Underwear again?

Such bad luck?

"I still don't believe it!"

Mu En's temper was also aroused, and without caring about anything else, he directly put his hand into the crack in the wardrobe.

A few minutes later……

Mu En looked at the men's underwear piled up in front of her and fell into deep doubt about life.

Can anyone really... own so many pairs of underwear at the same time?

A senior mysophobic who has to change his clothes ten times a day wouldn't be so scary, right?


Mu En reacted.

Putting aside the issue of quantity, if you take a closer look, the styles of these underwear are actually completely different.

Just like you can't date two women at the same time, you can't wear two sizes of underwear at the same time.

That is to say...

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind, and Mu En suddenly remembered what Celcia had said to him before.

"The boy's dormitory... steals underwear... pervert?"

In an instant, a chill ran straight from the soles of Mu En's feet to his forehead, and a terrifying malice coiled above his head like a poisonous snake, with silk threads spitting out snake messages.

His neck stiffened and he turned his head.

The door to the room opened at some point, and a tall figure stood in the shadow, silently looking at Mu En in the room.

That somewhat honest and honest face was full of disbelief.

He also seemed stunned by what he saw.

It's like an honest husband who comes home from working overtime late at night and hears strange noises coming from his wife's room.

After a moment, a low voice filled with confusion and anger broke the suffocating silence:

"Moon Campbell?"

"Haha, what a coincidence."

Mu En looked at Ren, who was not far away, and forced out a kind smile.

"Classmate Ren, are you here to visit me too?"

"This is my dormitory."


Mu En's smile suddenly froze.

I know this is your dormitory, honey, but I said that on purpose.

When such an embarrassing scene occurs, why don't we both pretend to be stupid and get over this matter?

We are all classmates, why do we have to make the atmosphere so tense?

But Ren obviously didn't understand Mu En's meaning, and just silently took out his broad sword.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you. In this case, there is nothing we can do."

It was like an honest man finally accepted the reality after a brief period of anger, disbelief, and hysteria, and chose the path of letting go and making the other person happy. Ren's expression also calmed down at this moment.

"Return to the embrace of the God of Love here, Moon Campbell." Ren said with a stern expression.

"Yes...that's it."

Mu En also stood up, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

Looking at the underwear on the ground, and thinking back to the past, he finally understood what the innocent boys' mutual aid club was, and finally understood why a group of men were contaminated by the corrupted God of Love.

Only those with twisted love will be polluted by the God of Love.

It turned out that it was actually a religious sect composed of a group of gay men.

No wonder.

Thinking of this, Mu En looked at Ren En with pity in her eyes:

"Do you know what kind of path you have chosen? Classmate Ren."

"What kind of path? Of course, the path of pursuing love."

Ren tore up the clothes on his body, revealing his strong muscles and... the iconic thong of the True Love Cult.

"The great God of love taught me what love is, and I will naturally follow Him forever."

"So, as a blasphemous heretic, you must die here today, Moon Campbell!"

"Really? This pursuit of faith is really touching, but do you think you can do it? Classmate Ren."

Mu En slowly raised the dagger in his hand and said with a smile:

"In the previous martial arts class, I won."

"It was just that I was too careless and fell into your little trick."

Ren glanced at the fruit knife in Mu En's hand, which seemed to ignore him at all, and the veins on his forehead suddenly jumped.

But this anger was quickly suppressed by him.

It is impossible for a person to fall down twice in the same place. After Mu En provoked his anger with just a few words and led to his defeat last time, he meditated all night to adjust his emotions!

This time, he will never be easily blinded by anger!

"It seems that the old method is no longer working."

Mu En sighed and smiled bitterly:

"There is no way to use these little tricks. I may indeed be no match for you. So, before I die, can Mr. Ren answer some of my doubts?"


"Actually, it's nothing, but I'm a little curious. It's obvious that Ren En is a gay man, so why was he still aroused by my words like that in martial arts class before?"

