if a group of sardines fell on the deck.

Soon a large number of them died.

The entire battlefield exuded a rotten smell.

At this moment, everyone felt the horror of the pus rain.

Xiao Yang was very satisfied with this.

This is the art of the Great Pus Rain, which uses the corrosive pus of the Pus Vulture and combines it with the water-based supernatural power to perform a large-scale lethal combined water-based supernatural power attack.

Even if the iron-clad caterpillar is covered with steel hair, it is still as fragile as a balloon under the corrosion of the pus.

You know, Xiao Yang, the time traveler who was shivering under the car, was almost killed by such a drop of pus.

The effect of the Great Pus Rain Technique was amazing, causing a momentary break in the insect tide, relieving the pressure on the front line.

However, after a short respite, the insect tide in the back still moved forward unswervingly.

The caterpillar corpses piled up under the abandoned car, and the pus in the glass bottle had already run out.

Looking at the black mass of insects in front, Xiao Yang's heart sank and he had to use the last resort.

"Ham! Hurry up and add oil to me!"

"Yes, boss!"

As soon as the voice fell, plastic bottles flew out from behind the car defense line and fell into the insect swarm like raindrops.

Then, a fireball hit these plastic bottles filled with inferior tire oil, exploding into pieces of fire.


Perhaps because iron has good thermal conductivity, the flame attack has achieved good results. The caterpillars that were caught in the flames let out a rustling sound of pain, curled up their bodies and rolled away.

The insect tide thinned out a lot in a short period of time, and the burning wall of fire made them a little afraid.

However, before Xiao Yang could be happy.

Suddenly, caterpillars the size of goats sprang out from the darkness. The steel hairs on these caterpillars were as long as chopsticks, and they glowed dimly under the light of the fire.

Hiss! Hiss!

The large iron-clad caterpillars moved quickly and were in front of them in a blink of an eye. Dozens of caterpillars suddenly exploded, and a rain of arrows flew out.

"Not good, get down quickly!"

"Water array wall."

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