A barrier built by water flow rose up, protecting the people around. The pressure inside the water wall was very high, which made the iron arrows shot in stagnate.

In another direction, Zhang Daqiang's defense shield and the earth wall of the superpower also played a good effect. Even so, many scavengers were still injured in this round of attack.

What's worse is that there are several silver-white iron-clad caterpillars crawling in front, as big as calves.

"Damn it."

These silver-white caterpillars are not easy to deal with at first glance.

Xiao Yang had to take the initiative to attack and kill these threats in the cradle in advance. Once they get close, the entire front will probably fall into panic.

Xiao Yang blew a whistle, and saw a bronze long-horned bull rushing out from the back.

Xiao Yang rode on Amu, took out the ghost vine and pressed it on the bull's back.

"Release the vine armor, knight form."

The ghost vine grew instantly, and the delicate vines wove a set of saddle-like vehicles and draped them on Amu.

At the same time, a set of knight-like armor was constructed on Xiao Yang. The man and the cow jumped down and crushed the caterpillars on the ground.

The armored caterpillars sent out pieces of iron needles to attack. However, Amu's cowhide was too tough and basically ignored these needle rains that were like scratching an itch.

As for Xiao Yang, with the nourishment of the monster Silbagon meat, his defense is no longer what it used to be, not to mention the blessing of the vine armor.

Amu ran very fast and charged forward with Xiao Yang.

"Water blade."

The superpower was quickly activated, and Xiao Yang directly condensed a 5-meter-long water blade on his hand and wandered in the caterpillar pile.

Like cutting a melon, cutting open a large black caterpillar, the high-speed flowing water is very powerful. Even if the epidermis of these insects has been somewhat metallized, it still cannot withstand the cutting of the water flow.

Xiao Yang killed the swarm of insects, and his target was those silver-white armored caterpillars. These caterpillars, the size of calves, are estimated to have the strength of third-order mutant creatures. Only he can deal with them in this situation.

The silver-white caterpillar raised its head, made a "hissing" sound, arched its body, and rushed over at a very fast speed.

Xiao Yang directly swung the water blade and slashed it. The water blade touched the skin of the silver-white caterpillar, making a sharp metal cutting sound.

The skin of these silver-white caterpillars was so tough that the water blade did not cut it at the first moment.

Humph, water blade twice the speed.

The speed of the water flow increased instantly, cutting through the body of the silver-white caterpillar like cutting butter.

The big worm broke into two halves and fell from the air. The green mucus sprayed all over the ground, and the body was still wriggling.

The moment it landed, the steel hair on its body exploded automatically, and a rain of arrows flew around.


Xiao Yang didn't expect that this caterpillar would do this before it died, and waved his hand quickly.

A huge golden bell blocked in front of him, making a clanging sound, allowing him to dodge the attack. He didn't want to test the power of these iron arrows with his body.


Amu let out a mournful cry, his buttocks were full of white iron hairs, and he looked back at Xiao Yang with resentment in his eyes.


Xiao Yang's old face turned red, and he actually forgot his mount.

Fortunately, the problem was not big, just a little fur was broken, and Amu's defense was still quite strong.

If you want to say who eats the most Hillbagon meat in Keer Town, it must be Amu. Even Xiao Yang can't eat it better. His cowhide is shiny and tough.

In terms of eating meat, mutants seem to have a natural advantage.

"Okay, I'll take you to revenge later."

At this time, several other silver-white caterpillars have surrounded them. They are like flower rolls, curled up, wrapped into big iron balls covered with thorns, and rushed towards Xiao Yang.

"Damn, run!"

Looking at the burrs on the edge of the iron balls, Xiao Yang's face turned green. He slapped the cow's butt, and the cow raised its hoof and ran away madly.

Moo! Is this what you call revenge?

"Cartoon, the art of fireball!"

Xiao Yang sprayed a big fireball to the back.

However, the speed of these iron balls was too fast and they rushed out of the range covered by the fireball.

At this time, his water blade was not so easy to use. These high-speed burr iron balls were not easy to cut, and the rotation dispersed the power of the water blade, making it impossible to form a continuous cutting force.

The water blade actually hit its own weakness in the first application.

In the dark night, four or five big iron balls chased a man and a cow. When had Xiao Yang ever suffered such humiliation?

"Fuck, you like to play ball, right? Then let's see whose ball is more powerful."

Xiao Yang raised his hand high to accumulate power. The powerful energy condensed and rotated in his hand, forming an energy ball the size of a basketball, exuding an amazing breath.

"Rasengan, go ahead."

He leaped down, raised his right hand, twisted it to an incredible degree, then twisted his waist, lifted the Rasengan, and smashed it head-on.

When two balls meet, one must be injured. Countless sparks flew on the surface of the high-speed rotating insect ball, stopping its momentum.

Xiao Yang's muscles bulged, and his right foot stepped into a big hole on the ground. If it weren't for his extraordinary strength, he would have been knocked out.

One man and one insect, actually stalemated at this moment.

The evolvers stared at the scene in front of them in a daze. Their boss actually blocked the impact of the third-level creature with brute force in his human body.

What a feat!

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yang's face was hideous, and then he roared, and pushed the Rasengan in his hand forward fiercely.


A strong penetrating force exploded in the giant insect's body, blowing it away, and smashed heavily on the insect swarm, plowing a deep groove on the surface before stopping.

This originally furry giant insect was now naked and charred, and the hair on its body was all worn out.

It was so miserable!

A circular collapsed area with a diameter of one meter appeared in the middle of the insect's body, and even the shit was beaten out. It was obvious that it would not survive.

Is this the Rasengan? Jim said he wanted to learn it.


Even though their companions were so miserable, the other caterpillars were still not afraid of life and death, but became more crazy, chasing over like a meat bomb tank.

Xiao Yang's face was solemn, and he condensed the Rasengan again and rushed over...

On the other side, as time went on, the car defense line of Kerr Town was already in danger.

The gunfire had long ceased, and the air was filled with the scorching smell of burning protein, but the bugs still rushed over fearlessly.

The scavengers had to pick up their spears and fight the bugs in close combat.

"Don't panic, hold on, the people behind will fill the empty space and change defense."

"Damn, there are too many caterpillars."

"Kerosene, where is the kerosene?"

Zhang Daqiang built a shield to block a rain of arrows and commanded the scavengers to fight.

After a while, a few gasoline bottles were thrown out from the back, and a few flames were ignited and then stopped.

"Ham, what are you doing, why are there only so few?"

"These are the last few, there is no more oil!"

Ham yelled and threw away the last gasoline bottle, carrying an iron rod and several evolvers to join the defense line.

Zhang Daqiang's heart tightened, and the current situation was not good.

Without the flames to stop the insect tide from advancing, the insect attack will be more intensive. Now almost all the scavengers in Kerr who could hold weapons had joined the battle, but the insect tide was still endless.

Even though the front was full of corpses of their companions, they still pushed forward relentlessly, and some even ate the dead insect corpses.

For a time, Kerr Town was in trouble.

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