Mu En stretched out her neck like a curious baby and asked in an exaggerated tone:

"Could it be that...Classmate Ren, you couldn't find a girlfriend, so you decided to settle for the next best thing and be gay?"

"Oh shit!"

When Ren heard this, his eyes turned red again.

17. Fierce fighting

"Could it be that...Classmate Ren, you couldn't find a girlfriend, so you decided to settle for the next best thing and be gay?"

It was like thunder falling and piercing the tree.

It's like a sharp arrow leaving the string and hitting the bull's-eye.

At that moment, Mu En clearly heard a sound like a heart breaking.

"Oh shit!"

Ren's eyes turned red again.

Nonsense, you dare to tarnish my pure love!

I'll chop you into pieces!

And at the moment when anger filled his brain, Mu En's long-prepared attack had already struck.

Shadow Step!

Under the cover of dim light, Mu En even hid the only dagger that could reflect cold light inside his arm, just like a beast hidden in the bushes ready to attack, and would never make any sound before a fatal blow.

Ryan would never let down his guard in a frontal attack, but anger would temporarily destroy his reason, so when he came to his senses, Mu En had silently crossed the not-so-far distance between the two, and ejected his hidden dagger, like a claw, accurately stabbing Ryan's throat.

The real premonition of death came, and Ryan's pupils shrank slightly.


After the last fight, he had replayed the scene of fighting with an enemy like Mu En countless times in his mind, so even if the dagger was only a few inches away from his throat, it was still... no, it was far from desperate!


Ryan roared.

On his strong body, there was a crackling sound like bones rubbing against each other.

His muscles swelled, his body grew in size, and in less than a breath, his body actually grew taller!

So, the dagger that should have pierced his throat only pierced his chest, and his chest skin shone with a metallic luster. Even if the dagger wrapped in fighting spirit pierced him, it only left a faint blood mark!

Mu En was slightly stunned when he saw this scene.

What the hell?


Are you also an Avenger?

"Mu En Campbell!"

This small transformation did not bring Ryan as strong a bonus as the Hulk, but it still made his strength soar by more than 30%.

But strength is not a decisive factor when facing a flexible assassin.

At such a close distance and in such a narrow space, he knew that his saber was difficult to use, so he gave up and grabbed Mu En with his bare hands.

Mu En nimbly pulled back.

But the retreat position that had been calculated was still within the coverage of Ryan's hands because of the sudden extension of his arm span.

Although he still tried his best to dodge, Ryan still grabbed one of his arms!

Mu En's expression changed slightly.

Ryan laughed happily.

"I caught you, Mu En Campbell!"

The fragile assassin was entangled by the powerful warrior, and he knew what would happen with his knees!

I told you to fucking expose my shortcomings?

I told you to fucking stab my heart?

I'll break all your limbs one by one!

Ryan grabbed Mu En's arm, pulled it hard, and pulled Mu En towards him.

He opened his arms, just like he had practiced countless times in the room to welcome his girlfriend who didn't exist.

But that embrace was not gentle to Mu En.

It was filled with hatred and anger, an embrace that could crush a person to pieces!

With Mu En's body, as long as he entered the embrace, at least hundreds of bones would be crushed in an instant.

But in the moment before entering the embrace, Mu En's shoulders shook, making a crisp sound of bone friction.

Then he suddenly kicked the wall next to him, and his body rotated 180 degrees in the air in a weird posture. While avoiding the girl-holding kill in Ryan's arms, he turned back 90 degrees again, bent his legs at the knees, and suddenly pressed on Ryan's shoulders.

Seeing this scene, Ryan's eyes almost popped out.


But one of your arms is still in my palm.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because at this moment, Mu En had already raised the dagger in his other hand and stabbed Ryan's fragile eyes!

Being firmly fixed by his legs, Ryan was unable to dodge, so he had no choice but to rush diagonally, smashing the wall of the room while shaking off Mu En and temporarily keeping some distance.

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